I absolutely love this guest post about how much Ms. Gregson values meeting with book clubs. I always enjoy hearing from authors who appreciate their readers!
When I was a child one of pleasures of reading was that it was solitary. On Saturday mornings, I would lie in bed with a pile of apples and munch and read, munch and read. My taste was catholic, and philistine- mostly pony books, or Enid Blytons, but sometimes Dickens- both Charles and Monica his great -niece - skipping what I considered the boring bits. Once, in great confusion and a queer sort of delight, I found my mother's copy of Peyton Place, a racey book of the time and devoured it in a couple of hours.
So I came late to the delights of the book club. Last year in fact, when my book East of the Sun surprised everyone by becoming an overnight success. My much loved neighbor, Sarah, a nurse, asked me over for supper and to talk to her book club. I felt slightly embarrassed. I am late to authorship- my first book was published when I was in my fifties. We live in the country in Wales, a place where people don't make too much of a fuss about books and sudden success and I knew all these people from my other life as a mother, helper at the jumble sale, dog walker and so on. Some who'd known me for years didn't know I wrote.
That evening will stay in my mind as incredibly special. We ate delicious spaghetti by candle light, drank several bottles of wine, much laughter and an animated discussion about the book. It was so pleasing to hear these women discuss my characters as if they were as real to them as they had been to me. Their intelligent comments were helpful and instructive, we swapped stories about travel and emigration - both themes that the book touches on- we talked about the ways in which Indians and English people misunderstand each other; we bitched about the mean characters in my book- the gin swilling Ci C was a particular hit.
I learned a lot both as a writer and as a reader from this evening. As a writer: get out more, show your work, don't be shy, readers complete the circle of creation. As a reader: if you like a book, reach out to the author. Writing is a lonely occupation and getting letters is a great joy, but the book club was better because it was more personal, more real. It is one of the best experiences an author can have.

A huge thanks to Ms. Gregson for writing this fantastic guest post. If you are interested in participating in a future Book Club Exchange, please contact me at bookingmama(at)gmail(dot)com.
Do you think she'd like to take a little trip over to the land of Disney? She sounds wonderful! I guess I never think of authors as lonely. In fact, I figure they are secretly annoyed to hear from one more fangirl. I'm going to have to keep her book in mind next time I get to pick!
I love this post! Wouldn't it be great if someone you knew like that wrote a book? It's also nice to know that we don't scare authors when we gush over them - I always worry that I'll come across as strange.
I found East of the Sun on the discount table at books a Million last week -- this makes me want to start it NOW!
I have read both of Ms Gregson's books and really, really liked the both of them!
I am so glad to see Band of Angel's get a bigger release as it is an excellent book which talks about the Crimean War and the experiences of Florence Nightingale's nurses. It always surprises me that there isn't more written about this.
I will be looking out for Julia's next book. I saw a few hints about subject matter on her blog and I want to read it already!
I stopped by your lovely blog today. Great post. I'll look out for books by this author.
Cozy In Texas
Less of Me
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