Hachette Book Group wants to help their readers celebrate their shared love of learning/reading with a very special giveaway of five thought-inspiring books for parents.
Here are the books that you can win:
1. NURTURESHOCK by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman
3. IN CHEAP WE TRUST by Lauren Weber
I will be picking up to five winners depending on how many entries I receive for this contest. For every 20 entries, I will pick one winner. That means I need a total of 100 entries or more to pick five winners! If you would like to win a set of these books, all you have to do is leave a comment with a valid e-mail address telling me your a little bit about your favorite teacher. To double or triple your chances, you can blog and/or tweet about this contest with a link back to this post. This contest will be open until September 6th at 11:59 p.m. EST, and I will notify the winners the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only -- no p.o. boxes please. Good luck!
Hmm, my favorite teacher was my accounting teacher in high school. He let me do all my work for the semester in the first month and then just sit there and read books during class for the rest of the semester! He was so cool! He also introduced me to the book The Ditches of Edison County (a spoof on The Bridges of Madison County).
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
My fav teacher was my english teacher in high school. She was so cool and understanding! Great personality too
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
My favorite teacher was a third grade teacher who read to us every afternoon. I loved that!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite teacher was my high school biology teacher. He was so inspiring and understanding. Thanks for the giveaway~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
My favorite teacher was my 7th grade history teacher. He reminded me of the teacher in Welcome back Kotter.
My favorite teacher was my photography teacher in high school. She was really cool and we had a lot of freedom in her class
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
please enter me in the giveaway.
My favorite teacher was my history teacher in high school.i hated going to class, i was always bored,so she'd let me work ahead and give me fun quizzes and stuff to do.She made it worth going to class.
My favourite teacher was my grade 11 English teacher. He always wore purple and was super-intimidating but he was open-minded and knew how to challenge his students. He marked based on the merit/quality of the work, even if a student's viewpoint differed from his own.
melacan at hotmail dot com
No need to enter me; just posted about this fabulous contest on Win A Book.
My favorite teacher was my high school English/Literature teacher, Mr. Nelson. He made us read some great books and do lots of writing. And he cared more about ideas than spelling.
My favorite teacher was my gym teacher. She used to let me come down during classes and stuff just to hang out and talk.
The name of my favourite teacher was Dawn M. I only had her for one class and only in one grade in high school but she made the class interesting and was such a nice person.
Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
My fav teacher was my 12th grade english teacher. He pushed me to do more than I wanted but he knew I could do.
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I worked for my favorite teacher in high school - grading papers and such...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
My favorite teacher was my high school math teacher - unlike so many others he encouraged me to do my best despite being a girl - seemed that many teachers didn't think girls could do math or science. He encouraged me so I felt like I could do what ever I wanted if I worked at it.
budletsmom at yahoo dot com
My favorite teacher in high school was my music teacher. She was one of the goofiest people that I have ever known, and she always made class a lot of fun. :o)
orca0024 at yahoo dot com
We've posted about this at Winning Readings:
My favourite teacher was my sophomore history teacher. He was just very relatable and made class fun.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
My favorite teacher was my Gifted teacher in Elementary. Not only was she great and fun, some of the things I learned in that class served me all the way through college.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
Mrs. Maryott! My 5th grade teacher. Also Mrs. Schoonover, my 1st and 4th grade teacher. I'm thankful I became a teacher bc of them, too.
derekannette at gmail dot com
My favorite teacher in elementary school was the school librarian, Mrs. Lennon. I loved reading and I spent as much time as I could in the library, even then!
Great giveaway.
My favorite teacher was my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Minger. She was "Grandma like" and greeted us with a hug every day. She was a teacher who showed kindness, but when you did something wrong you knew it and were ashamed. I loved learning to write cursive (funny that I don't really write that way anymore), and just wanted to do everything right just for her. I have still kept in touch with her as an adult and is still just the sweetest lady I know.
I had a few favorite teachers in my scholastic career, but there were only a couple who left a truly lasting impression. I had an AP English teacher who liked to add fun to our days by teaching us the meaning behind an individual word or phrase. I wrote down every single mini lesson on those things and still have them. They were so interesting, and just made me want to know more. Those days have stuck with me even to today. Now THAT is "leaving a lasting impression."
Thank you...
