In this hilarious third installment about everyone’s favorite ’tween procrastinator, Moxy Maxwell is set to make her Piano Debut, playing a duet of “Heart and Soul” with her little sister, Pansy. It’s too bad she has no time to practice. Between costume fittings, trying on her crown, warming up her voice, and putting on her stage makeup, Moxy can’t possibly worry about the actual performance. But soon it’s upon her, and Moxy feels something she’s only felt once before in her entire life: nervous! She’s not sure she can go on. Of course, Moxy is Moxy and she rises to the occasion brilliantly. -- Schwartz & Wade
Last year, Booking Daughter discovered the Moxy Maxwell books. She read both MOXY MAXWELL DOES NOT LOVE STUART LITTLE and MOXY MAXWELL DOES NOT LOVE WRITING THANK-YOU NOTES; and she thought they were both pretty good books. So when we received an ARC of the latest Moxy Maxwell book MOXY MAXWELL DOES NOT LOVE PRACTICING THE PIANO (BUT SHE DOES LOVE BEING IN RECITALS) by Peggy Gifford, she was very excited and read the book in one sitting (but that's not unusual for her.) As a parent, I could really appreciate that the book was a quick and engaging read; and I think even reluctant readers are going to like it.
MOXY MAXWELL DOES NOT LOVE PRACTICING THE PIANO is my first experience with Moxy Maxwell; and I just loved this book! It received a Starred Review from Kirkus Reviews, July 1, 2009; and I couldn't agree more with this praise. I thought this story and characters were cute and absolutely hilarious too. I definitely can see how middle grade girls (and some boys too) are going to love reading about Moxy and her antics.
Moxy is a fantastic character for a number of reasons. I loved that she was unpredictable and I thought so many of her actions were too funny (unless I was her mother, of course.) I also thought the supporting characters were terrific -- from Moxy's aunt, to her grandmother, to her parents. There is no doubt that the characters in this book are entertaining and memorable. I can see how kids will definitely want more of Moxy and her family after reading one book. In fact, I'd like to go back and read the other books in the series. I think that the Moxy Maxwell books are destined to become a wonderful series for middle-grade readers!
The format of this book is another thing that I really liked. The 175ish page book is made up of 85 very brief chapters. Some of the chapters were just a few words! Kids (and grown ups alike) will find that they can't stop reading this book -- you know... just one more chapter. I also liked that there were photographs (by Valorie Fisher) in this book. I thought they totally complemented the story; and since most of the pictures were "taken" by Moxy's twin brother Mark, they were just what you'd expect from a 10 year old kid. Some were blurry and some were crooked but they all made me laugh!
Here are Booking Daughter's thoughts:
I was happy to hear that there was a new Moxy Maxwell book, and I was very excited to read it. I liked this book, but I liked the first book in the series a little bit more. One thing I enjoyed about this book was that Moxy played the piano because I play it too. I could understand Moxy not wanting to practice. I thought Moxy was hilarious and the ending of the book surprised me based on Moxy's attitude and personality. I recommend this book!
I received an ARC as well as a hardcover copy of this book from the publisher, and I'd love to pass one on to you! If you would like to win the hardcover version of MOXY MAXWELL DOES NOT LOVE PRACTICING THE PIANO, just leave a comment with a valid e-mail address telling me something that you didn't like to do when you were a kid. To double or triple your chances, you can blog and/or tweet about this giveaway with a link back to this post. The contest will be open until Tuesday, September 23rd at 11:59 p.m. EST, and you must have a U.S. or Canada mailing addresses to enter. I will notify the winner the following day. Good Luck!
Please enter me. This sounds really cute.
I also hated to practice the organ! I also hated doing dishes (which I still hate to do)
melacan at hotmail dot com
I alos played piano and disliked practicing.
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
I wanted to take piano when I was a kid and the only way I could my mom said was to take typing in school too. Yuk! LOL. Please enter me too.
I didn't like to eat vegetables.
As a kid I didn't like to wash the floors.
I didn't like to practice my trumpet. lol
This does sound like a cute book - I always wanted to take piano lessons and swore I'd practice all the time, but I know I wouldn't have. Don't enter me.
I hated practicing the flute-never took piano lessons. I'd love to read the book.
What I never liked to do was pull weeds or do other chores in the garden or around the yard. I'm much older now and I still don't like it. My husband does, though, fortunately. LOL! I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
Please count me in! As a kid, I did not like practicing the piano either. First chance I got (end of elem school) I quit lessons. One school year later, I missed it and was back in them! Mother really knows best sometimes!
I hated cleaning my room! Unfortunately this seems to be an inherited trait since my kids feel the same way now.
When I was young I hated ballet lessons
Please enter me. My step granddaughter would love this.
Well, I didn't like practicing piano either, but I am sooooo glad my mom MADE me do it. I love to play now and it is a talent that I have passed on to our son!
As a little kid I always wanted to do the dishes, but once I was old enough that my mom let me, I hated doing them so much.
I didn't like practicing anything. The violin, the clarinet, or the piano. But thanks to my mom's diligence and twelve years of fighting, I can play the piano okay.
Thanks for the giveaway. This looks adorable.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I didn't like to take out the garbage.
I'd love to be entered. My daughter plays the piano, but getting her to practice can be tough.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
Hi! Sorry to invade in your post here but you won the giveaway on my posted BBAW question. Please stop back and post which item you would like out of the giveaway box. :)
I will be away for the evening so i will email you tonight or tomorrow for shipping info. Congrats! :)
This sounds like a great read! Please count me in! Hmmm...I hated cleaning my room as a child....funny thing...I still hate it LOL!! I always thought I'd grow out of it!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I tweeted!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
My parent made me take Accordian lessons when i was a kid..I HATED it
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Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
Hi What I didn't like doing was my homework but especially disliked having to babysit my siblings. Would love to have this for my daughter. Cheers. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com
Please enter me. Thanks for the chance. When I was young I hated to clean my room! I used to make every excuse in the book.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I did not like practicing the piano.
I didn't like cleaning my room, but what kid does :)
I had my issues with practicing the piano, too! and I abhorred laundry.
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I did not like to take swimming lessons.
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