But all that changes on the Thursday before Labor Day, when a mysterious bleeding man named Frank approaches Henry and asks for a hand. Over the next five days, Henry will learn some of life's most valuable lessons: how to throw a baseball, the secret to perfect piecrust, the breathless pain of jealousy, the power of betrayal, and the importance of putting others—especially those we love—above ourselves. And the knowledge that real love is worth waiting for.
In a manner evoking Ian McEwan's Atonement and Nick Hornby's About a Boy, acclaimed author Joyce Maynard weaves a beautiful, poignant tale of love, sex, adolescence, and devastating treachery as seen through the eyes of a young teenage boy—and the man he later becomes—looking back at an unexpected encounter that begins one single long, hot, life-altering weekend.-- William Morrow
I decided to read LABOR DAY by Joyce Maynard in preparation for a BlogTalk Radio show. I didn't know when I sat down to read it that I would become so wrapped up in this novel. LABOR DAY was just so easy for me to read, and I didn't want to stop until I finished it. I am such a sucker for a good coming-of-age story, and LABOR DAY definitely was that! In fact, LABOR DAY was chosen as a #1 IndieNext Pick for August 2009.
I thought the premise of this book sounded interesting -- a strange man goes home with a young boy and his mother over the Labor Day weekend. It seemed like a simple enough story, but I had no idea how much deeper it would be. As I read LABOR DAY, I kept waiting for something bad to happen to Henry and his mother -- for a shoe to drop if you will. Surprisingly to me, this book wasn't like that. This story gently lured me in and the writing was just so beautiful. LABOR DAY really made me think and yet still touched me on so many levels .
The characters in this story were all flawed and also very real. Each one had their own set of insecurities and issues, and Henry and his mother were especially vulnerable. I absolutely loved the character of Henry, and I thought he was the perfect narrator for this story. Henry was 13 years old and he had all of the normal teenage issues associated boys that age. He was caught between being a boy and a becoming a man -- such a hard time under regular circumstances. I couldn't believe how real and honest the character of Henry seemed, and I couldn't help but be affected by everything in Henry's life. As an aside, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how well Ms. Maynard captured the essence of a 13 year old boy. I thought Henry's voice and feelings were spot on!
After I finished this book, I couldn't stop thinking about Henry. Don't get me wrong, the other characters made an impact too; but I was just so concerned about Henry and his well-being. To me, this book was ultimately about Henry growing up and learning about love and forgiveness. Even though the story took place over just a few days, there was so much impact on Henry's entire life. This book demonstrated to me how influential single things can be in a young person's life - the effects can be life-altering.
There were a few scenes in the book that have really stayed in my thoughts. Without giving too much away, Ms. Maynard has Frank, the man who comes to stay with Henry and his mother, prepare some baked goods including a pie. Ms. Maynard gives detailed instructions about making a pie crust while also showing how it can serve as a metaphor for live. I loved the analogy and thought it was very well done. Evidently, baking is near and dear to the author's heart. You can read an essay written by Ms. Maynard about the importance of baking in her life (and her book) here.
I thought the BlogTalk Radio show with Ms. Maynard was extremely interesting. I was absolutely (am still am) blown away by how quickly she wrote this novel. The entire story in LABOR DAY takes place over a long Labor Day weekend -- around five days. Ms. Maynard shared that she actually wrote this novel in around the same time frame! It's almost as if she wrote the book in real-time -- how cool is that? She further added that not all of her books are written in this fashion! I was also thrilled that Ms. Maynard answered one of my questions during the show. I asked her if it was hard to write a book in the voice of a 13 year old boy? She said it really wasn't because she has a lot of experience being a mother to teenage boys. Evidently, LABOR DAY was a story that she was meant to tell and it just kind of poured out of her.
I highly recommend reading LABOR DAY. It's a pretty fast read, but it packs a powerful punch. I also think it would make an excellent discussion book for your next book club. There is a reading guide available to help facilitate your meeting, but I think it wouldn't be difficult to come up with some discussion topics on your own. Some topics your group might want to talk about include love, trust, parenting skills, loneliness, honesty, betrayal, and forgiveness. There really is a lot to explore between the pages of this book.
Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book!
