The White Queen tells the story of a woman of extraordinary beauty and ambition who, catching the eye of the newly crowned boy king, marries him in secret and ascends to royalty. While Elizabeth rises to the demands of her exalted position and fights for the success of her family, her two sons become central figures in a mystery that has confounded historians for centuries: the missing princes in the Tower of London whose fate is still unknown. From her uniquely qualified perspective, Philippa Gregory explores this most famous unsolved mystery of English history, informed by impeccable research and framed by her inimitable storytelling skills.
With The White Queen, Philippa Gregory brings the artistry and intellect of a master writer and storyteller to a new era in history and begins what is sure to be another bestselling classic series from this beloved author.-- Touchstone
I have been anxiously awaiting the new Philippa Gregory book THE WHITE QUEEN. Like many, I enjoyed THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL; however, I didn't exactly love the last book that I read by Ms. Gregory. I was sincerely hoping that THE WHITE QUEEN would love up to all its advance billing. After reading it (or you could say devouring it), I am so excited to say that Ms. Gregory is back. I loved THE WHITE QUEEN!
THE WHITE QUEEN is the first book in The Cousins' War Series. You can't see me, but I'm doing a little happy dance because that means there will be two more books about the Plantagenets -- THE RED QUEEN and THE WHITE PRINCESS. I am already excited about the release of the next book because I felt as if I was kind of left hanging at the end of THE WHITE QUEEN. I don't mean that in a negative way and I'm sure it was the author's intent, but I want to know what happens next!
While I definitely enjoy historical fiction, I am sadly lacking in knowledge about England and its Monarchy. As a result, I knew almost nothing about the Plantagenets except for a few small things that appeared as side stories in other novels. I can't tell you how much of this story is fact versus fiction; and frankly, I don't even care. I was fascinated by the story Ms. Gregory told about these characters' lives. THE WHITE QUEEN is better than any televised drama or movie I've ever seen. These characters are smart, determined, and ruthless; and I just loved reading about them.
I thought THE WHITE QUEEN had a little bit of everything; and I'm sure there is something in Elizabeth Woodville' s story that will capture your attention. First, THE WHITE QUEEN is just a fabulous historical story about the Cousins' War. There are so many scenes where brother is pitted against brother for control; and the characters involved have absolutely no idea who they can and can not trust. It was a great, suspenseful ride for the reader too! I also thoroughly enjoyed how Ms. Gregory used facts to tell the story while also embellishing the mysteries and holes in the characters' lives to make a very readable story. I realize that Ms. Gregory picked some fascinating people to write about, but a whole lot of credit goes to her for being such an amazing storyteller.
Another part of this story that will keep many readers entertained is the magical and sorcery elements. Elizabeth is said to be the descendant of a mythical water creature called Melusina. Ms. Gregory incorporated the myth of Melusina into the novel and actually used it as a recurring theme/symbol throughout the story. In addition, Elizabeth's mother practiced some examples witchcraft. Some people actually claimed that Elizabeth's mother put a spell on Edward to make him fall in love with her daughter. The character of Elizabeth also had premonitions about certain things and places in her life. She always had a bad feeling that something awful would occur in the Black Tower.
One of my favorite elements of the THE WHITE QUEEN was the love story angle. It seemed to me as if there was a perfect blend of romance and history in this book. Not only did THE WHITE QUEEN show the love affair between Elizabeth and Edward, but this book is also demonstrated the love between mothers and their children. More than once, I was amazed by what women did to protect their children especially in the case of Elizabeth and her sons.
THE WHITE QUEEN would make an excellent book club pick. In fact, if your group enjoys historical fiction like mine does, then you should definitely consider this book in the very near future. One added bonus is that the book is around 400 pages (shorter than many historical novels), and it is not at all overwhelming in scope. There is a great reading guide with fifteen questions that really allow you to delve into Elizabeth's life and her actions. Some of the topics for discussion include mother/daughter relationships, moral dilemmas, adultery, betrayal, and witchcraft. There is also a very interesting interview with Ms. Gregory that gives you some insight into the background of this novel.
Philippa Gregory has a beautiful website where I could spend hours. I enjoyed learning more about the Plantagenets and seeing the family tree. In addition, you can find out about the other ruling families like the Tudors; and you can also see learn about Ms. Gregory's numerous other novels. You can even follow Elizabeth Woodville on Twitter.