My favorite teacher was my high school history teacher, he instilled in me a love for history and teaching-- today I teach history, social studies and english.
I'm a follower
My 1st grade teacher has a special place in my heart. I had hoped that my daughter would have her also but she retired this year to much fanfare! I treasure her knowledge!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
My favorite teacher growing up was my elementary school music teacher, she was always supportive of my singing and helped me perfect my voice and learn to not be afraid to sing in front of large groups and she opened my eyes to a wide variety of music genres.
My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Gilbert, brought out the best in her students. I was very shy and she placed my desk next to another girl in the class, who was always talking. And, a friendship blossomed. We are still friends 30+ years later!
My favourite teacher was my grade 5 teacher. He just made learning fun. Unfortunately, he passed away from cancer several years ago.
My elementary school librarian, Ms. Matthews was awesome. My mom volunteered in the library and she knew I was a great reader. For two summers, she let me take home some of the new books selections to read and let her know what I thought. Guess I didn't realize how much that would influence me in the future!
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite teacher would have to be my 3rd grade teacher. She was so nice and made learning fun.
my favorite teacher would have to be my grade 9 math teacher...
What a great collection of books. My favourite teacher would have to be my grade 8 teacher. She really helped me with my grammer and gave me a real appreciation of literature.
my would have to be my elementary school librarian (I know not a teacher) and that is why I am in grad school to be a librarian today. She taught me so much.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I've had quite a few excellent teachers, but my favourite teach was Mrs. Eberhardt for Social Studies 20 (11th Grade) and 30 (12th Grade). She taught me to think critically and love the world around me by exploring history, media, arts, languages and politics and the many diverse connections between all those fields. She showed me humanity and how to be a good world citizen... Teachers are HEROES!
Aliya D.
Both my favourite teachers were science teachers that pushed me to work harder and recognized that I could do well :)
I was fortunate to have some very special teachers throughout the years who made me "think outside the box". They also made me feel like an individual, not just another student. I often think of them, and I am quite saddened that several of them have passed away. Their lessons in life, as well as education, live on.
My favorite teacher was my science teacher in 7th grade. He made the class fun and interesting. I got an A in that class, it wasn't hard getting that A, it was fun.
I really need to LOOk before publishing!
I had an English teacher in high school. He made us work hard but because he was fun it didn't seem so bad....now I just need to see if the guy at the gym is him...
bookdragonslair at gmail dot com
I blogged at the contest in my sidebar
my favourite teacher was mr wong in high school. i always considered myself an english lit gal, but he made biology bearable and easy to learn.
My favorite teacher was my 8th grade English teacher. He was a great teacher, but was special because he believed in me at a time that I really, really needed that.
My favorite teacher was Mr. Carey; he was my high school history teacher, football coach and principal (I attended a very samll school!). Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.
My favorite teacher was my first grade teacher. She was so sweet and kind.
My favorite teacher was a my high school Latin teacher. Her name was Ms. Price and she was so nice to me. I was in the Latin club and we went on several trips, it was a blast. Please include me in your giveaway.
I had two favorite teachers. Miss Carr who became Mrs. Olsen while she was my fourth grade teacher and Mr. Watson my sixth grade teacher. I became a teacher and modeled myself after these two. I had contact with Mr. Watson after I left sixth grade and he became a Baltimore County Music teacher. I have never been able to find Mrs. Olsen to tell her what an influence she had on me.
jhidey at gmail dot com
My favorite teacher taught me French 3 & 4. She wasn't just a teacher, she was a friend. Even better, we've reconnected this year on Facebook -- small world :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
My favorite teacher was my art teacher in HS. She taught me to have confidence in my abilities
My high school english lit teacher was my favourite. He was very cool, wore a purple cape and a blonde wig. He taught us about the finer things in life - eating in a fine restaurant, attending theatre, reading classics. He wanted us to become ladies and gentlemen.
I included this in a blog post.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Stout, who taught 3rd grade. We learned cursive writing in third grade and she had me tilt my paper the opposite direction from my right-handed classmates since I am left-handed. I have always been thankful for this because everyone says I have pretty handwriting and my wrist is not cocked at a strange angle. Thank you, Mrs. Stout!