For some reason, I received an ARC of LABOR DAY after I finished reading the hardback version. If you are interested in winning a brand-new ARC, just leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me what your plans are for the Labor Day weekend. If you'd like to double or triple your chances, you can blog and/or tweet about this contest with a link back to this post. I will accept entries until Thursday, September 4th at 11:59 p.m. EST; and I will notify the winner the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only. Good luck!
Sounds like a wonderful story. I definitely know the feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop in a book. That must have added a wonderful tension to the book and a pleasant surprise at the end.
Please enter me. :) And for Labor Day my family and I are going to a little fair that my town has. It has games for the kids, and lots of food. :)
Don't enter me - I have the book. I'm glad to know it's so good. I listened to the BTR show, too and was blown away that the book was written so quickly. We have no plans for Labor Day - Carl will probably work.
I cannot wait to read this book; I have heard such great things about it! Thanks for your review! For Labor Day, my husband unfortunately works. So my daughter and I will
probably celebrate with a small picnic with friends. Great company, great food, and a pile of books! Goodbye summer, and welcome fall :)
I just got this from the library...looking forward to reading it even more now...great review!
I'll probably be working on Labor Day. Not very exciting.
I have a copy of the book and I'm so glad it's good. I've read other books by Maynard, so I have high hopes for this.
This book sounds so wonderful. I'm always drawn to books set in New England and when I read "Friendlys" in your review, my mind instantly thought home and coffee fribbles. I'd just love to win this one. Thanks for such a great review and not giving away too many details of the story.
I'm so intrigued! I'm also glad you said that about "waiting for the other shoe to drop" because that's exactly what I was thinking. Glad you eased my mind on that account! I'd love to read it.
No plans yet for Labor Day...just looking forward to the 3 day weekend to relax with my family.
This book has been on my wish list for some time! I'd love to be entered! We typically don't do much over Labor Day. Since my son goes back to school the following Tuesday, typically we just try to relax while we can. I'm also dog sitting over the long weekend, so adding a second dog to our full house will be very interesting. I'll need a great book to read to help relax me!
I would love a copy of this fantabulous book! Unfortunately, we don't have anything planned for Labor Day. My family are the kind of people who used to plan stuff way ahead of time and then end up don't doing it. So now, we don't plan anything. ;P
This book is on my wish list at PaperbackSwap but I'm one of the last ones so that kind of stinks. I hope I win this book than! :)
I would love to win this one Julie. I'm just not sure what I will be doing for Labor Day weekend. This will be my first long holiday weekend without any kids at home, so it will be very quiet. Probably end up cleaning house to keep myself busy.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
We are having a youth day at church. The last one was fun, even for the adults that were there! mymadakaja at yahoo dot com
I love when a book turns out better than you could ever have expected. This sounds like one of those books that will keep you reading until the end. I love those kinds of books.
Great review as always!
I have read about this book and have been wanting to read it as well. Our labor day weekend plans are always the same....the neighboring small town has "Sauerkraut Days" with a parade and free hotdogs and sauerkraut afterwards. Lots of kids games, talents shows, and fun times with friends!
Sounds really good. For Labor Day, my husband and I are going to Cape Cod --beach, bike rides, and relaxation.
For the Labor Day weekend we are flying to Vancouver and enjoying a week's holiday. Thanks for this book contest. I am an avid reader.
Thanks for your review. I really want to read this. I love coming of age novels. This Labor Day my husband will be out of town visiting friends and bike riding. My aunt is going to come and spend the weekend with me so I'm sure we'll go antiquing and maybe a museum. I'm sure there will also be lots of talking about books.
Sounds great, count me in, I am a subscriber.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I wish I had great plans for Labor Day, but it will be full of watching my boys play in their football games. Maybe we can squeeze in a barbecue.
Thanks for sharing it.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Since I had foot surgery recently, I will be sitting on the couch with my foot propped up on pillows reading all the wonderful books in my TBR pile. And maybe, being waited on by my DH and licked by my little chi TAZ.
Here's my tweet
I plan to go to a retreat over labor day weekend...would love to read this book...thanks for the opportunity.
karen k
This sounds wonderful. Gosh, the time is moving so fast I forgot Labor Day is coming up so soon, so have no plans (yet anyway!). Please enter me!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Oh, holy Hell. Labor Day IS coming up, isn't it? You think I'd remember, with kids born around then!
Go on and enter me for this one. As I said at Win a Book, I'm a Joyce Maynard fan.
