The Real Magic of Harry Potter campaign involves lots of fabulous promotions including a national sweepstakes which sends families to the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter -- I'd love to win that one! Through June 1, 2010, U.S. residents ages 7-14 can enter The Real Magic of Harry Potter sweepstakes for a chance to win one of four family trips to the new Universal Orlando Resort’s The Wizarding World of Harry Potter which opens June 18th. There is also a new book trailer supporting the book series as well as exclusive content & giveaways through Scholastic's Facebook and Twitter pages.

But I've also got a little something here at Booking Mama too. One very lucky reader will win the following:
* $50 Visa Cash Card
* The complete paperback box set (books 1-7) valued at $86.99.

Check out this terrific new Harry Potter book trailer. Doesn't it just get you so excited about reading and re-reading these books!
As part of this giveaway post, I thought it was a good time to highlight Booking Daughter's fascination with all things Harry Potter. Ever since we read the first Harry Potter book for our mother-daughter book club, Booking Daughter caught the Harry Potter bug. I'm just thrilled because I've been encouraging her to read these book for a few years now; and she's finally as excited about them as I am.
As part of her language arts class, each child has to do some sort of creative "book report" every few weeks. Booking Daughter has done some fun ones including making up her own reading guide for book club discussions. She not only comes up with some thought-provoking questions, but she also includes suggested activities that go along with the book and the characters. This month, she decided to write a book review (like mother, like daughter) on the third Harry Potter book, HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN.
Harry Potter is a normal boy who finds out he is a wizard. After terrible years at the Dursly’s, Harry is eager to start his magical life at Hogwarts.
Harry is famous in the magic world. Lord Voldemort (a bad wizard who kills anyone he wants to) tried to kill the Potter family. His mom and dad were murdered but Harry survived with only a scar on his forehead shaped like a lightning bolt.
Sirius Black used to be one of Harry’s father’s best friends, but he was accused of killing thirteen people and working for Voldemort. When he escapes from the Azkaban, Harry and everyone else at Hogwarts got scared. Sirius leaves some clues where he might be headed. Everyone thinks that he’s after Harry and heading to Hogwarts. As if Black wasn’t enough to worry about, Harry has other problems like missing out on visits to Hogsmeade, Professor Snape, and Ron and Hermione’s fighting.
The third book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, was my least favorite so far, but I still loved it. There wasn’t as much action in this book as the first two. I was expeing a big finish and the ending didn’t meet my expectations. I don’t want to give the ending away, but I really wasn’t surprised by how things worked out.
There were many great things that happened in this book. One thing about this book that I enjoyed was the character of Hermione. I thought she was funny because she was so stubborn and fought with Ron a lot. She had so many classes every day at the same time so she could be stressed, but I felt bad that Harry was sort of stuck in the middle. If Hermione and Ron would have worked together, I bet they would have found out the answer sooner.
I also really liked how Harry snuck out to Hogsmeade and found out that his father was actually friends with Sirius. It was funny that Harry’s dad and Sirius were always getting into trouble just like Harry and his friends. I’m guessing that Harry gets away with things unlike his dad because he is the famous Harry Potter.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban isn’t the most exciting of the first three Harry Potter books, but it is very character-driven. I learned a great deal about Sirius Black and some background on Harry’s life. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
I recommend Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to all fans of Harry Potter and The Lightning Thief books. I also think anyone who enjoys books about adventures and fantasy will love this book too. I wasn’t a big fan of fantasy books until I started reading the Harry Potter series, and now I’m obsessed.
Thanks to Peter from Big Honcho Media and Scholastic for sponsoring this amazing giveaway and for providing me with a complete boxed set of the Harry Potter books.
I LOVE Harry Potter!! I most of my copies away to my younger cousins who didn't have the whole set. They LOVE it!! But I want to re-read it too!!! :D
Please enter me!!
I love all the Harry Potter movies and would love to read these -- they're magical :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I love the Harry Potter books because they're enjoyable no matter what age you are! Please enter me!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Oh wow, that is a fabulous giveaway and action by both you and "The Real Magic of Harry Potter".
I live in Europe and own all the hardcovers, so I will not enter the competition, but I had to comment, because it's Harry Potter and somehow the books amaze me again and again.
What a great giveaway - I love the magic and fantasy that surrounds Harry Potter - my son would love this
msboatgal at aol.com
I love Harry Potter and his world because it's pretty much the world I would love to live in. Well minus the Deatheaters and Voldermort. But I love the idea of Harry's kind of magic.
Harry Potter just keeps me rapt with attention, and the movies which are usually a poor representation were well done also! The books are great because they got a whole slice of our kid's generation excited about reading!
