Last summer, I read and reviewed a very cute cozy mystery called BUNDLE OF TROUBLE: A MATERNAL INSTINCTS MYSTERY by Diana Orgain. It was the first in a series, and I have been looking forward to the next book MOTHERHOOD IS MURDER for quite a few months. I was so excited when I found out that it was recently released.
I don't read many cozies anymore, but I used to be addicted to them. While my tastes have changed through the years, I still enjoy kicking back with a light, fun mystery every now and then. MOTHERHOOD IS MURDER definitely hit the spot. It picked up right where the first book left off (although it can be read as a stand-alone!) This book had all the elements I enjoyed from the first novel including quirky characters and an unpredictable storyline.
MOTHERHOOD IS MURDER begins innocently enough with Kate and her husband taking a night out away from baby Laurie. They go on a dinner cruise with some of Kate's new friends (from her mom's club Roo & You) and their husbands. Unfortunately, one of the women ends up dead and it's ruled a homicide. Kate, who just recently solved another murder mystery, can't help herself and quickly becomes involved in the investigation.
All of Kate's new friends and their husbands are potential suspects. As Kate begins to learn more about her friends and their lives, she begins to see that any of them could be the murderer. Their relationships with each other and their spouses are much more complex than first meets the eye, and Kate really has to do some major investigating to get to the truth. There are lots of twists and turns in this story, and I admit that I didn't solve the mystery while reading the book.
There are definitely some entertaining characters in this story. I liked that Kate's mom seemed to have a bigger role in this novel. They author let some of her quirkiness shine through, and I found it very funny that she's juggling two men at her age! I also liked that Kate's best friend (who is very pregnant) returned from France to play co-detective with her. I have a feeling that we'll be seeing more of these two fun characters in future books.
New moms (and even the not-so-new moms) will appreciate Ms. Orgain's humor. She has a great way of highlighting those new mom feelings especially the anxiety and nerves. I can laugh at Kate's character now that my youngest is almost six years old, but I can so remember having many of the same nervous feelings about being a first-time mom -- was my child too big, too small, just right?, was she hitting the developmental milestones?, was she behind other babies?, etc.
I definitely recommend the Maternal Instincts Mystery series if you are a fan of light mysteries. I find that I enjoy these books, but I also think they are absolutely perfect for new moms. They are cute books that are also quick reads -- ideal for moms who can barely find the time to read a book!
Thanks to the author for sending me a review copy.
I also enjoyed this book, even more than the first of the series. I also am looking forward to more in the series.
Thanks for sharing your review.
I guess I wouldn't go out of my way to obtain cozies, but really enjoy them when they come my way. I'm glad you admitted not solving the mystery - often I am the only one who doesn't see what every other reader seems to figure out! :--)
I enjoyed the first book in this series and am looking forward to this one!
I enjoyed the first book in this series and am looking forward to this one!
i just checked out both the books in the series and i'm looking forward to reading them!
I used to read a lot of books like this, too and still enjoy them from time to time. This sounds like a delightful series.
Sounds like a great series! I'll definitely be checking them out!
My first reaction is from the title...yes! Motherhood IS murder sometimes! My second comment is that anyone who attends a class called "Roo and You" deserves to be questioned for malfeasance! The whole idea cracks me up!
I just read and enjoyed this as well!
You know I love cozies and series... so I guess I'm adding this to the wish list. Sounds fun.
Glad to see you liked it. Just finished the first one, and thought it was okay, but I'm willing to read another in the series.
Diary of an Eccentric
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