Here are the details straight from the challenge post:
1. The Memorable Memoir Challenge will be hosted here on The Betty and Boo Chronicles.
2. The challenge will run from January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010. You're welcome to join anytime.
2. Memoirs, letters, diaries, and autobiographies count as reads for this challenge. (Basically, if you think it is the stuff of memoir, it counts.)
3. Overlaps with other challenges are allowed. Audiobooks and e-books are also allowed.
4. Participants are encouraged to read at least 4 memoirs/diaries/letters/autobiography books in 2010. Of course, more are fine!
5. You're not required to make a list, but if you'd like to do so, I'd love your ideas and suggestions! I'll do a separate post with some thoughts, and will compile yours too. (Just leave them in the comments.)
6. If you'd like to join, simply sign up by using MckLinky below. If you want to do a special sign-up post on your blog, feel free ... but just the url of your blog is fine.
7. Feel free to grab the button (and join me in thanking the lovely and talented Florinda of The 3Rs Blog for making this gorgeous button for this challenge!)
Since Melissa doesn't require a listing of my four books, I'm going to be very relaxed for this challenge and just see how it goes! I love memoirs but I don't seem read many of them. I think this challenge is exactly what I need to get started!
I've signed up for this one, too. You are a bad influence on me! Have fun with it.
I love memoirs; wish I had seen this before I had taken on more than I can handle!
I have resisted this one so far. I know that I'll read at least 4 memoirs, but I think I'm full up. Good luck.
And happy, happy new year to you and your family. I am so happy that we've gotten to know each other this past year.
I think I will have to do this. I mean, I've already read The Liar's Club (Mary Karr) and What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (Haruki Murakami). I am on the wait list for Agasse's Open. So that only leaves one more! No problem!
Thanks for signing up! I made it very low-key on purpose ... so hopefully it will inspire you to read a few memoirs this year.
Thanks for the info on this challenge... I love reading memoir, so I might just join in :)
For some reason, reading the "rules," so to speak, I was suddenly reminded of a book I read probably 30 years ago. I think it was called "A Woman of Independent Means" (fabulous popular at the time) and it was all told through the main character's letters. Boy, haven't thought of that one (and I'm sure I still have a paperback copy in the other room!) in eons. At the time, I really enjoyed it.
I do have a suggestion for a fascinating memoir, "bipolar bare," (no caps) by Carlton Davis. It's his memoir of living with, and his struggles to accept and live with, the mental illness of bipolar disease. I'm willing to be just about everybody knows someone with a mental illness. Talk about walking in someone else's shoes. You'll really get a glimpse of what it's like, downside and all. And the upside -- the author believes there is enjoyment of the gift of bipolar disease that god has given him.
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