I absolutely love this website and I've also received some wonderful books from them! While you are visiting, make sure you sign up for a chance to win THE CHANGE YOUR LIFE CHALLENGE. They are also giving away some copies of THE KISS MURDER! Take a look at this terrific book club resource and let me know what you think!
Thanks for the link to the Chicago Book Club site, it's fab! :-)
I would like to enter for a chance to win this book - Change Your Life- and thank you for the other website, I will check it out!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Unfortunately, I just found your site now so would be too late for the book giveaway, but I wanted to leave a comment anyway. Your blog sent me on my way to Brook's site where I signed up for the newsletter. As a serial procrastinator, I am on my way to some great changes! Thanks!
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