Write in 50 words or less…what do you like best about your blog right now and where would you like your blog to be a year from now?
This is probably the most difficult post for me to write, and I'm pretty sure that it's not going to be in 50 words or less! My short answer is that I actually have no idea. On some days, I'm pretty happy with my blog. I mean I have the opportunity to read a lot of wonderful books and talk about them with friends. Really, that was all I ever wanted from Booking Mama.
But recently, I have been feeling a little insecure about my blog. I can't put my finger on exactly what my issues are, but I think I feel like it's just not "good enough." I honestly don't think that I can read more books or write more reviews -- I feel like I'm already tapped out -- but I do think maybe my reviews could be improved. I would also love to increase the number of comments I receive on non-giveaway related posts. I realize that I need to leave more comments to get more comments; and I have been actively working on this one the past few months.
I think my real concern is that I need to more for/with the blogging community. I assisted with BBAW in a few small ways, and I try to participate in various reading challenges; however, I still don't think it's enough. The book blogging community is a terrific bunch of people, and I feel like I am only scratching the surface with all the amazing blogs out there. I would love to host a regular meme or feature, or even host a reading challenge; and I have been trying to come up with a good idea for one. The problem is that there are so many fabulous ones out there, and I'm not exactly the most creative person.
I have been trying to come up with an interesting feature for Booking Mama. Because I am a member of three book clubs, I love to hear about other people's book clubs. I thought a Weekly (or Bi-weekly) feature on book clubs might be interesting. I was thinking that other readers, bloggers and authors could write guest posts about their book clubs. The posts could be on how they got started, what books they have read/enjoyed, or even about one of their meetings -- really any subject having to do with their book club.
Another idea I've been toying with (that I think I really like) is having a feature called Booking Back to School (or something like that.) My husband actually gave me this idea when he read the Penn State alumni magazine the other day, and there was a list of new books written by Penn Staters. He thought I should start writing about Penn State authors and their books, but I thought why not extend that to all schools? Basically, we could feature a different book or author as well as their college or university each week on Booking Mama. The feature could be a book review, a book spotlight, an author interview or an author guest post. You wouldn't have to write about your particular school -- you could choose to write about a local school (high school, college, university, etc.) or even one you root for.
So in the meantime, I will continue to stew over and work on the things I mentioned above; however, if you have any ideas for how I can improve Booking Mama, I'd love for you to leave a comment. I'm also very interested to hear if either of my feature ideas sound like something you'd like to see (or participate in!)
I love the idea of featuring published books from people's alma maters/hometown schools. I had three published and distinguished profs I can think of, although potentially access to only two of their books.
Anyway, I like your blog, your writing, and I definitely think your reviews are excellent. Maybe adding in a new feature will help; that's what I am attempting, we'll see how it goes.
I love your blog, and you, exactly the way they are! I just love your reviews because they obviously come from the heart. I think we all feel insecure about our blogs at times, though, and it never hurts to try to come up with ways to be even better.
I totally agree with Bermuda Onion. We all go through insecure times with our blogs. It keeps us on our toes! :-) And I understand your desire to generate more comments on non-giveaway posts. That's another one I think most of us share. I think you have some great ideas though! It will be fun to watch your blog grow! :-)
I think you have a great blog and I really enjoy reading! In fact, I keep a word document where I add books that I want to read to it and tons come from your reviews! Keep doing what you're doing!
I love your book club idea--I'm a member of a book club after growing up and always seeing my mom in one. It's a great thing that I really enjoy!
I love your blog Julie...it was one of the first ones I encountered when I first started my blog almost a year ago. I actually had my first 'blog win' from you when I won a copy of Sarah's Key....which I just loved!
I think your reviews are so well written an thorough as it is. I like your idea about a weekly book club feature though. I'm always trying to share new things with my book club and this would be a great way to get some new ideas going.
Please don't try to change too much! I really enjoy your blog as well. I also enjoy your reviews. You are definitely on the right track!
I agree that we all think we can do better, or change things. But diversity is good! And your reviews are fabulous!
I'm so sorry you've been feeling down about your blog I think it's great! I have no idea how you manage your long reviews with all your reading and also raising kids! You're doing a great job, chin up!
I think you have some great ideas there ... and I think that you are SAHM with 2 kids and you still blog and read is enough! I sometimes feel the same way but we are all in different places in life and can only do so much!! Having little kids right now really limits what I can do -- but when my son is older and I have more free time -- watch out blogging world! Keep up the good work!
This week has a lot of people wanting to think up new ideas for their blogs. BBAW seems to be the cause of a lot of it. I do have insecure moments as well.
I like the book club feature idea!
I adore your idea for the book club feature! I'd love to read that.
One of the things I walked away from BBAW with this week is a strong feeling of being happy with yourself. I think we all strive to be "better" in one way or another but as long as there is self-satisfaction in what you're doing that is all that matters.
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