Check out these fantastic titles:
The Nine Lessons By Kevin Milne
Do-Over! By Robin Hemley
The Man's Book By Thomas Fink
BoneMan's Daughters By Ted Dekker
An Honorable German By Charles McCain
The Richest Man in Town By W. Randall Jones
Lincoln on Leadership By Donald Phillips
Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell
There are lots of ways to gain entries for this giveaway:
1) Leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me something special about the dad or grad in your life.
2) Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post.
3) Tweet about this giveaway with a link back to this post.
4) Subscribe to my blog either through a reader or e-mail.
You can accumulate up to four entries for this contest!!! This giveaway is open until June 30th at 11:59 p.m. EST, and I will notify the winners the following day. Only those of you with U.S. or Canada mailing addresses are eligible -- no p.o. boxes please. Good Luck!
My dad is awesome and I've always been so proud of him. He's worked any number of jobs that he couldn't stand in order to take care of the family. He's generous, and always manages to keep an upbeat attitude even when he's exhausted from work.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Dad is special for a number of reasons, but I've always respected how he was able to separate work from family time at home.
Since my own father has been gone for many years, I'd love to win these books for my son, who is such a wonderful dad for my grandchildren, the oldest of which was a high school graduate (valedictorian) this spring. Just call me proud mother and grandmother.
wow, another great giveaway.
my dad is incredible. he works so hard in all facets of life but never fails to put his faith and family first. despite working so hard all the time, he manages to keep life fun!
...and i'm a subscriber via google reader!
Another great giveaway! Please enter me. Thanks.
My neice will be graduating soon. She's so smart, it almost scares me sometimes. She's just an all round good kid.
I follow your blog via Blogger's follow function.
Cool - another chance to blab about my daughter! She is graduating from 8th grade on Friday and I couldn't be more proud of her. She is president of the student council so she gets to give one of the two speeches at graduation. This will be in front of 1700-2000 people! She isn't scared at all - but just worried that she will be so emotional that she will cry! I told her she couldn't, because then I would cry! I can't wait for Friday!
I also follow your blog!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
Unfortunately my father and I are not close so I will talk about my children's Dad because he's awesome! He's always there for the kidlets and does special things for them all the time. Last night he filled 100 water balloons for my son's "end of the year" party!
Also, he is not much of a reader but I know that he would read some of these books so I'm hoping to win so that I can perhaps spark a love of reading.
My dad is the most generous and hard working guy I know!! And he loves to read, so this will be GREAT!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I am a subscriber to your blog!! Thanks again!!
my stepdad is great because he has always treated my sister and i like we are his own
My husband is an awesome dad-to-be (probably by Father's Day!) because he is so very excited about his little son. A lot of guys freak out about having a baby, though they love them in the end, but he has been excited the entire time and hasn't ever had a "I'm not sure I can do this!" moment.
I tweeted this: http://twitter.com/DevourerofBooks/statuses/2005314301
I subscribe to your blog
Be back this weekend with a blog link for you!
This looks great! Please enter me!
My dad is really strong and supportive and kind.
My dad had a very wicked sarcastic sense of humor that myself and my son have inherited.
msboatgal at aol.com
My father passed away years ago, but my husband is a wonderful dad to our daughter. He's always ready to play, go exploring, or whatever.
I follow with a feed reader.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
No need to enter me, darling. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've posted about this at Win a Book.
My dad is one of my favorite people in the world.
Linked in my sidebar
I'm a subscriber
My Dad is so special because he has always been there for our family & our extended family. He always felt it was important that we were close with our own family as well as all my aunts, uncles & cousins. We're always together, and when we are, it's always a huge party!
I subscribe via Google Reader
My dad is special because even when he's furious with me he still thinks I'm great.
My dad...well, he's my dad, for starters. He taught me the difference between right and wrong, knocked (figuratively) sense into me when I needed it, and managed to come home for Christmas each year. It's not really special, but it's important to me.
My father-in-law was the best dad I ever had. He always had the greatest war stories to share. He's been gone a couple of years now, and I still miss him terribly.
I also subscribe by RSS.
This giveaway is awesome.