Maybe I'll spend Labor Day reading. That sounds like a plan.
we will be spending some time in the pool and on the lake...I can't wait
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Labor Day! eek. I don't know what I'll be doing, specifically, but I know I'll be knitting for the Red Scarf Project and writing some letters.
Ii do like Joyce Maynard's writing - please enter me for the drawing!
teabird17 ^^ at ^^ yahoo.com
My Labor Day week end plans are to hopefully spend it with my 2 1/2 yr. old granddaughter and her family celebration her mom's 30 someting birthday....her mom is my youngest daughter. I sure do enjoy being a grandma. Penny
Is Labor Day coming up? I didn't even realize it. I have no plans. I'll probably spend the whole day blogging!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
We never make plans for Labor Day. Too many people on the road. Sometimes we become some of those people. I think we're staying home this year. After all, we start back to work, (after 2 months off) the day after Labor Day.
Please enter me in the giveaway. Many thanks.
I'd love to win this book.
For Labor Day, my family and friends are going to the lake for boating and a cook out! And if we're lucky, some bike riding! I will of course be taking LOTS of photos!!!
lelou2 AT ymail DOT com
Our plans for Labour Day are rather boring. We're hoping to be finished building our new deck by then so we can just relax. If it's nice, we'll likely go to the beach for a picnic.
melacan at hotmail dot com
For labor day weekend, my family usually go out to a family dinner because in Canada the kids go back to school the following week.
It's my turn to host our next book club so I get to pick the book we read. (There are six of us in the club and we relish the chance to get together each month, enjoy a little break from our lovely children, have a glass of wine and share our thoughts on the book we just read.)After reading your review, this is definitely the book I am choosing for us all to read. It sounds like just the kind of book we've all been craving! For Labour Day, we will likely stay close to home but enjoy the beach nearby for a few hours on whatever day is the nicest.
This book sounds wonderful. I like that you commented that the characters were "flawed but real". Labor Day plans include time with my son and his family - hopefully he will grill burgers.
For the 3 day weekend, we plan a trip to the mountains and a little fishing. Looking for cooler weather!!!
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
I'm always up for a chance to win a book, so please count me in. Thanks!
I forgot to tell you what my Labor Day plans were. Just staying home. Will probably cook out for dinner. Unless one of my kids sends me a plane ticket, and then I'll go in a heart beat.
My plans are to stay home and read!!!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd love to win this one. For Labor Day this year we're going to meet friends at a zoo halfway between our houses, which is more than we usually do.
whitreidsmama at yahoo dot come
It sounds like a great book. I wish I could win it and spend Labor Day reading Labor Day, instead of painting the trim on the windows on the back of the house.
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
Would love to win. I plan on celebrating a friend's birthday during the holiday. Thanks:)
would love to read this (love the cover)
for labor day...barbeque to the nines, cul de sack style
Please enter me! Sounds wonderful!
Labor Day my family does a family cook out!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
In most of my August book related publications they have mention this book! Thanks for a great review and giveaway.
I'm going down to the shore for fried scallops and other such yummies, provided the weather is fairly decent!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
Your book giveaway sounds fantastic - if I don't win, I think I'll go buy me one. My plans for Labor Day? I am a Budget Analyst and work for the government. September is our busiest time of the year (since our money expires on 30 Sep). My husband and I are going to Cherokee, NC. We've booked a hotel room next to a bubbling brook, and we're going to pig out at the buffet at Harrah's Gambling Casino. We never gamble, we just eat there. I can't wait! If I am picked, you can notify me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
I have no plans for Labor day since I have to work all day, I work in retail so we dont have holidays or special days off. Thanks for the chance to read this
sounds great count me in
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
My family is having a family reunion in Atlanta Labor Day weekend
I enjoy Labor Day. As a family, we all get together for a huge Barbeque. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.
We don't have any special plans for the Labor Day weekend -- we're just going to spend some quiet time at home :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Please enter me, I think we will just relax and enjoy the time of work...doing nothing sounds wonderful as well as sleeping in!
Don't enter me Julie, I have this in my TBR pile. Just wanted to say that your review was great, now I'm really looking forward to reading it! :)
Great review and beautifully written. I'd love to read this book! acirucci(at)gmail.com
Hey, Happy Labor Day! I am not sure what I will be able to do, but here's what I'd like to do: Float on down the lazy, shady part of a river in a big old inner tube. I would have a really good book, a day's supply of sweet iced tea, and Mother Nature for companionship. Heavenly!
