I was very excited to hear the HBO has just finished a 2-hour pilot based on the series. Thirteen more shows will be filmed this summer in Botswana. I have high hopes for this show because 1) I love the books and 2) HBO knows how to do t.v. Click here for more information on the show.
If you haven't read this book or any in the series, you should give at least one a try. My entire book club liked the THE NO. 1 LADIES' DETECTIVE AGENCY, even those that don't like mysteries. Here is a link to a discussion guide just in case you might be interested in reading it for your book club.
I am so interested in seeing how this tv series works out. I've only read the first book, but it does seem a bit ambitious to me, being set in Botswana and all! :)
I really enjoyed the first book and hope to read the others some day, if my TBR pile doesn't collapse and crush me first. :-)
I thought it was going to be a feature film too?
I've only read the first book but highly enjoyed it. I also thought it was just going to be a feature film, I didn't know it was going to be an entire series. HBO does a great job though. I hope it comes to DVD soon after airing!
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