It’s time to come clean. Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen, is much more autobiographical than I first thought or was willing to admit. Yep, I had a grandfather that sold moonshine and ran on the wrong side of the law till he went to a revival and started preaching himself. Yep, I had an aunt Gloria Jean that was a very striking young woman with deep auburn hair and married five times -- well maybe six -- there is still some family debate since there’s rumor she married one man twice. And yep, I spent a lot of time at the Dairy Queen eating Dilly Bars of course.
But that was where the similarities between my life and Catherine Grace Cline’s ended -- or so I thought. I grew up in a big town, i.e., Nashville, Tennessee. Catherine Grace grew up in a small-town, i.e., Ringgold, Georgia. I have a great mama. She, well, not so much. My daddy sold insurance. Hers sold salvation.
A couple of months ago, I was at a bookstore and taking questions from the audience as I always do at the end of a reading. A woman asked if the book was autobiographical. And yes, I have been asked this question many, many times. But for some reason, I looked this woman square in the eyes and said, “yes, I think it may be.”
What I realized in that moment was that even though Catherine Grace and I may have lived very different lives, we had always wanted the same thing. We both just wanted to know more, see more, touch more. We wanted to know what was out there in this big, big world of ours. And I think we both realized, somewhere along the way, that as trite and corny as this may sound, that after a whole lot of looking, the very best things can be found right here at home.
I absolutely adored Ms. Gilmore's debut novel LOOKING FOR SALVATION AT THE DAIRY QUEEN! I am so excited that I have five copies to giveaway. To enter, leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me what you're favorite Dairy Queen treat is. To double or even triple your chances, you can blog and/or tweet about this contest with a link back to this post. I will accept entries until Wednesday, July 8th at 11:59 p.m. EST; and I will notify the winners the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. or Canada mailing addresses only -- no p.o. boxes please. Good Luck!
Don't enter me - I have the book. If the book is anything like this guest post, it's fantastic! I hope to read it soon.
I'd love to read this book.
My favorite Dairy Queen treat is a Heath Bar Blizzard.
Don't enter me. I have the book, have reviewed it and have met Susan (who is wonderful); I just wanted to thank you both for a great guest post!
I would love to win this. I have to stick with banana split. I always loved theirs.
I love the book, adore Susan, have my very own signed copy. Yay! If I win I will pass the book to someone else - no way am I giving away or loaning out my signed copy! And Dilly Bar, of course, is my favorite DQ treat!
I love the chocolate dipped cones!! Yummy/ I may just have to have one today!!!
I would love to read this book! I don't go to Dairy Queen, so I don't know what my favorite treat is. My favorite Creamery (you know what I'm talking about!) flavor is Coffee Mocha Fudge.
Great guest post.
I'm going to tweet this.
How to pick just one favourite treat at Dairy Queen?! My absolute fave is a peanut butter crunch blizzard but unfortunately, there is an art to creating the perfect one with enough peanut butter so I often end up ordering a peanut buster parfait or a Buster Bar to avoid disappointment.
melacan at hotmail dot com
This sounds great, and what a thoughtful post.
I will definitely retweet this as well.
My email is;
And my fave Dairy Queen treat - I'll take just a vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles, I love the little bloops of their soft serve.
This looks great! Please enter me!
My favorite is the frozen hot chocolate.
BookcrossingKitten22 AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted about this!
BookcrossingKitten22 AT gmail DOT com
I am so familiar with Ringold, GA. This is the town that you can go and get married in with no waiting period. The only one in the state of GA so many couples go there. As to the Dairy Queen, I am a long time Tropical Blizzard lover. It has become a tradition for my husband and I when we travel anywhere to stop at Dairy Queen for one.
I follow your blog.
I tweeted at ccqdesigns.
Coffee flavored-Blizzard with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Yes, it's a special flavor that a DQ worker in Cape May, NJ made for me one time and now I get odd stares when I request it at other DQs, but most times they come through and make it for me.
