Addie Downs and Valerie Adler will be best friends forever. That's what Addie believes after Valerie moves across the street when they're both nine years old. But in the wake of betrayal during their teenage years, Val is swept into the popular crowd, while mousy, sullen Addie becomes her school's scapegoat.
Flash-forward fifteen years. Valerie Adler has found a measure of fame and fortune working as the weathergirl at the local TV station. Addie Downs lives alone in her parents' house in their small hometown of Pleasant Ridge, Illinois, caring for a troubled brother and trying to meet Prince Charming on the Internet. She's just returned from Bad Date #6 when she opens her door to find her long-gone best friend standing there, a terrified look on her face and blood on the sleeve of her coat. "Something horrible has happened," Val tells Addie, "and you're the only one who can help."
Best Friends Forever is a grand, hilarious, edge-of-your-seat adventure; a story about betrayal and loyalty, family history and small-town secrets. It's about living through tragedy, finding love where you least expect it, and the ties that keep best friends together. -- Atria
I'm away at Disneyworld with my family this week so I'm unfortunately missing out on a lot of the BBAW festivities. I still want to celebrate and be part of things so I'm doing a few book giveaways! Here's the first one:
A few months ago, I read and reviewed BEST FRIENDS FOREVER by Jennifer Weiner. For some reason, I received two copies of this book and I'd love to share one with you. To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me why you love BBAW! To double or triple your chances, you can blog and/or tweet about this giveaway with a link back this post. This contest is open until Sunday, September 20th at 11:59 p.m. EST; and I will notify the winner the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only. Good luck!
Hi, Julie! I love BBAW because it celebrates the relationship between the book producers, the book bloggers and the readers! The three groups combine to make up the glorious experience of living in the book world. Thank You!!!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I love BBAW because there are lots of giveaways and lots of new blogs to stop at.
I love BBAW because it celebrates bloggers who love books, their blogs and the friendships and community that has developed as a result of this shared love of books. When I started my blog I had no idea I would find world that shared my love of books and celebrates it! I'm so happy I did!
Thank you for a great giveaway!
I hope you're having a great time! I love BBAW because I think it's nice to celebrate the work everyone puts into their blogs.
I definately want to read this book! I love BBAW because of all the great giveaways and all the new blogs that I get to read! Thanks for being part of it!
I like BBAW because they give
away books. As a lover of books
who is retired, giveaways help
me get books I otherwise couldn't
I love BBAW because of the book giveaways. I want to try new authors.
Oh my, I accidentally clicked the delete little garbage can icon. Hope this doesn't hurt my chances!
Well, my original comment was really amazing. I'll try to recreate!
I just love it because books are my escape from real life. I have a rare neurological disease that causes me extreme pain. Narcotics don't work, and I wouldn't like life very much if they did. But, books! Books are my escape. They let me relax, let go, and get into someone else's life (however fictional) Books=pain relief. Doesn't get much better than that.
BBAW celebrates books and those that review them. I get to add to my long long reading list at my library's website. And, amazingly enough, the review even let me escape a bit. JOY!
Love your blog, have for a long long LONG time! Thanks!
BBAW is amazing as I have found so many new to me wonderful blogs. The giveaways, the special posts, the feeling of community are just so great.
I'd love to read this book.
I just posted a link to the contest in my sidebar
I enjoy the book reviews and the giveaways...and the wonderful blogs, too.
karen k
I love BBAW because it validates the hard work that book bloggers do, as well as helps me find more book blogs to read! Thanks for the opportunity...this book is on my reading list.
I love BBAW because of all the great book reviews, also because the blog is done attractively. Those two reasons keep me coming back!!
I love BBAW because it introduces me to sites that I may not have come across otherwise. I love not being the only "book geek" out there, as no one in my family enjoys reading quite as much as I do!
Please enter me in your contest- I would love to win this book! I'm a big Jennifer Weiner fan!
I'm loving reading what book bloggers think are the best books, the best blogs and I've got a running list saved on my computer this morning. I love reading, but I also love providing my boys with great middle grade and young adult fiction.
I'd love this! Thanks for sharing.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I love BBAW because it introduces me to all sorts of new blogs I didn't know were out there!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I am kind of new to the whole book blog thing. I have so thoroughly enjoyed your site though and now being able to find other sites as well. This has opened up a whole new world to me!
Thanks for this!!
heatherstubbs (at) mac.com
I love BBAW because I am being introduced to some really cool blogs!
I love BBAW because everyone is pitching in to do the work of finding lots of new book blogs! There are so many now I couldn't find, much less read them all, if it was all I did all day every day for a month.
Jeanne dot Griggs at gmail dot com
I love BBAW because I'm introduce to many new blogs that I wasn't aware of beforehand
msboatgal at aol.com
BBAW is amazing because it does give me a chance to try new authors.
Have a great trip.
I like BBAW because it celebrates how important book bloggers are to getting the word out about new books.
What a wonderful give away!
forgot my email address
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I LOVE BBAW because it honors all the awesome book blogs out there!! I have read so many amazing books that I might not have picked up because of these fabulous bloggers!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
It's fun discovering new blogs during BBAW!
Wow! I did not know about BBAW last year - but after visiting their Home Page I am sad that I missed out on it! What I really love is that it's a great place to find many more book review blogs to keep tabs on in my reader. This is bound to add tons to my "to-read" pile.
I love Braw because it clebrates bloggers and their blogs. So non-bloggers like me can profit as well through the book giveaways.
I'm not a blogger but I love that the book bloggers are recieving recognition for their hard work. I also love that I'm being introduced to so many fabulous blogs I haven't before come across.
melacan at hotmail dot com
I enjoy BBAW because i love books. S I get to hear about many new books that I MUST read. Also, the giveaways are great.
