Available or single? Married. It is 16 years today, and we actually started dating 20 years ago this month!
Best Friend? My husband. I really couldn't ask for anything more! He's the best husband and father, and he tolerates all my reading and blogging!
Cake or Pie? Pie. I love fruit pies especially a good apple pie.
Drink of choice? Diet Pepsi or black coffee. I guess I like my caffeine.
Essential item for every day use? This is embarrassing, but I'm going to say my computer.
Favorite color? Pink and purple. I can't pick just one.
Google? All the time!
Hometown? I guess I'd have to say where I live now -- Mechanicsburg, PA. I've moved around a lot my entire life and just don't really consider any one place my hometown.
Indulgences? Books, shoes, clothes, yarn..... I like to shop a lot!
January or February? Neither? I don't like winter, but if I have to choose, then February because my husband's birthday is in that month.
Kids and their names? Hayley (aka Booking Daughter) - Age 10, and Joshua (aka Booking Son) - Age 5
Life is incomplete without…? Books!
Marriage date? September 18, 2003 -- TODAY!
Number of siblings? 1 -- Booking Aunt! She's 8 1/2 years younger.
Oranges or apples? Apples. This goes back to that pie question above!
Phobias and fears? Snakes? Spiders? Bugs? Close spaces? I'm a little quirky!
Quote for the day? "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one!"" -- C.S. Lewis
Reason to smile? Just got back from Disneyworld -- The Happiest Place on Earth! And it's my anniversary and I'm married to a great man.
Season? Fall! I love apples, Penn State football, back-to-school, pumpkins, fall colors, etc.
Tag 3 people: Anyone who wants to play can!
Unknown fact about me? I don't know if I have any secrets! How about I have an MBA from George Mason University?
Vegetable you hate? Maybe radicchio? Or succotash? Also, Cope's Dried Corn.
Worst habit? Compulsively checking my e-mail.
X-rays you’ve had? Lungs for pneumonia.
Your fave food? Oh my goodness. Where to start! Apple pie, pizza, crab legs, Fajitas, margaritas, Strawberry Twizzlers, Payday Bars, ice cream, and many many more.
Zodiac sign? Aries or Taurus depending on the chart. I'm right on the cut-off.
If you decide to "play," just leave a comment with a link to your ABCs!
Happy anniversary! I didn't know that you have an MBA, so I did learn something new about you! =)
Happy anniversary! And it is indeed very happy when you celebrate and share it with your best friend.
It's a very fun meme. I enjoyed reading your answers (apples are also my all time favorite, not only over oranges).
Happy anniversary! I don't even know what Cope's Dried Corn is.
Happy day!!!
Tomorrow is the day to say, "We Are . . . " (you know the rest!)
This was a fun one, so I did it too ;-)
Happy Anniversary by the way!
Happy Anniversary And thanks for the ABC Life you have...You are a wonderful person and blogger.
I don't know what Cope Corn is either. Is a PA Thing? GO GAATORS
(Just had to put that in there.)
Happy Anniversary!
And shoes and books are not indulgences...they're necessities!
Also, our birthdays must be very close...mine's the 22nd. I'm guessing yours is the 21st?
Happy anniversary! These ABC posts are fun, although clearly coming up with some of the questions (like x-rays) were a challenge for whoever started it!
Happy Anniversary and I have a Josh too!
Happy Anniversary!
Ok, you can no longer be my kindred spirit. I *love* Cope's Dried Corn. It's an indispensable part of our Thanksgiving meals and we have family send boxes to us since we can't get it down here in the sunny south.
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