I love Booking Daughter's review - her style reminds me of yours! No need to enter me in the contest.
I love the Harry Potter books because I can't think of anything that brought me and my kids together better. I'm sort of glad they came of "age" during the time where they still had the excitement of waiting for the next book to be released. You can't forget that! Thanks for the giveaway and interesting post.
I love the Harry Potter series because it was such a wonderful escape from the real world when I read it into a magical place that kept me happy and entertained for so many years. It also brought me, my sister and my nieces together since we all love the series.
Our whole family loves Harry Potter and my oldest would love these books!
Although I have not read Harry Potter, for myself, I am very enthusiastic about the series because my grandchildren like them so much, and I believe these books contributed in a big way to their love of reading.
Thanks for the great giveaway, maybe I will start reading them myself.
ooh ooh! me me me! I love HP because it was so unexpectedly good. My dad gave me the first book to read after he had enjoyed it. At the time I hadn't heard of it. We so enjoyed reading and discussing the books, and then when the movies started coming out we went to those together as well. My dad and I don't do a lot together so this was a wonderful way for us to enjoy something we both loved.
Why I love Harry Potter ... It's hard to put into words, actually. I love that it's a world of wonder. WordLily AT gmail DOT com
I <3 HP!
Also, I just gave you an award on my blog :)
My whole family LOVES Harry Potter. We have two complete sets of the books, so we could all take turns reading them. They are simply fantastic. So detailed and entertaining, they draw you into a new world and make you feel right at home. We will re-read them for many years to come.
Please enter me!
I love Harry Potter. It started when my son was in middle school and they started reading Harry Potter. Love everything about the stories and movies.
Sue B
I love Harry Potter. I love books that have magic, but the real appeal of these books is that the are just written so well. Love the movies, too. They did such a good job of staying true to the books.
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. Harry Potter has always captivated me. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
I love that in the Harry Potter books you enter such a wonderful and detailed world. I love the fact that the books aren't too in your face with constant violence, yet she wasn't afraid to write about hard things and make the ending wrapped up with a pretty bow. I feel like there is a good balance, and it shows the reality that doing what's right isn't always easy or rewarded immediately. Wonderful books.
I love Harry Potter because of the way the books draw you in.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
I have never read the Harry Potter books. Please enter me in contest. Thank you.
I loved the HP series. They were great stories for all ages. And really just magical. You got to see them grow up and how good really can win over evil but it is a tough road. I would love to have my own set. Thanks for the chance.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I love the Harry Potter books. My husband and I bought them all for my step-son, but we never bought copies for ourselves. We check them out from the library and re-read them regularly, and we listen to them on audio when we go on long trips, and we watch the movies. But the books really have so much more detail. I love watching how young Harry and his friends grow up.
I love Harry Potter because it's something a lot of people share, whether they enjoyed the books, movies, whatever. My daughter dressed up like Hermione one Halloween.
Great giveaway.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I love the Harry Potter books because there weren't many books that my son would stay up until midnight to read.
I love these books because they let you escape into a new world - no matter your age these books will touch you, and you'll totally get lost in them. It made me feel like a kid again and totally sparked my interest in reading again - after having burned myself out in school.
I'd love to enter the contest!
Email: princess[dot]skya[at]gmail[dot]com
Thanks and keep up the excellent blogging!
The third HP is definitely my favorite. I love character-esque books though. Harry Potter is great, I've been a fan for a long time.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
My husband and I love the series! We (mostly he) have thumbed through my set so much, they literally fell apart. My daughter really like the movies, so I can't wait until she's a little older so she can start reading them on her own. J.K. Rowling did such a fabulous job, creating a world within a world, and making us all believe in magic. She didn't just make it all magic, but she gave some real life problems too, like bullying and crushes. It's such an addicting series! Haha :)
Have a good one!
~Lauren (lpmccann (at) gmail.com)
I was late to jump on the Harry Potter bandwagon, but once I did--wow! The books just flowed so well and were so easy to dive into! I couldn't wait for the next one to come out and would have it pre-ordered!
I've read all of the Harry Potter books and loved Harry and the wonderful magical world that you're drawn into as a reader. I'd love to win a set of the books for my son who hasn't read them yet.
I've only borrowed the books from the library ever since the craze hit. There's just something about the series that I keep coming back into the fandom to look at all the fanart and fanfics that accumulate. I would love to own a full set of my own. Thanks for holding this lovely giveaway.
puchigusuu at gmail dot com
One of the reasons that I love Harry Potter is that they are unlike any other books that I read. I can picture the characters and settings and feel like I am there with them.