To celebrate today's release of THE WHITE QUEEN, I just happen to have two copies to giveaway courtesy Touchstone-Fireside Books! To enter, just leave a comment with a valid e-mail address telling me the name of your favorite Philippa Gregory book. If you haven't read on yet, that's okay too; just let me know and promise me that you'll read one in the very near future! To double or triple your entries, you can blog and/or tweet about this contest with a link back to this site. This contest is valid for those of you with U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only; and it is open until Tuesday, September 1st at 11:59 p.m. EST. I will notify the winners the following day.
And as an extra incentive to spread the word about this giveaway, I will giveaway a third copy of THE WHITE QUEEN if I receive 100 or more entries!!! Good luck!
I would love a chance to wim this book, I have been looking forward to it for months.
My favorite Gregory book is The Other Bolyen Girl, followed closely by The Queen's Fool.
I have yet to read Ms. Gregory's work, but I would love to start with THE WHITE QUEEN. After reading your comments, I accessed her site and signed up for her newsletter. Thank you!
gcwhiskas at aol.com
It's good to see that The White Queen is getting better press than Ms. Gregory's last book, which was a big dissapointment.
I like The Virgin's Lover and The Other Boleyn Girl best out of Ms. Gregory's works.
I loved The Other Boleyn Girl! Can't wait for this book! Will also tweet the contest. acirucci(at)gmail(dot)com
Admittedly I've only read The Other Boyle Girl but I did enjoy it (not so much on the movie, though). I keep telling myself that i need to pick up more Gregory but I just can't get to it. This would be a nice excuse!
iwriteinbooks at gmail dot com
I adored The Other Boleyn Girl; I read it in 2 days since I didn't want to put it down! I've been anxiously awaiting her new book, and am so excited to delve into it. Thanks for your superb review; I really enjoyed hearing how much you liked it!
I'm a huge P. Gregory fan! As an historical writer, she's a big inspiration to me. My favorite book is The Other Boleyn Girl, though it's hard to choose just one.
Thanks for this opportunity!!
erobuck AT verizon DOT net
I have not read any of her books yet, but this sounds like the one to start with. I always thought her books were just romance, but this does not sound like just a romance novel. Count me in.
http://twitter.com/ccqdesigns/status/3381525591 Here is my tweet!
I have yet to read any of her books but I am looking forward to starting with this one.
Please enter me to win.
fmlj94 at yahoo dot com
Since I've never read a Phillipa Gregory book before I guess I'll have to promise to read this one soon if I win it. Great review, as always! milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I haven't read any of her books, but promise to! Honest! Thanks for the giveaway:-D
I already have a copy -- and I sooooo happy it's good. Now to find the time to read it.
I just blogged it here:
My favorite Gregory would have to be The Other Boleyn Girl. This is the the book that my book club read last year and really started my love for Historical Fiction.
journey through books @ gmail dot com
Wonderful review. You really described the book well and provide enough info without giving away too much, making me want to read it.
My fave is like most: The Other Boleyn Girl
I don't know how I've missed out on reading Ms. Gregory's books! I've heard great things about The Other Boleyn Girl, and would love to start exploring her work with The White Queen!
Actually, I like THE OTHER BOLYEN GIRL... I am really excited about this trilogy; can't wait to read THE WHITE QUEEN. Would be nice to win it!
cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com
Like many others, I adored The Other Bolyen Girl. I love this genre of books and would be honored to win. I will retweet this as well.
My favorite Gregory novel is The Queen's Fool. It's interesting how her writing style has changed/improved since she's been writing all of these British monarchy novels. I never liked her older books very much but love her newer works.
I'd love to win this book! To be honest, I haven't read and titles by this author as of yet, but there is always tomorrow! =0)
Thanks for the great contest!
Please enter me...I've been hoping to get my grubby paws on this one.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
I would love to win "The White Queen". Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
The Queen's Fool is probably my favorite after The Other Boleyn Girl. I haven't read The Other Queen yet and given the comments, maybe I shouldn't.
Love a chance to win! Gregory is one of those "keeper" authors. The Other Boleyn Girl is on my shelf to stay, not to be given or loaned. Lol!
The Other Boleyn Girl pulled me into Historical Fiction, but my favorite was The Boleyn Inheritance. Other PG titles were more or less a disappointment. I'm hoping this new one will be better. Thanks for the giveaway.