My very favorite teacher was a gentleman I had when I was in college taking accounting. He was a very kind, patient and funny man
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Paula said.... My favorite teacher was Mrs. Nellie Anderson. She taught Home Ec and Advanced food and clothing. The real things that she taught along with her class was how to become a warm loving parent and the importance of being able to provide a warm loving enviorment for a family and how important family values and traditions are . She was an amazing woman. It was so hard for anyone who knows her or had her as a teacher to beleive that she was raised in an Childrens home. If all teachers could leave thier students with the values she taught outside of the curriculium the world would be a better place.
I'm married to a teacher so there you go.
tchansen at gmail DoT com
I'm married to a teacher so I'd have to say that he's my favorite! Of those who taught me, my fav teacher taught me about recycling and the environment whenI was in 3rd grade.. I'm glad she didnt think we were too young to make a difference!
my favorite teacher was my Property and Civil Law teacher - he made the law of obligations and contracts fascinating.
Just in time too, because I was so bored and tired in law school I would have wanted to leave if not for my teacher and his class.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
My favorite teacher read The Hobbit to us every year in school. He was an amazing story teller and did different voices for each character. I will always cherish that time.
My favorite teacher was my third grade teacher--she was into dinosaurs!
My favorite teacher was my first-grade teacher. She became ill mid-year, and all the kids were bereft! I still remember her fondly, she was a wonderful person. aitmama (at) gmail (dot) com
My fav teacher was my 4th grade teacher, Ms. White. She had fiery red hair and absolutely loved cats. She still remembers me 15 years later when I see her out. abailey_crace@yahoo.com
I would love these books! My favorite teacher was my 3rd grade teacher. She tried to make the classroom FUN! We would have spelling bees. She also had a big box of goodies/prizes in her closet. Whenever you got a great grade on a test, or did something special/good in class, she would give out a ticket. When you had a certain number of tickets, you could trade it in for a prize. I got one of my first record albums that way! (Yes, I'm old enough to have had records)
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/3270686348
My favorite teacher is by far my Law Professor in college. She was so helpful and understanding. I've never met anyone like her before. She helped me with my career after I finished college and we still keep in touch once in a while.
Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.
I liked my kindergarten teacher!
I was much younger than my brother and sister and starting school was difficult for me! She had a very easy going style and I felt very comfortable around her.
Many thanks, Cindi
Many thanks to you!
Wow, the teacher I remember most is still impacting my life today. She was my high school Calculus teacher. This teacher took the time to make sure each and every student in her class had the chance to succeed. She was even willing to take the time out of her busy day to help me with college calculus math after I already graduated high school.
My favorite teacher was actually my Mother, I was homeschooled since K-5 and am now in college for an AS to become an Early Education Teacher myself! I always knew I'd love to teach!
kristinia (AT) lovingheartmommy DOT (COM)
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/kristinialeanna/status/3306747079
My favorite teacher was my high school english teacher who always managed to make even the most boring book seem exciting -- I still remember the writing assignments she gave us and that I actually enjoyed :-)
My favorite teacher was my 1st grade teacher. She really showed me the love of books at that young age! Thanks for the chance to win!
I tweeted!
My freshman Literature professor was the sweetest, most caring and amazing teacher I had. She was an excellent mentor and friend!
My favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher. She was a sweet, caring and kind teacher. I learned a lot from her, partly because I actually listened in her class because I liked her so much and partly because she was such an outstanding teacher. She had a way of inspiring her students to do their best.
I follow you on Twitter. My username is Soccermom213
I tweet often about your blog and giveaways and will do so again today!
Thank you for a neat blog and great giveaways.
My favorite teacher was my Creative Writing teacher my senior year of high school! I loved the class and she was a wonderful teacher! Very smart woman!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
my favorite was my english teacher Mr Garrett - he was SUCH a hippie. I loved him!
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3353088761
I've had many favorite teachers. Today I'm going to cite Mrs. Hakes, my second grade teacher. She recognized that I was intelligent. She encouraged me. She praised me constantly. She recommended me for the most accelerated third grade class. I always think of her fondly.
Although I hated gym class my favorite teacher was my gum teacher. She was more of a friend than a teacher. When I needed a reference for nursing school, I went back to see her to be my reference.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My favorite teacher was one of my high school English teachers. She opened the world of books to me by having us read Beloved, Native Son, Heart of Darkness, and a few other books. I've been a book addict ever since.
badassfemmes(at)yahoo (dot) com
My favorite teacher was my high school Chemistry teacher. He knew how to get the information across and had a dry sense of humor.
