If you're interested in signing up, you have until March 25th to do so. Basically, you just make a list of books that you hope to read this spring. Then, you report out on/or before June 24th about your challenge experience. You can also do reviews on the books, but it is not required. It should be a lot of fun!
Here's my list:
The Kindness of Strangers by Katrina Kittle - completed 4/7/08
The Venetian Mask by Rosalind Laker - completed 5/23/08
The Reincarnationist by M.J. Rose - completed 6/06/08
Mr. Fooster Traveling on a Whim by Tom Corwin - completed 4/22/08
The Secret of Lost Things by Sheridan Hay - completed 3/25/08
Feather in the Storm by Emily Wu and Larry Engelmann - completed 3/23/08
The Secret Scroll by Ronald Cutler - completed 4/30/08
Life in Hiding: Anne Frank by Johanna Hurwitz - completed 3/29/08
Matrimony by Joshua Henkin - completed 5/08/08
The Book of Bright Ideas by Sandra Kring - completed 4/1/08
Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky - completed 4/28/08
After Hours at the Almost Home by Tara Yellen - completed 3/28/06
Journey from Head to Heart by Nancy Oelkhaus - completed 3/26/08
Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson - completed 4/29/08
I just signed up today, too, lol.
I'm looking forward to reading your reviews....you write some of my favorites. :) And you know, don't we all need more books in our TBR pile? :)
I saw that you were participating along with some of my other favorite bloggers, so I thought I would do it too. As crazy as my list looks, that's just books that I have to read for book club, or books sent to me to review. I didn't even start into my TBR pile. Isn't that pitiful?
I think these books are all new to me. But that's one of the thing I love about these challenges -- getting to see everyone's lists and discover new books and authors! Thanks for joining SRT '08!
Hooray another challenger :) I signed up for this one as - like you - figured I was going to read the books anyway so why not set some targets *lol*
Great list. I just added 3 new books to my TBR pile. I'll be checking back for your reviews!
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