I love Harry Potter because suddenly kids who didn't read were carrying around books that were 3" thick. jenn (at) girlsjustreading dot com
I love the Harry Potter books for a plethora of reasons.
- They encouraged kids to read.
- They are a series of books which we have read and re-read so often we need to get new copies.
- Our seven year old in enchanted (no pun intended there) by the first two books.
- JK Rowling did a very good job making the reading level "grow up" along with Harry.
Need more reasons? :o)
I adore Harry Potter, and I didn't discover the greatness of the series until I was in college. LOL I am fully an adult fan of HP who never got to read it as a kid. I love Harry Potter because his feelings and relationships are just like regular old muggle relationships, and that makes even the most magical of storylines totally relatable to real life.
I'd love to share how I first learned about Harry Potter. I was in a college history class and the professor was talking about how his daughter was dressing up as Hermione for Halloween. I had no clue what he was talking about (as with most of the other students in the class) so he had to explain to us that she was a character in the Harry Potter series of books. I blew it off for a time, since they sounded like kids books, but my mom started reading them and told me they were great, and when the first movie came out I decided to read the book (first) to see what the big deal was. I fell hard for Harry and his friends right away--loved every page.
I'm not just a fan, I'm a HP pusher...as a middle school teacher, when the school library couldn't keep up with the demand, I brought in my copies for my students to read. Now they are in tattered shreds! I'd love to replace them, as they are literally falling apart at the seams!
I don't know how many times I've read them or had HP movie marathons at home. I also want to go to the UK for a HP tour (as well as The Wizarding World of HP in FL!) Thanks for the contest! You can email me at yahoo with my full name if I win (or through livejournal).
A friend loaned me her copy of the first book because she was sure that I'd love it. I was sure that I wouldn't but I wanted to be able to tell her that I at least tried it. I was hooked on the very first page. The next day I called her and told her I needed the next book.
The characters just seem to come to life and you get drawn into that world. I love a book that can do that.
I would love to win these.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
My husband is the Huge Harry Potter fan in our household. Now I've seen all the movies but never read the books like he has. He says he loves the story and characters too.
We'd love a chance to win this! what a great prize. Good Luck everyone!
Big Harry Potter fan here! These books are so great. My copies are running ragged so a new set wouldn't hurt.
dawnpnr at aol dot com
I love the Harry Potter books because they are filled with adventure and I love the friendships and the bravery a lot of the people have.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I was Harry's age when the books first came out. I became so absorbed in his world and I remember feeling just a little bit sad when I didn't get a letter from Hogwarts. I'm now a teen services librarian and love to see my young patron's eyes light up when they talk about those books and those characters. Call me selfish but it allows me to relive reading those books for the first time too. :)
I will donate these paperbacks to my library.
Wow, I fell in love after renting the 1st movie & before that I had never heard of it and after watching the movie I checked the book out & loved it. I love the story of this orphan boy, treated badly and found out that he is the most beloved boy in the wizarding world with magical powers and there in that world he finds the best of friends, father figures and love of his life
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I have not read the series but my daughter has read most. she thinks I would love them and if I win I will definitely read them. Thanks for the opportunity!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
What I love most about the HP books is the world that Rowling builds. The wizarding world that exists alongside the Muggle world is absolutely fascinating!
I love the Harry Potter books because they spur the imagination, are a wonderful escape, and help some reluctant readers learn to love reading (my oldest nephew was one who didn't read much of anything until the HP books, and became a devoted bibliophile through the years).
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
This would be great for my granddaughter!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I just love how you can immerse yourself in the world J.K. Rowling created. I read them for my own enjoyment before my sons were born, and I can't wait to read them again when the boys are old enough.
I love the Harry Potter series. The books themes are so different from our normal lives, but are cool to think about happening in fantasy. I have borrowed all 7 books from our neighbor, and read each of them in 3 days. (except for book #5...that took a little more than a week) J.k. Rowling has a wonderful imagination. I would love to come up with ideas like she does!! :0)
I love the books because the transport you to another world. I also love that they have encouraged so many kids to read!
Love all the Potter books, and I really enjoy sharing them now with my daugther...girlsgonereading@yahoo.com
The best part about the Harry Potter series is the friendships between Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Great giveaway!
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
I like that it gets children to use their imaginations and read!
aahaft at gmail dot com
I'd love this so my son can read it!
I love the characters and how they have become a part of our lives!
saz AT chainreader DOT com
I love the books most because they grow as the characters and readers grow. It's rare to see characters age in children's literature, and I love that Harry and the gang get to grow up!