I plan on going over to my father-in-laws. We'll be grilling out.
This was neat to read about her writing process on this book.... and it sounds really fantastic. Great review.
And our Labor Day plans involve attending kid birthday parties!
I am going to Chicago with some girl friends over Labor Day!
Me! Me! I'd love to win/read this book.
Labor Day right after school starts for my kids, and right around the time of my youngest child's bday. We'll be at home, maybe some friends over. There WILL be cake and ice cream!
This sounds like a wonderful book, please add my name to the drawing.
We like to go to a nearby Flea Market with a farmers market and stands on Labor Day. Holidays like Labor Day are a big day.
I blogged about this in my sidebar under Other Blog Giveways.
No big plans for Labor Day weekend - I'm working Fri & Sat, so will be laying low for the rest of the weekend.
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
I would definitely love to win!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I would really love to read this book! Please enter me in your giveaway.
We aren't big travelers because we have 7 cats we rescued and they aren't good we people they don't know. It'll be quiet in Brooklyn and NYC over Labor Day weekend which makes it a great time to stay in town. We'll hit the green market in Park Slope, spend some time in the park and go for a boat ride, see a good movie, there are several I'm interested in seeing and hopefully go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art!
I tweeted this giveaway at http://twitter.com/Amestir.
This sounds like a great read - count me in!
I blogged about it here:
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
I'm not certain of my plans for Labor Day yet. I have Friday off as well as Monday, so yeah for a four day weekend. I'll probably get together with friends for a meal and some games one of those days and I'll have church stuff on Sunday, of course. Otherwise, I'm not sure what I'll be doing.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com
I was interested in this book when I saw it as the IndieNext pick for September, but after reading your review, it has moved to the top of the MUST read pile. Great review!!
Please enter me in your giveaway!
For labor day, we will do our usual BBQ hopping, ending with my husband's Fantasy Football draft and cook-out on Monday. Burgers, beer, and bocce ball. It doesn't get much better than that.
APSkap (at) comcast (dot) net
We have a pool party and a Baptism party that weekend -- so it's going to busier then usual. We usually just have a BBQ and hang out :-)
I blogged about this giveaway!
Thank you!
My family and I don't usually do anything special for Labor Day.
Thanks for this review - I really want to read this one! For Labor Day, I'll be in NYC watching the US Open!
This sounds like such an absorbing read. Please count me in.
For Labor Day, my husband and I plan to visit my mother, brother, uncles and cousin in Boston. It'll be our first long drive with our new car, too. Then bbq in the backyard and relaxing in the North Shore, with cool drinks, mah jong, and maybe a book!
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
Blogged it:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
No big plans for that weekend. Sticking close to home, resting and relaxing
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I don't have anything planned for Labor Day yet!
I tweeted!
We plan to go to the park and have a picnic! aitmama {at} gmail{dot} com
I'd love to read it...
I don't have any plans other than to relax all weekend :)
I had so hoped to be able to go to my grandson's third birthday party on Saturday. Due to family problems, I am not invited to attend. So, I am going to take my dad back to his hometown for a parade at 10 AM on Saturday that means so much to him. I will be thinking about my grandson.
Thank you,
I tweeted http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/3649037969
thank you,
The story sounds interesting!
I'm planning a picnic and yard games for Labor Day; inviting some neighbors and relatives.
I tweeted here:
I've had my eye on this book for awhile now. For Labor Day we are having family come in from out of town. Lots of barbecues!
I'd really like to read this. For this Labor Day weekend, I'll be moving back into college to start a new semester.
We plan to just stay home and have a cook out for family and friends. This book sounds wonderful. I would love to read it. Please enter me. Thanks!
We're going to Prince Edward Island to visit friends.
tatamagouche AT netbundle DOT ca
This sounds like a great book. We plan to go to the beach on Saturday and a BBQ on Monday.
My plans for this Labor Day weekend are just to do nothing but spend time with my hubby and doggies!
I follow you on Twitter! (roxxyroller,coolcanucks)
I tweeted this giveaway!
I would love to win this, please enter me in the giveaway, thanks!
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