Just picked up this book because Susan is coming to Aaron's Books in Lititz next week which is close to me and I plan to go see/hear her. Would love to win another copy for a friend.
I don't have a DQ close to me, but when we stop during our travels, I always get a Buster Bar or a Dilly Bar. Yummy!
Just tweeted about the contest too!
oh my gosh, I can't wait to read this book, regardless of whether or not I win the giveaway.
My favorite dairy queen treat is a blizzard--either cookie dough, oreo, or reese's peanut butter cup. Healthy, huh? :)
If I get lucky enough to win, know that I'll be in Europe when you announce and won't be checking email until July 13th. I hope this isn't a problem!
I would love to be entered my favorite dairy queen first of is the soft ice cream half chocolate and half vanilla then dipped in the hard chocolate shell.
bookmark60 at hotmail dot com
My favorite DQ treat is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard. Yum! Thanks for the contest.
This sounds fantastic! Please enter me in the drawing. Dairy Queen fave- blizzards, you can't beat them on a hot day. We have lots and lots of hot days in FL!
My favorite is the Peanut Buster Parfait!
Heath bars are my favorite candy, so I have to go with Heath Bar Blizzard. So sad that there weren't any Dairy Queens near my home, but whenever we traveled and passed a Dairy Queen, that was my choice.
Please enter me in the book sounds like a fun summer read. Here is the link to my blog:
I tweeted too! (@bookchickdi)
Thanks for hosting.
Please enter me, I really enjoyed the guest post! My favorite Dairy Queen treat is a Crispy Crunch Blizzard...yummmmm.
Oh I really want to win this one Julie! My absolute favorite treat is an oreo blizzard, but I usually settle for a butterscotch dilly bar....when I'm watching calories anyway!
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
What a lovely book especially for the summer. My special treat at Dairy Queen is the Dilly Bar. Thanks for this great giveaway.saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Peanut Buster Parfaits are my fave.
mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted.
mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com
Well, if I want to go all out, I get the Brownie Batter Blizzard. But, if I just want a little treat, my favorite is the Butterscotch Dilly Bar! Sign me up!
I haven't been to DQ in eons. There's a really good local ice cream chain near us, so we go there.
No need to enter me, anyway. I need to get caught up on what's here (a process that's painfully slow).
I'm dropping in to say hi and thanks for the e-mail. I've got this listed at Win a Book for you.
lime star kiss... YUM
dairy queen is where my husband and i went on our first date. :)
meaghan_koci (at) yahoo (dot) com
It has been years since I have gone to Dairy Queen, I like a plain vanilla cone.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love their ice cream and my favorite is vanilla dipped in the strawberry hard coating! tWarner419@aol.com
I would love to read this book. My favorite treat is the Mocha Moolatte. So divine.
This author is such a sweet, funny woman that I can't wait to read her book!
My favorite treat is a vanilla cone with multi-flavored or chocolate jimmies! Simple but delicious!
Thank you!
This looks like a great book! My favorite DQ treat is a dilly bar! YUMMY!
I posted the contest on my blog at
Jen C
My favourite are also the blizzards. This on looks like a good read, please enter me into this drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
When I was in junior high and high school, the ski bus would pick up there and we always hoped that upon our return from the slopes, that the parents wouldn't be there waiting so we could get an order of onion rings before they showed (or we called on a pay phone - remember those?). But during the summer, nothing beats a cookie dough blizzard!
Just found your blog through a friend of a friend on Twitter, and I love it! I would love to read this book, and my favorite DQ treat is a chocolate/raspberry/cheesecake blizzard! Yummy!
I would love a copy of this book. I love the Peanut Buster Parfait. I haven't had one in a while, but I would get my Peanut Buster Parfait and my little dog, Sally, would get her cup of vanilla, and we would both be in heaven. Sally loved her vanilla ice cream until the day she died. Maybe that's why I haven't been to Dairy Queen lately.