My Dad died young but he wsa devoted, a tireless worker and would sacrifice for his family.
My dad does so much for me even though I am married and have a child of my own. He has spent the last 4 months remodeling a foreclosed home that my husband and I bought. He has single handedly made me my dream home.
My husband is a wonderful Dad. He was in an accident several years ago that left him in chronic pain, yet he still gets up every morning before me (even on weekends), makes the kids breakfast, gets them dressed and organized, takes them to day care, and then goes to work. I'm very, very lucky. He's simply wonderful.
I'm also a subscriber in Google Reader.
My youngest brother just graduated from high school 2 weeks ago. He is taking a little time off then will be enlisting in the Navy!
I also follow
I lost my dad almost 13 years ago. Even though he never finished school he took good care of his family. I wish he was still around to enjoy his grandchildren and great granchildren.
Carol M
mittens0831 AT aol.com
My father lives in Asia and there's a 12 hour time difference. I don't get to visit or speak with him as often as I would like. He's a warm person and I do miss him more as we all get older.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I'm a follower
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I've posted a link to your contest on my blog's sideroll.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
My husband is a special Dad -- he runs his own business and works very long hours but always finds time to be with his kids. He helps his son build robots in the workshop and takes him fishing and is very patient with him, especially since Mac (our son) has a sensory disorder that can make it a challenge dealing with him at times. He also makes a point to spend time with his daughter taking her to her riding lessons or "breaking" her out of school one afternoon to take her to a movie he knows she would really enjoy. He can tell you all their likes and dislikes and remembers their birthdays and other important events going on in their lives. But most of all he has been there for them when I was really sick and spent months in the hospital due to surgeries and complications. He ran his business, the household and took great care of the kids and still found time to take care of me as well. He's very special to all of us :-)
My dad is great. He's always been there for me, no matter what I've gone through. Even when I didn't really deserve it.
jaam121388 at yahoo dot com
I am subscribed via email.
jaam121388 at yahoo dot com
My father has been gone for many years but my husband is an amazing Dad to our 4 boys. He always has time for them and although they are young men now, they still do things together. They are like the best of friends.
I subscribed by email to this blog.
I tweeted.
I subscribed to your blog via Google reader.
Cheryl S.
The biggest thing that makes my dad so special is that no matter that I'm an adult woman in my 40s now, I will always be his little girl. Whatever I need, he is there, fixing things around the house for me, providing moral support, making me realize I'm stronger than I think.
Cheryl S.
I was my dad's biggest fan and still am, even though he passed away about 15 years ago. He was very special to me.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
This looks like a great giveaway package. As for my dad, he's just a great guy who has always been there for us.
Please enter me into this drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
My husband is both the best Dad and the best Grad. 5 years ago, while our son was still in college, we both lost our jobs. I got a job where our son was in college which helped with 1/2 price tuition, but my DH could not find a job. After 2 years he decided to go back to college. He never graduated because he went to Vietnam instead. Well, we got my son out of college, and my DH graduates Suma Cum Laude with his master's degree in 4 weeks. Then, he starts his PhD program. He will be 66 when he finishes he PhD and will begin teaching at a University. He has also done all the housekeeping, cooking and errands while he has been in school and I have been supporting us. I can't tell you how proud of him I am.
I am a follower of your blog.
I would love to win this set of books for my hubby who is the most amazing Dad and husband! Thanks!
delilah0180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My dad is great. He attended all my sporting events and showed an interest in all the kids activities.
I'd love to win this set of books. My cousin is about to graduate from college, and it'd be nice to give him a congratulations gift. Since he loves reading, this is perfect.
I'm also subscribed to your blog via e-mail.
Please enter me. Thanks!
rss subscriber
My husband is the most wonderful dad I have ever known! He is so great with our two sons. They respect him, but also know they can trust and talk to him about anything.
Thanks, Cindi
Thanks, Cindi
Email subscriber!
Thanks, Cindi
My dad is very special to me, he was so patient with all of us. He protected us/daughters dearly and I love him for deeply caring and concerned.
Subscrived via RSS
My step-dad is really great. After my father passed it was really tough for my family. My step-dad talks to us about my dad and is really great about my mom keeps pictures up at home. Please include me in your giveaway.