I love BBAW because of the giveaways and all the great blogs I visit-I LOVE to read, can't get enough:) Please enter me in the giveaway, thanks!!
I tweeted about the giveaway! thanks;)
I posted link on my blog here:
I love it because there are so many nice people
I love BBAW because I discover so many great blogs that I never knew existed!
Thanks for the giveaway!
quzy (at) mac (dot) com
Please enter me, I love BBAW because I encounter new blogs and the giveaways are cool!
I'm sorry your missing BBAW ... but I'd take vacation anytime! And your blog reader will thank you for it ... I'm getting so overloaded. Please enter me for this ... I love Jennifer Weiner and I don't have this one! : )
jfligster at gmail dot com
I like BBAW because they give
away books and introduce you to new bloggers.
jhoorm01 at yahoo dot com
I love BBAW because I always find more fantastic blogs to follow! It celebrates what a great community all of you have created!!!!!!
boomda181 at gmail(dot)com
I love BBAW because they celebrate books and book lovers.
Well, what's not to like. Blogs are the like, the most fun way to interact with readers and authors, so we should appreciate them. They're truly one of the best inventions of the internet.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
Hi, I love BBAW because it is good for both the writer, book publishers and the reader. I did post a link of yours to my blog ----> http://deardiary-monae.blogspot.com/ because I wanted to share your link with people. Thank you so much for being here. Do take care.
I'm new to BBAW, but love good Blog sites like this one. They help me to find new authors to try and the contests/giveaways help with the cost of new authors/books. I don't have a blog site to post to, but will put this on my facebook page and spread the word on amazon romance forum.
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Thanks for the giveaway,
Mitzi H.
I love BBAW because it's a great way to discover new blogs.
I like seeing all the new blogs! :)
I like BBAW because of all the new blogs that I am introduced to and also because of all the giveaways that are happening.
I like BBAW because it is fun to see what books everyone likes and gives away. It is a lot of fun!
I love BBAW because I get to discover so many new blogs and books!!
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
I love BBAW b/c it creates a community of book lovers! We're not alone!
I love BBAW because it introduces me to so many other great blogs!
Thanks for this giveaway!
I am digging BBAW because it is exposing me to all these awesome book blogs I didn't know about!
emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com
I love being introduced to all of the new to me blogs!
I love BBAW because I find a lot of great blogs because of it!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I love BBAW because I discover so many wonderful blogs!
The giveaways and increased posts from authors are also major pluses!
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com
I love BBAW because it gives the book bloggers the accolades they deserve!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Count me in:)
Great giveaway! I love BBAW because it celebrates all the hard work bloggers do all year.
I lvoe BBAW b/c it celebrates people who truly love books :) I know I can't get enough of them.
I Love BBAW because of the reviews,it has been years since I have been able to enjoy reading again and you give great reviews
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I love BBAW because it has introduced me a a lot of wonderful blogs, including yours. :)
I love books. It's my obsession, and what more could a book lover ask for than to win a FREE book! I love your site just because your are a book lover!
mymadakaja at yahoo dot com
I tweeted here:
mymadakaja at yahoo dot com
I love BBAW because it has allowed me to find out about a lot of incredible book blogs, like yours! :)
I love BBAW because it allows me to discover new book blogs
I love BBAW because it has introduced me to so many new blogs, and of course so many new books I hadn't heard of before!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/4052679499
I love BBAW because I have found so many high quality book blogs. I love the online community that book blogs foster!
Amanda N.
tweet tweet:
Amanda n.
I love it because of all the giveaways. ;)
I love BBAW because of all their great giveaways. I'd love to read this book!
I love BBAW because of all the new blogs and giveaways. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER by Jennifer sounds wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thank you for a great giveaway!augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.
I love BBAW because of all the book bloggers I learn about!
Thanks for the contest.
I love BBAW because you get to see all the hard work so many book bloggers do by seeing their blogs. You get to add alot of new ones to your blogroll!! Plz enter me in the contest..I love her books!! I tweeted the contest too
allisonsattic at gmail dot com
This is my first year perusing the BBAW giveaway book blogs and I love it. I get to find so many great book reviews by stellar bloggers who have put so much time and energy into blogging about what they read.
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
BBAW rocks because it's a celebration of the book blogging community! :)
I love BBAW because I've discovered blogs and books that I would not have known existed. I love reading blogs and comments. Some are quite entertaining. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.
Great giveaway! I am totally loving BBAW because being fairly new to the book blogging world, I love finding out about this whole world of book blogs that I never knew existed!
jessicallawlor at gmail dot com
I love BBAW because I find all these amazing new blogs to check out (and the contests aren't half bad either ;))
this sounds great!! i love BBAW cause of all the great give aways!!
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
i love bbaw because there are great giveaways...thanks
I love BBAW because all the giveaways turn me on to new authors and new blogs!! Also because I just love parties!!! Thanks for the great giveaways!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I tweeted!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I LOVE BBAW because it's What you do…carving out a little bit of cyberspace for books, reading books, talking about books, fighting for literacy, shattering stereotypes about reading and through reading..it matters. We all read and blog for different reasons but we share something important in common…we love books. Viva books!!!!!
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
I own CoolCanucks.ca, which is a Canadian Contest and Freebie site. This giveaway is shared here:
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
I tweeted!!
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
I love BBAW because there is so many great book giveaways
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
I love BBAW because your blog gives us all access to other book bloggers that we may not necessarily have been aware of. Your reviews give us insight and we all have the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaways. Thanks for all your hard work.
I just love BBAW because there are so many wonderful giveaways and new blogs to explore and experience.
Thank you,
I tweeted http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/4137375593
Thank you,
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