When I saw it was compared to Fannie Flag's novels, I was interested right away. Love southern fiction. Would love a copy. (you're on my Google Reader) Thanks for sharing.
Dairy Queen? -- any of the dipped stuff, cones or dilly bar.
blogged you on: zqueenbees.blogspot.com
Pecan Mudslide is my favorte dairy queen treat! But Peanut Buster Parfait is a close second.
I would love to win this book! I have to say hot fudge sundae with nuts! Yummy!
I'd love to read this book!
My favorite DQ treat is a Blizzard.
I love Dairy Queen Blizzards. I believe the name of my fave is Georgia Mud Pie!
jgbeads at gmail dot com
I actually like their chicken fingers and of course the blizzards.
Fave DQ treat is a simple chocolate malt. sounds like a fun book
msboatgal at aol.com
Definitely a hot fudge sundae. Classic and always hits the spot.
My 2 favourite Dairy Queen treats are banana split and skor blizzard. I couldn't narrow it down to one!
chey127 at hotmail dot com
please enter me in the giveaway
Banana split is my favorite Dairy Queen treat.
Vanilla cone (yeah I know).... blah. But my favorite.
Count me in!
My fave is the Mint Oreao Blizzard...yum!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
This sounds like a very good book. I'd love to enter. I have a tie for my favorite between a peanut buster parfait and a chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard. Mmm.
Blizzard! The flavor changes with my mood... :)
I loved your review and info from the author. Would love to read it!
My favorite Dairy Queen treat has always been the hand dipped dilly bars? Remember them? The chocolate was much thicker than the machine ones you get now. There was one DQ near us that still dipped until a few years ago.
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
OMG!! I have to choose a favorite, well, if I don, I would have to say hot fudge sundae with walnuts. I have loved DQ since I was a little kid.
Please enter me, I would really love this book.
Dilly Bar hands down.
My favorite DQ treat is the reeses peanut butter cup blizzard yum! Thanks for the chance to read this book.
An oreo blizzard for sure!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
Sounds like a great summer read! My favourite is the new Truffle Blizzard... yum.
I had a Heath Blizzard for dinner last week and I couldn't be happier =] Please enter me! myluckyday37@msn.com
Great guest blog! I love fiction with a Southern twist. This sounds like a great summer escape. Thanks for the chance!
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
OMG I got so excited about this book and what Susan was sharing I forgot to tell you my favorite DQ treat--(maybe you can merge these 2 posts?)--Brownie Sundae!
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
I've never actually been to a Dairy Queen so I have no favorite. I had to google to see what a Dilly Bar was. Shocking, I know. But I live in Oklahoma and we only have about 7 stores...none near me. If I ever do get near one, I'll have to try some of the treats others have mentioned here. They sound yummy! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
I blogged about the contest here.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
This sounds like a great book! My favorite DQ treat is the peanut bister parfait. Please include me in the giveaway. heatherzilla(at)care2(dot)com
I would love to win this book - my favorite is the 'dilly bar'. i always wondered how that was name.
I would love to read this, the title is just great! My favorite treat -- a hot fudge sundae :-)
Peanut Buster Parfait-love it everytime.
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
I am just a simple girl! I like the plain chocolate ice cream cone.
Blogged: http://www.morbid-romantic.net/2009/06/22/book-giveaways-0622-0628/
I love a swirled choc/vanilla with hot fudge! Dairy Queen is the best. Thanks for the contest! acirucci(at)gmail(dot)com
I love the classic ice cream sandwiches; they're definately my favourite!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
count me in please!
plur268 at yahoo dot com
l love the pecan mudslide --- mmmm. Thanks for the great giveaway:)
I grew up in the midwest where Dairy Queen and A&W Root Beer were the fast food drive-ins of choice. It was always a chocolate dip vanilla ice cream cone for me. Sounds like a great read!
I would love to win.