Great review! My favorite Gregory book so far is definitely The Other Boleyn Girl, that got me hooked on the Tudors and actually on historical fiction in general, which is my favorite genre now.
My favorite Philippa Gregory book, hands down, has to be WIDEACRE. I love her other stuff too, but Wideacre just slays me. I will never get over Beatrice Lacey.
That said, I loved THE BOLEYN INHERITANCE and also have a special fondness for THE CONSTANT PRINCESS. I could go on. I'm a huge fan. I can't wait to read THE WHITE QUEEN! Pick me, pick me! :P
I loved The Other Bolyen Girl! Thanks for the contest.
I'd love to win this - I've seen "I loved this but --" reviews, which intrigue me more than totally glowing, or totally negative ones.
teabird17 @ yahoo.com
I loved The Other Bolyen Girl and I have The Queen's Fool waiting to be read. Thanks for the contest
i tweeted about giveaway on twitter (debbook)
I read all of Philippa Gregory books. I enjoy the plots and characters as they are so real.
My first Philippa Gregory book was The Constant Princess, and that was definitely my favorite! I can't wait to read her newest novel!
I read all of Philippa Gregory books. The characters are so real. I would love to win.
Whoops I forgot!
junesun62 AT yahoo DOT com
I haven't read one yet, so I'm hoping to win this prize to remedy that!!!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I just started reading The Queen's Fool yesterday! This sounds like a fantastic book - I love Gregory's novels. I had started with The Other Boleyn Girl and went to the Boleyn Inheritance next. This really sounds interesting!
I've tweeted about this contest:
I would love to win this book. The only book of her's I have read is The Other Boleyn Girl - and I loved it.
I would love to win this book. The only book of her's I have read is The Other Boleyn Girl - and I loved it.
I don't quite have a favourite Gregory book yet although I have read The Other Boleyn Girl and The Virgins Lover!
Please enter me, I would love a chance to read this one!
I've blogged about this contest here:
My favorite Gregory book so far is The Other Boleyn Girl and I would love to get my hands on this book :)
My favorite Philippa Gregory book is The Other Boleyn Girl.
The Virgin's Lover was my favorite. I'm reading The Boleyn Inheritance right now and really liking it. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
My favorite was The Queen's Fool.
Thanks for the chance to WIN!
I lOVED The Other Boleyn Girl!! Hated the movie! Thank you for this review! (Have I used enough !! points) I would love to win a copy.
Which of her books didn't you care for? ~~ Kim
I love The Other Bolyen Girl by Ms. Gregory
Tweeted and Blogged.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
haven't read this author yet but would like to..thx for contest
Forgot ... left a post and link on my blog. kimbaldwin74@yahoo.com
I would love to win this book - I love Phillipa Gregory. My Favorite Gregory book is The Queen's Fool, but The Other Bolyen Girl is a close second.
My email address is laarlt78 at hotmail dot com.
I've only read The Other Boleyn Girl and I loved it. But I have a thing for historical fiction about the women of Britain.
I have not yet read any Phillip Gregory books, however there are a couple on my list of books to buy this year because I see wonderful things about her everywhere I go. Maybe this will be my first! Please enter me for a chance to win.
would love to add this to my home library...please count me in. thanks.
karen k
I haven't read a Philippa Gregory's work yet, but I do promise to read it in the future. I know I'll start with The White Queen, so my fingers are crossed. Maybe I'll be fortunate enough to win a copy.
"The Boleyn Inheritance" is my favorite.
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
The Other Boleyn Girl was my fave
My favorite one is The Virgin's Lover!
Please enter me. vvperesk@gmail.com
I would love to win! And I'm so pleased to learn the titles of the next books in the trilogy!
My favorite Gregory book besides OBG is probably The Queen's Fool.
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win "The White Queen"! I haven't read one of her books yet, but I've been dying to read The Other Boleyn Girl.
My email address: eellsworth@hotmail.com
The Queen's Fool was okay. I'd hoped for more. the Other Boleyn Girl was better. I have The Virgin Queen on Mt. TBR (what's NOT in there???).
Yep, you can enter me for this one, babe. Just helping you get to 100.
So... do I get credit for the post I made at Win a Book? *grin*
Oh, yeah. Susan at Westofmars dot com
Unfortunately, I haven't read Philippa Gregory but I plan to!
