But not completely forgotten. Professor Savant believed in the Whangdoodle. And when he told the three Potter children of his search for the spectacular creature, Lindy, Tom, and Ben were eager to reach Whangdoodleland.
With the Professor's help, they discovered the secret way. But waiting for them was the scheming Prock, who would use almost any means to keep them away from his beloved king. Only by skill and determination were the four travelers able to discover the last of the really great Whangdoodles and grant him his heart's desire.
Julie Andrews Edwards, star of stage and screen, has written a unique and beloved story that has become a modern classic. The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles is sure to continue to delight readers everywhere. This edition includes a new foreword by the author.-- Harper Collins
This month, we read THE LAST OF THE REALLY GREAT WHANGDOODLES by Julie Andrews Edwards. You know I absolutely adore Julie Andrews, but I wasn't a huge fan of this book. Nor was Booking Daughter. It was cute and had some important life lessons, but I thought it was aimed at a younger audience than our girls. I'll try to put together a review later this week with some more details.
I was surprised that most of the girls really enjoyed this book. I think the mothers didn't feel quite the same way. The girls liked the imaginary world and the imaginary characters, and they were very anxious to discuss it! We spent almost an hour talking about the book which is a very long time, especially considering that the girls were anxious to go swimming!

Even if Megan would rather be at the mall, Cassidy is late for hockey practice, Emma's already read every book in existence, and Jess is missing her mother too much to care, the new book club is scheduled to meet every month.
But what begins as a mom-imposed ritual of reading Little Women soon helps four unlikely friends navigate the drama of middle school. From stolen journals, to secret crushes, to a fashion-fiasco first dance, the girls are up to their Wellie boots in drama. They can't help but wonder: What would Jo March do? -- Simon and Schuster
Next month, Booking Daughter and I are hosting book club. Booking Daughter knew exactly which book she wanted to pick -- THE MOTHER-DAUGHTER BOOK CLUB by Heather Vogel Frederick. I think she's already read it twice, but she wants to share it with her friends. I reviewed it last year and thought it was super-cute. I hope we'll inspire the girls to read LITTLE WOMEN in the future.
And, the super exciting news... Ms. Vogel Frederick agreed to do an author chat with us! This will be the first time the girls have the opportunity to talk to an author and I think they'll have a great time!
lol i've been waiting for you to do the Mother Daughter Book club for your club! it's almost like it was written for you all!
Every girl should ask herself, at least once, What Would Jo March do?
I love your MD Book Club!!
Well, at least the girls enjoyed the book and found a lot to discuss - that's really what counts. I imagine Booking Daughter's tastes are more sophisticated than her peers!
That is awesome that the girls get to do an author chat! I can't wait to hear how it went!
I can't wait to share our M/D book club thoughts on this book...little bit jealous about the whold author call-in though!!
This looks really cute. And I think it's the first of a series too.
Thanks for the reminder about THE MOTHER-DAUGHTER BOOK CLUB; I've got to read this with my younger girl :)
Hi - I love following what your M/D book club is reading! That is so kind that the author will be joining in on the discussion - it makes for a special book club meeting. Our mother-daughter book club (going into 6th grade) just read Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of a Tree and the author, Lauren Tarshis, let us call her for a conference call during the meeting. She was beyond amazing and it was so incredibly insightful. I highly recommend her book for your book club and having her chat during the meeting - it was something that all of us will always remember! I look forward to reading your posts and book recommendations- Wendy
I think you'll love reading Mother-Daughter Book Club together and I just love Heather, she's wonderful!
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