I love how exciting these books are as read alouds! I'm looking forward to reading them aloud to my younger kiddos. (The olders have practically memorized them!)
love2teach2day AT gmail DOT com
I love the Harry Potter books because they've got such a great story. Good vs evil. Standing by your friends. Lots of action, adventure & suspense. And most of all because they got my nephews to read. Would love to have the whole set so I could give it to them. :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
I love Harry POtter, the author created such a detailed and amazing world..you get sucked right in!! i read all the books, and now my 8 year old son is reading them. i would love to win this set for him!
thanks for the chance!!
I love HP books because readers of all ages can enjoy them. I like that my 9 y.o. son and I can share them together.
Also, it's just such a magical series... I think these books are a great tool to keep kids' imaginations running wild as they should be!
logan 4301 at yahoo dot com
Harry Potter...what can I say that hasn't been said before? I love Harry Potter. I'm a book-a-holic, and the HP series is the only series I've read over and over and over again. I love the whimsy, the imagination, and the intrigue. J.K. Rowling is a fantastic writer and knows how to keep a story going without leaving gaping holes and while managing to keep the reader entertained and interested throughout.
I would love to win a boxed set of these amazing books!
I love the Harry Potter books because the characters are great, the plot is adventurous and fun, and I love all of the magical and wonderful tricks of fantasy in the series. Also, I love J.K. Rowlings writing style! Thanks so much! :)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
My kids have loved Harry Potter and have taken my books when they finished. I would love a new set to re-read myself.
Gary Paulson
I just love the magic - I've wanted a magic wand of my own since I was a kid! :)
the_viking_chick AT yahoo DOT com
My daughter-in-law got me to read one of the Harry Potter books and thats all it took. They allow you to escape into an entirely different world through the pages of some fantastic writing. I would love to win this set. Thanks
steven.capell at gmail dot com
I loved the Harry Potter series! I avoided it for soo long thinking there was no reason I would really like a book about teenage wizards. I couldn't have been more wrong! The main reason I love the books is because they can be appreciated by people of all ages!
I have never read them, but I love the books because they got my son interested in reading! He read them and loved them and was excited to read more!
Golly, great giveaway! Love the magic of these books. Well done! joleehamlin@comcast.net
I love HP for the way it allowed me to connect with my daughter on her terms. We giggle at references to the book we make during our day to day lives. This book transcends generations and has engaged so many children in the joy of books!
Ohhh, I have to admit that I adore the Harry Potter books. But I also have to disclose that I've never read them, only listened to the British audio version - SO GOOD!!! I would love to win this set and actually read the books this time; I'm sure the experience will be quite different (though I now have firm ideas of how the characters sound). Thank you!
Such an amazing contest! Thank you so much! I love the new trailer too! Please enter me!
the1stdaughter at gmail dot com
I can't believe I am going to admit this...but I have never read the Harry Potter books:( If I won this I definitely would be able to. I would love to win this so I could read the series.
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
I love Harry Potter because HE made some of the most RELUCTANT readers in my classroom learn to LOVE literature! :)
I would love love love to win this
*fingers crossed*
oops!.. forgot my email!
papajm25 @ gmail . com
I love the Harry Potter books for several reasons....
1-The world J.K. created was so effective at pulling you in and wanting to stay there
2- It got a whole generation reading and as a result even more fantasy fiction was published!
3-Because of the fandom I've met a lot of really fantastic people.
4-It created Wizard Rock and lots of fanfiction....which is an awesome way for people to express themselves!
Thanks so much for the chance!
I can't say I love Harry Potter because surprisingly I have not yet read a book in the series, maybe now I would :O
steffanie771 at hotmail dot com
I haven't read many of the Harry Potter books, but I did enjoy the first one. It was fun, easy to read, and attention grabbing. :)
I just recently watched the first couple Harry Potter movies with my son, and he is begging me to start reading the books to him! I think it will be a fabulous series to read to him :)
winnieayala at yahoo dot com
I love Harry Potter books because the author did not "dumb down" the story to appeal to what she thought children would understand and enjoy. That is why the books are so popular, and why anyone, regardless of age, would love her books.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I haven't read the books yet but want to. I've seen all the movies and they are so wonderful. I'm a sucker for ordinary people in a supernatural world (a la The Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) I love Hermoine; she has so much spunk!
junkforcarmen at gmail dot com
I love the Harry Potter books because they are a wonderful fantasy that pits good against evil (and good wins!). I also love them because they appeal to people of all ages.
Thanks ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com
I love Harry Potter because it is so suspenceful not knowing who is good and who is evil in some of the books. I also like the fact the author made up her own language for some of the wizarding terms. My 11 year old and I like to use the terms around the other memebers of our family who haven't read Harry Potter and confuse them :)
I love Harry Potter books because of the fantasy, imagination, and magic. Please enter me in this giveaway!
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah E
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