I haven't read one of hers yet so this will be my first. They look great!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I've got The Other Boleyn Girl on my reading list. So looking forward to reading it and now want to read this new one, thanks to your recommendation!
I haven't yet read of Philippa Gregory's book, but this looks like a good one, and I'll probably be looking it up in the library if I don't win.
Please enter me into this drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I love history, wining this would be a boon
I would love to add this to my collection
My favorite Gregory book is A Respectable Trade
I have never read a Philippa Gregory book, but I promise that I will!
Philippa is a very good writer. I enjoyed The Little House. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.
My favorite Philippa Gregory book is The Other Boleyn Girl.
I've blogged about this giveaway in my sidebar under Other Blog Giveaways.
I just sent out a tweet about the giveaway and added @bookingmama.
I haven't yet read any Philippa Gregory but she is now on my tbr list!
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I haven't read a Phillipa Gregory book yet, but if I win, I promise I will read and review The White Queen! Thank you for the giveaway! :)
I can't say i have reads one of her books yet but if i win this i definately will.
I'd be interested in reading this!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
A Phillipa Gregory book that I have read is "The Other Boleyn Girl".
What a wonderful review! I haven't read The Other Boleyn Girl yet, but it is my TBR pile! This book sounds great too! I just love historical fiction!!
Please enter me in your giveaway!
Thanks for hosting!
quzy [at] mac [dot] com
I think those three are pretty popular, those are the ones that I have tried. Sweet dreams:)
I haven't read any of her yet, but I have a copy of The Queen's Fool in my TBR list that I am dying to get to.
Blogged: http://www.morbid-romantic.net/2009/08/17/book-giveaways-08-17-08-23/.
Not entering the giveaway, but great review, Julie! Even more interesting because I always wonder what people who haven't spent years of their life memorizing this stuff think about the fiction. I'm glad that it appeals to you and I hope you'll read more now! =)
I haven't read any of her books yet, but I have heard lots of good things about The Other Boleyn Girl, which I think I would also probably enjoy. I do love reading historical fiction.
I liked The Constant Princess best. Please count me in.
gaby317nyc At gmail DOT com
I posted a link to this contest on my blog's sidebar
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I haven't had the luck of reading a Gregory book yet, but I am definitely eager to do so! Please count me in. Thank you!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
The Queen's Fool without a doubt. I've read that book 3 times.
You can leave a comment on my blog and it will shoot me an email. Thx!
I've seen this book around the blogs lately and would love a chance to win a copy.
I have not read a gregory book yet! I am so tempted. I think I would get this one if I don't win it here.
savvyverseandwit AT gmail DOT com
My fave is The Other Bolyen Girl
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Our non-profit, Women's Nat'l Book Assoc, celebrated Nat'l Reading Group Month last October by sponsoring Phillipa Gregory at an Indy bookstore where she talked about The Other Queen. It was a special evening, indeed! I look forward now to reading The White Queen - hope I win it...
My favourite would be ``The Other Queen``.
Please enter me in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I have only read "The Other Boleyn Girl". I want to win this and see how it compares!! Can't wait to read her other books soon.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Haven't read any yet, but will be on the lookout for some!
Please enter me as I am dying to get my hands on this one!
The Other Boleyn Girl is my favorite book of hers and I have read all the Tudor ones and the Wideacre series. The Other Boleyn Girl is what started my love of historical fiction so it remains one of my favorite books to date.
The Other Bolyen Girl is my favorite Gregory book
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
cococroissantshttp://bit.ly/1Grb9 For a chance for the White Queen
chococolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
I have to admit that I haven't read any of Gregory's books. I know, shame on me. I promise to read one soon, hopefully.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I haven't yet read any of her books though The Other Boleyn Girl has been on my wish list for some time now...
melacan at hotmail dot com
I haven't read any of her books but I promise I would read this one soon.
I've only read The Other Boleyn Girl, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I have others sitting in Mt. TBR, which I am sure I will enjoy as well. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
susan dot kelley at sbcglobal dot net
Tweet! http://twitter.com/jezebelsk/statuses/3438576006 Thanks again for the giveaway! susan dot kelley at sbcglobal dot net
I would love to be included in this giveaway!
I would love to be included in this giveaway!