I would love to win this book. My favorite Dairy Queen treat is a chocolate cuppacino snickers blizzard.
Thank you,
My favorite Dairy Queen treat is a hot fudge sundae with whipped cream & a cherry.
Please count me in - Thanks!
I like the Original Blizzard treat!
I love, love, LOVE Peanut Buster Parfaits!!!! Please enter me... Thank you!
Aliya D.
ny favirite Dairy Queen treat is the Blizzard
My favorite is the Blizzard
haven't been to a DQ in a long long time but I love the blizzards with pineapple and chocolate
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
My favorite Dairy Queen treat used to just be a soft serve cone dipped in chocolate but now it is a Heath Bar Blizzard. Can't get enough. Luckily I don't live close to a Dairy Queen.
I twittered this giveaway. My tweet is kona15hilo
Sounds like a great read...Please add my name to the giveaway list...Love your blog...And DQ's chocolate ice cream is my favourite. Thanks.
I would love to read this book on my vacation.My all time favorite DQ treat is the hot fudge sundae with whip cream and pecans.
My favorite treat is the Mocha Chip Blizzard! Yum!
My absolute favorite is the chocolate dipped vanilla cone
Please include me in your giveaway.
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I love the DQ Dilly Bars. Please inlcude me in your giveaway.
My favorite DQ treat is the Oreo Brownie Earthquake. This sounds like a fun book. Please enter me. Thanks!
I don't know if you can enter me in the giveaway -- I have never been to a DQ! We don't have any in my area, but I would still love to read this book.
barney's book blog
Would love to win a copy of the book.
My favorite DQ treat is a Heath Bar Blizzard.
Smartini98 at hotmail dot com
I LOVE the Pecan Cluster Blizzard!
Sounds like a great book ~ please enter me in your giveaway!
Thanks so much=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I just added her book to my TBR list so am excited to see this giveaway! My fave is probably the Peanut Buster Parfait or just about any flavor Blizzard!
Thanks for the giveaway.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
OMG my favorite thing at Dairy Queen is a Reese's Peanut Butter CUP Blizzard with vanilla ice cream!
I love the dipped cones at the DQ -- chocolate, cherry, butterscotch, I'm not choosy!
lahlstedt(at) gmail.com
I've never been to a Dairy Queen!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I would love to win this book. My favorite Dairy Queen treat is a plain vanilla cone.
Fortunately, there's not a Dairy Queen close by because I really love the Oreo Brownie Earthquake! I get one about once a year. I'd love to win a copy of this book -- thanks for the chance!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
and here's my Tweet: http://twitter.com/ASeaOfBooks/status/2444565692
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
My favorite Dairy Queen treat is a hot fudge sundae,Pease enter me in this dawing.LOOKING FOR SALVATION AT THE DAIRY QUEEN by Susan Gregg Gilmore
sounds wonderful.
I like M&M Blizzards
Can you believe I have NEVER in my life been to a DQ?? But, when I see the TV ads, the Blizzards look AMAZING!
Heath Bar Blizzard is my fave!
I love a crunch cone at DQ.
A book with Dairy Queen as the setting...oh my gosh! Gotta love that! It's one of my favorite summer places! My favorite treat at Dairy Queen has always been a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate! I would love to read this book.
bthgordon at yahoo dot com
I am a simple person I like the chocolate dipped cones - yummy.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
budletsmom at yahoo dot com
A dipped cone or a hot fudge sundae!
The title of this book is so funny!
I would love to win a copy - thanks.
Ohhhh! I LOVE their Chocolate Covered Strawberry Sundae!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
Dilly Bars!!! Everytime my mom put me in time-out when I was little my dad would sneak one to me...it always kept me quiet :) Mom took years to catch on....Dilly Bars and Dads rock!!!
Oh I just love Dairy Queen. I'd say my favorite is the Banana Split, but I also love Blizzards and their ice cream cakes. Forget it. I can't pick a favorite. I love DQ! Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.
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