Sometimes it's good to be a little...improper. Profane, funny, and smart, Haley Pierson-Cox's IMPROPER CROSS-STITCH invites the modern crafter to bring personality and humor to their cross stitch projects. From a fully designed "Damn it feels good to be a crafter" to the beautiful Art Deco inspired "f%ck," Haley's patterns are fresh, lively and just what the crafter ordered.
In this book, she'll introduce readers to the joys of stitching the naughty, the profane, the irreverent, and the just plain awesome. First, she starts with a basic lesson in cross-stitch technique, no previous experience required. Then, once readers know your way around an embroidery hoop and a skein of floss, the books moves on to the designs—35 in total, ranging from hip, to nerdy, to ironically domestic—where Haley encourages crafters to embrace their inner snark with gleeful abandon.
Her easy to follow instructions and colorful designs can make a cross stitcher out of anyone. In all her years of crafting, Haley's learned many things, but this simple fact remains one of the most important: There is absolutely nothing in this world quite so satisfying as enshrining something deeply inappropriate within the delicate stitches of a cross-stitch sampler. It's truly one of life's great delights! -- St. Martin's Griffin
I first began cross-stitching when I was about eight years old. For the next twenty plus years, I always had a cross-stitch project in the works. Needless to say, many of my friends and relatives received hand-stitched pieces over the years. I even made adorable little wall hangings for each of my kids nurseries. Unfortunately, I stopped cross-stitching awhile back -- around the same my kids were born (coincidence?).
When the new book IMPROPER CROSS-STITCH: 35+ PROPERLY NAUGHTY PATTERNS by Haley Pierson-Cox was pitched to me, I thought it would be a fun little book to review. Heck, it might even get me to start this relaxing craft again. I have to say that cross-stitch has changed quite a bit in the past few years... or at least the patterns in this book are for a "modern" cross-stitcher.
IMPROPER CROSS-STITCH is a great book with 35 contemporary patterns. There book is divided into fun chapters with titles like "Hipster Snark" and "Talk Nerdy to Me," and the patterns themselves have really unique names as well. Most of these patterns were absolutely adorable, but I have to warn you that a few of them were a bit off-color or include foul language... so I just skimmed those pages!
There are so many simple and fun patterns that are perfect for teens and hipsters. Some of my favorite patterns include the "Badass Garden Gnomes", the "Morning Cup of Chemistry", and "Stitchers Gonna Stitch". Nerds like me will also like the "Grammar Police" pattern which includes a badge, a book and a pencil (it's precious), as well as the "Squad Goals" one which includes faces of Bronte, Austen, Dickinson, and Plath. And I can't forget the "Smart is the New Sexy!"

I really hope IMPROPER CROSS-STITCH helps bring back this fun, relaxing, and rewarding craft to today's kids, teens and young adults. The author has even included terrific instructions so beginners (of all ages) can easily learn how to cross-stitch. She also included some easy alphabets and ideas in the back so stitchers can create their own unique works of art!
I definitely enjoyed IMPROPER CROSS-STITCH (even the irreverent patterns!) Highly recommended for seasoned or new crafters!
Thanks to the publisher for providing a review copy of this book.
I haven't cross stitched in years either. This book sounds fun!
This looks so cute! I stitched names on my kids backpacks instead of having them done by a pro, and I like the crafty look they have. :)
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