Dare I say -- I haven't read a Philippa Gregory book yet, but I hope to soon :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I've read every Philippi Gregory book, even the ones before "The Other Boleyn Girl." I agree with Booking Mama that my least favorite was the last. I, too, have been eagerly awaiting a new book and am thrilled to know that there will be 3 not 1.Yay!:-)
I have "The Other Bolyen Girl" in my TBR pile, looks like I should put it on top, lol
hefollowedme AT gmail DOT com
I've never read one of Philippa Gregory book's books. I've heard lots of good things about them and I really do want to read one soon!
Carol M
mittens0831 AT aol.com
My favorite is The Other Boleyn Girl.
I'd LOVE the chance to check this one out.
I have anxiously been awaiting The White Queen. I have read all of her other novels. I enjoyed all of them. I like The Queen's Fool.
I enjoyed The Other Boleyn Girl, but I absolutely loved the follow-up book, The Boleyn Inheritance. :)
I'd love to read this book.
My favorite Gregory book is The Other Bolyen Girl - now I want to see the movie, I hope it's as good.
clenna at aol dot com
My favorite (and also my first) Philippa Gregory book was The Other Boleyn Girl.
I loved The Other Boylen Girl. Please inlcude me in your giveaway.
I have not read any of her books yet but I would love to read The White Queen. If I win it that would be awesome if not I will be going for search for it at Indigo soon
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I haven't read any Gregory yet, but I'm eager to read The White Queen because it's the first in a new series. For once, being late to the party is alright!
nomadreaderblog (at) gmail
I included this in a post.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I would love to read this. I really liked The Other Boleyn Girl which is the only other book of hers that I have read so far.
My favorite Philippa Gregory book is The Other Boleyn Girl. gingersnap47@hotmail.com
I've been meaning to read a book by Gregory for years, but I'm sorry to say I haven't yet! I definitely promise to do so soon -- I have The Other Boleyn Girl in my TBR stack!
Thanks for the chance! :)
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
kylee.journal AT gmail.com
I haven't read one yet but would love to read The white Queen Please enter me. THanks
I don't think I've read any of her books yet, but I'm definitely puttin this one on my reading list. I think I'd like The Other Bolyen Girl, too!
I tweeted this giveaway.
I haven't read any of her books yet. My wife is a big fan. I hope to add her to my reading list. I would love a chance to win her book.
No need to enter me, but this was a great review! I really enjoyed this book as well, for pretty much the same reasons you did. I can't wait for the other books in the series - Gregory needs to write faster!
I would love to win this; the War of the Roses fascinates me.
My favorite P. Gregory is The Queen's Fool, my least fav is The Boleyn Inheritance.
I loved The Other Boleyn Girl. I think I shall always love it most since it is the first Philippa Gregory book I read. Sorta like a first boyfriend:)
And I blogged about your giveaway. Surely this will be my lucky entry. Surely.
Thanks for the chances!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
Shawna Lewis
You know I have never read any of Her books but I REALLY want to and promise to real soon!!!
Thanks for this chance to win this book!!
I twetted on Twitter here is the link http://twitter.com/theblindcupid/status/3632188329
Shawna Lewis
Shawna Lewis
I posted this on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/facebook#/posted.php?id=1259591812&share_id=123777204692&comments=1&ref=nf#div_story_123777204692_123777204692
I loved The Queen's Fool!
I have your giveaway on my right sidebar here
I have not ready any of hers yet but I PROMISE to read one soon! aitmama {at} gmail{dot} com
I haven't read any of his books yet, but after reading this post I can't wait!!
I have not read any books by Philippa Gregory, but I promise to read The White Queen if I get lucky enough to win a copy. It sounds like a great read.
Thank you,
I tweeted http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/3648879705 as I really want to win this book.
Thank you,
I watched the movie The Other Bolyen Girl, but didn't read the book.
I would love a chance to win this one, history as well as romance...fun.
I've been wanting to get this one:)
My favorite of her's is "The Other Bolyn Girl". Thanks - happyhinsons@bellsouth.net
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would so enjoy getting a chance to read this! The White Queen sounds so good, and while I have not yet had the pleasure of reading any of Phillipa Gregory's works yet, The Other Bolyen Girl has been on my Want List for a while now :)
Please count me in :D
I would love to win this
I have been reading Gregory since The Other Boleyn Girl (my favorite) but have all her Tudor books as well as the Wideacre series and am dying to get my hot little hands on this baby.
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