As far as I'm concerned, Jackie Collins is an absolutely goddess in the writing world. She has 27 best-selling novels and has sold over 400 million books! I hope you'll enjoy this interview half as much as I did!
Booking Mama: POOR LITTLE BITCH GIRL was so good! The characters were larger-than-life and their actions were so scandalous. It almost seems as if you managed to capture some current/real life events in this story. What made you decide to write this novel?
Jackie Collins: It's all about catching a headline before it happens, as was the case with the cheating politician, Gregory Stoneman, in "Poor Little Bitch Girl." And also I was inspired by the Spitzer and the call girl case in New York. I just put my own tilt on real life events. Plus I love writing strong women and sexy men.
Booking Mama: You have written so many terrific best-selling books (isn't it a crazy number like 27?) during your career. Is there one that stands out for you as a favorite or one that you are most proud of?
Jackie Collins: "Poor Little Bitch Girl" is my 27th novel, and of course it's my current fave. But of all my books "Chances" stands out, because in "Chances" I created the Santangelo family, and the infamous Lucky Santangelo - who you all seem to love. Lucky kicks it. She's the best and most fun to write, and she's coming back in "Goddess of Vengeance."
Booking Mama: You have an amazing ability to entertain in your books. I think one of the reasons for this is that you have a knack for giving readers an inside glimpse at the Hollywood life. Are any of your books/stories based on real people that you've encountered? If so, has anyone you've known ever seen themselves in your books? What was their reaction?
Jackie Collins: Every guy in Hollywood thought he was the lead character in "The Stud." Yes, I often draw on real life celebrities and change the names to protect the not so innocent! When you read one of my books, you are not getting the front page of a tabloid, you are getting the real deal.
Booking Mama: When I told my friend that I was reading POOR LITTLE BITCH GIRL, she smiled and said that you taught her everything she knows about sex! Then we started reminiscing about how we read your books in our teens -- probably a little younger than your intended audience! I was wondering if it's easy for you to write those sexy scenes? Are there any challenges you face coming up with "fresh" ones?
Jackie Collins: I have been told about the sex scenes teaching girls plenty so many times!! I have a multi-generational audience, they start reading me at 14 or 15 and just keep going! Mom, dad, sister, the entire family!
Booking Mama: As I read POOR LITTLE BITCH GIRL, I couldn't help but think it would make a great movie. Is there any talk that your novel will be made into movie?
Jackie Collins: Yes, I really hope so. I have a direct to DVD premiere movie coming out soon called Paris Connections. It features one of my characters, Madison Castelli, from "Lethal Seduction" and "Deadly Embrace."
Booking Mama: I loved so many of the characters in this book (even the "bad" ones.) Is there any chance that we'll see more of these characters in a future novel?
Jackie Collins: Definitely. My next book "Goddess of Vengeance" will feature Lucky, her hot son Bobby, and my new fave character, Denver Jones. I'm also thinking of bringing Frankie and Annabelle back.
Booking Mama: And that leads me to my next question. What's next for you? What are you currently working on?
Jackie Collins: A fun play called "Jackie Collins - Hollywood Lies," a photo book, my new novel, my autobiography, and the Lucky Santangelo cookbook. Other than that I'm just sitting around doing nothing!
Photo credit: Greg Gorman
A huge thanks to Ms. Collins for taking time from her very busy schedule to answer a few of my questions.
Giveaway Alert: I am so excited that I have a copy of POOR LITTLE BITCH GIRL to giveaway to one lucky reader. To enter, all you have to do is tell me why you want to win this book! Please leave a valid email address with your comment. This giveaway will be open until Monday, May 3rd at 11:59 p.m. ET, and I will notify the winner the following day. This contest is open to those of you in the US only. Good luck!
Well, I was one of those girls that learned all about kinky sex from these books, except that I think I was reading them in college. It has been probably 15 years since I've read her, but I do remember Lucky. I'd say this was a bit of a coup, getting her to participate in an interview. Way to go!
Fun interview. I'll be looking for that movie at NetFlix. And I *must* get my hands on that cookbook when it come out.
Because I love reading Jackie Collins books. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I'm another fan that goes way back to the intro of Lucky! Jackie looks fantastic! Love those Santangelos
msboatgal at aol.com
What great questions Julie! Thanks for doing this fun interview!
Wow, what an interview! Jackie Collins still looks good - we need to find out her beauty secrets.
I think the fact that we love her bad characters is what makes her books so much fun!
I'd love to get my hands on this book for my mom. She absolutely loves Jackie Collins. In fact, I have a bunch of her books somewhere on my shelves; my mom handed me a box and said, "You have to read these." LOL I haven't yet, though.
Diary of an Eccentric
diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com
I want to win this book because I'm a Jackie Collins fan :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I'd like to win this book because Jacky Collins is very special to me.
When I was 16 years old, in Indonesia, I was encouraged to learn to read English novels. What did I choose? Jacky Collins' Rock Star. This was the most memorable English language novel for me. After reading that book, I translated it into Indonesian as an experiment to test my knowledge and ability and let my teacher read it. It was a success!
There was nothing stopping me from buying all her novels after my deep relationship with Rock Star.
I adore her daring and good looking guys, love her drop dead beautiful and smart bitches. I loooove Jacky Collins!!!
I love Jackie Collins. Great interview, that is so cool that you got the chance to ask JC some questions. Check out my blog inspired by and dedicated to Jackie Collins. http://www.dearjackiecollins.blogspot.com/
Julie, I've got this entered at Win a Book for you.
I'd like to win this book, because I have yet to read anything by this author. I'm really new to reading. I haven't even been reading a year yet. Just picked it up as a new hobby and I'm loving it!
Really enjoyed your interview and the review yesterday. I would love to win because a new Jackie Collins is kind of synonymous with summer and a super beach read.
I want to win this book because from the title alone I know I'd enjoy it.
This win would kickstart my Jackie Collinss collection.
I love Jackie and I can't wait to read her book.
It sounds like an entertaining story, and I am always up for that.
I would love to win this book because I have not read it yet. I love Jackie Collins books. I started reading them when I was too young to read them:O I remember finding one at my grandma's house and read it during the summer I was there.
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
I want to win this for what seems like the opposite reasoning of everyone else!... I don't own a single Jackie Collins book and would LOVE to own one :)
papajm25 @ gmail . com
This would be the perfect read to start my Memorial Day weekend at the beach!!
I would like to win this book, because I love all of Jackie Collins books. They are just the best. Please enter me. Thanks!
I haven't had the opportunity to read Ms. Collins yet. Sign me up!
I would like to win this book because it sounds very interesting and enjoyable. Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Very cool interview! I have my first Jackie Collins book on my shelf, waiting patiently to be read.
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