I subscribe in google reader.
I won't have a grad for 9 more years, but I do have a dad and he is a fellow reader. I love talking with him about a book I have read or heard about recently and then giving it to him to read and then we can chat about it. Even though 40 years separates us...we can still have amazing conversations about books!
My dad is not the same since Mom died seven years ago. He is lonesome and just wants to be with her. One thing that he does still enjoy is reading. This would be a wonderful present for him.
thank you,
I am a subscriber.
Thank you,
My dad is wonderful, and had always been there for me, unfailingly. I love him for that!
My Dad was a great Dad of faith, honest worker, hard worker, loved to joke, etc.
yourstrulee AT sasktel DOT net
My grad is caring, kind and trustworthy.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Dad has been gone 20 years. He didn't graduate high school, but he could do almost anything with his hands. He loved gardening and woodworking.
I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My father is one of the best. A girl could not ask for better. He wants the best for us, is endlessly supportive and patient.
Thanks for the contest.
teagirl1 at telus dot net.
my dad is the best because he is always there for me no matter waht!!!
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
He was a hard worker and had a good heart---
The grad in my life is me!! I graduate June 11th from university.
I included this in a blog post.
I subscribe.
I miss my Dad.
I would love to give these books to my husband for Father's Day.
He is one of the hardest working Fathers out there.
He has been in the Army for over 22 years and even when deployed to Iraq, he made an effort to stay active in our children's lives. He has also been an amazing example of a loving husband. My daughter will be blessed to find a man half as good as him and my son will be a better man because his father cared about being a good example.
Thanks for the opportunity to brag!
I would love to win this!
Please count me in :) tryingtostaycalm@gmail.com
My dad in my life is my husband. He has had a rough year, he was laid off Nov. 1st and working odd jobs to make ends meet. I work part-time from home with three children to care for. He loves to read but can't afford to buy books right now. Our library is closed for a year for renovations, so I would love to win this for him!
Thanks for the chance...
cmrobin at bellsouth net
My Dad is the strong, silent type. He has worked hard all of his life and I am so proud of him. He is a decorated Veitnam Vet. and made the military his career so he could support his family even though it meant giving up whatever his dream job might have been.
waitmantwillie AT hotmail DOT com
Oh, and I am a follower of your blog on google reader.
I also blogged about your giveaway at: http://readinginappalachia.blogspot.com/2008/11/current-book-giveaways.html
waitmantwillie AT hotmail DOT com
I subscribe via google reader, thanks!
delilah0180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My son just graduated magna cum laude in May. I am So proud of him.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Posted this giveaway under current giveaways on my blog
Thanks for the giveaway!
My Dad was a strong individual, I miss him.
My dad is the very best dad in the whole world. I know a lot of people say that, but my father is so special. He is kind, hardworking, the most talented man I have ever known, and he would and has done anything and everything for me and my younger brother. I love my daddy with all my heart!
My grads are special because they are my kids! My son graduated from college and my daughter from high school within the last month. It's been a crazy ride!
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
I also follow your blog through google reader.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
It's so cool to be able to read all the sweet comments and stories this contest is inspiring.
My Dad is amazing! He is a rare breed in a man, patient, funny, calm and cool. He just turned 60 this year and has worked for the same company since he was 19! If that doesn't say something about his character and loyalty I don't know what does. I'm so proud to take after him in so many little ways, even if he won't ever get me to hunt and I will never fully understand the depth of his John Wayne idolatry. So lucky to have been blessed with him in my life!
following on google reader
Lost my dad many years ago. My husband is a great dad and loves to read when he has the time. He would read to the kids every night and really needs to take the time to relax into a book this summer
In the words of my own dad, my husband is a “number one dad” – I agree with him.
When he was away on a recent trip, my daughter, who’s 4 said: I miss dad, he tells funny jokes and plays fun games with us … I hope my daughters always cherish and look forward to spending time with their dad as much as they do as young kids.
what a great giveaway!
I would love to win this for my DH he is a great dad to our son. While he reads to our son he doesn't often take the time to read himself - think this might get him started again.
I am subscribed to your blog.
My own father served in WWII for 4 years without all the benefits of email, texting, etc we have today. Just an occasional letter. He has passed away and I miss him and still respect me.
My hubby is the most caring wonderful father to our children and always puts them and me ahead of himself.
My Dad made the deciscion to move to Canada from England with our whole family to make a better life for us. He and Mum worked hard all their lives to give us what they could. I still miss him after 22 years.
I twittered and tweeted. (kona15hilo)
I subscribe by e-mail.
I posted this great giveaway on my blog at:
Okay, I'm back with my blog link!
I just graduated with a Masters in Engineering, so I'm def a grad (hurray!)! Took me 6 years!
Thanks for the giveaway my hotmail is fierce_angel_6000
My dad has always been there for me, I know he would love these books
Well, my dad LOVES to read and was the one who encouraged my readind... which is the most special of all, considering I went to school to get a doubel major (one in literature) thanks to him! And, I am I recent grad (Masters in Education - reading specialist! Yay!) so I guess it is fitting!
papajm25 @ gmail . com
My Dad is the hardest person to buy for, but he loves to read. A collection like this would be great to give him.
My Dad....
He's always there for me and he's solid as a rock!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I became a subscriber of your blog via email=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
my dad the doctor was a booklover and shared that with me. he had a wide range of interest...westerns, sci fi, murder mysterys...cecars wars... he would read books while watching...before tevo, so he read while the commercials were on.
spvaughanbookS given away @http://bit.ly/V4MqD
i am a subscriber thru you rss thru blog reader
My Dads the best man I've ever met/ He's wonderful. I don't know what I'd do without him.
My nephew is going to graduate.I am so proud of him! He's had alot of responability for a young age and helped care for his younger brother and sister. I know I will cry when I see him get his diploma.thanks jacquecurl1@gmail.com
I am a subscriber. jacquecurl1@gmail.com
My dad is the kindest man and also an avid reader. I only hope to be as great as he is.
I'd love to give him this set!
Thank you!
Ooops, I think I answered the wrong question here, sorry.
My Dad passed away many years ago but I still feel his influence. Now I have a hubby who is a great Dad!
I follow you on google reader!
I enjoy any foodie novel!
Miss my Dad, he passed away many years ago.
My dad taught me that even though a person may not know the best way to communicate or find understanding it doesn't mean that the amount of love is not overwhelming. I miss him.
mycreativeimagination at yahoo
Oh, and I am a follower already. :)
After a going through a difficult divorce with my Mom, my Dad always stood by me and was there for me in high school. Eventually I was able to move back home with him and had a lot nicer last two years of high school.
I forgot to leave my email . . . laarlt78 at hotmail dot com. Also I am now following your blog!
My Dad is just about 70 and working in Mozambique... Talk about dedication to mission.
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
My husband is the best dad ever... he is the step-father to my two oldest and father to our youngest... he has put all three children above all others and has gone beyond doing and being a father to all three... there are no "steps" in our family ... he is their dad
My dad is special in every way - funny, smart, a voracious reader and prolific writer - I am lucky to have him! acirucci(at)gmail.com
I had my dad for only a short time. When I was 13 he died in a house fire. He was a great man and I am proud to call him dad and happy for the time that I had with him.
I follow you on Twitter (entry point please!) :)
I am also going right now to tweet (what a funny word...) about your great giveaway.
Thanks for this contest. How fun it would be to get these great reads!
My dad is special because he's such a generous person and because he understands me really well.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
My sister just graduated with a BA in English. I think she's special because she's eternally optimistic. More then anyone else I know. She's also a scary fast reader, so I know she'd enjoy these. Thanks!
Sararush (at) hotmail (dot) com
My dad is great. He is super handy and can fix anything.
I would love to win these titals. I follow your blog.
My Dad is now gone but has left the most incredible memories - LIFE LESSONS - for me and my family.
My Dad has been a godsend this past year. I bought my 1st home and not only did he help me do it he is continually helping me with renovations, upkeeping, gardening - you name it!
I blogged about this:
I subscribe in google reader
My father was loved.
nazatraz (at) yahoo (dot) com
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