My favorite teacher was Mr. Woody. He taught most of my high school (all subjects), because I went to a very tiny Christian school. Anyway - he knew his stuff, didn't let me get away with any crap, and loved the Lord.
My 13-year old had a wonderful literature teacher last year that inspired her to step up her reading and you wouldn't believe the books she read this summer (Percy Jackson, City of Glass, Sisters Grimm, etc...). I just wish my 9-year old son the same experience. :-)
I have several favorite teachers, but one that I really stands out was one of my 7th grade teachers, Randy Gallimore. He was funny, exacting, and extremely fair, plus I felt he was very interested in all the kids and didn't show favorites. Plus he was very good at motivating kids and explaining tough topics.
Thanks for the chance to win!
jaltmichelle /at/ hotmail /dot/ com
My favourite teacher was Mrs. Spence, I had her several times during my Elementary school days. She respected her students and truly had a passion for learning. She is a big part of why I became a teacher myself!!
My favorite teacher was a lit professor in college. She was quiet and loved words.
Please include me!
allygotts567 at hotmail dot com
My favorite teacher was my first grade teacher Mrs Carter. Because on the first day of school she let me sit on her lap and she hugged me because I was crying. I have never forgotten that, I am now 40 years old.
My favorite teacher was a hippie who taught art. she was very earthy but in her opinion there was no bad art. i loved her.
ajohnman at gmail dot com
Hmm my favorite teacher had to be my multi-media teacher. He was just so laid back and stuff and he helped me all through out high school
leslie-lv at hotmail dot com
My favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher Mrs. Cooper. I had just moved from South Africa to the US and I had that heavy british accent. All the kids made fun of me but Mrs. Cooper made me her class pet. I got to help her, read to the rest of the class (because she loved my accent) and wipe the chalkboards down. I miss her and hope she is doing well today!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted here:
YAY, I think I am comment #100 so that means you have to give them ALL away! Whoooohoooo! LOL I just like knowing that I broke some kind of record!
my fav teacher was mr mulvey, 2nd grade, he was so much fun
mjf926 at gmail dot com
my favorite teacher was Mrs. Hughes in 2nd grade. When ever we had time left over in class she would read harry potter to us. She talked like the characters did too. Mrs. Hughes made reading fun, and she is one of the main people who got me interested in it. She retired 3 years ago from teaching. i miss her.
My favourite teacher was Mr. Gibson in high school math. He did what seemed like the impossible to me -- he made math interesting and understandable. I'll always appreciate him for that.
jenniferlehman AT rogers dot com
My favorite teacher was Mr. Amore...he taught History. I thought he was amazingly brillant and so cute! I used to blush if he even looked in my direction!
XOXO Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)
IAmHiMaintenance@ aol dot com
My favorite teacher was Mr. Harrison my senior year who encouraged my love of literature.
cheryltasses (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Boatwright my first grade teacher she was compassionate and caring to her students. She made learning fun and I have never forgotten her. She gave me a love of learning.
My favourite teacher was my highschool math teacher. He was patient in helping me with my homework. He also let us come into his classroom at lunch to chat.
My favorite teacher was an english teacher- she was very cool and we read some great books in her class.
My favorite teacher was my second grade teacher who taught me how to like school again. I had a terrible first grade teacher (in a catholic school) in the 60's who ruled by hitting kids with a ruler. I was terrified. I hated going to school.
My second grade teacher recognized that and worked on making me love school and reading!
My favorite teacher was my second grade teacher.
After 1st grade at a Catholic school in the 60's and a teacher who terrified children with a ruler, I hated school.
My second grade teacher recognized my fear and took extra care in making me love school and reading. She changed my view forever on school. I finished College with an Elementary Education Degree! I will forever be greatful - try everyday to help children love school.
My favorite teacher taught me a few different subjects throughtout highschool and was also in charge of some of my extra-curriculars. She knew how to balance being friendly and fun with keeping us productive and focused.
My favorite teacher was my 2nd grade teacher. She lived down the street from my grandmom. We had guinea pigs in the classroom and she would take them home on the weekends. Because I knew where she lived, I would go to her house just to visit the guinea pigs. And she always answered the door!
My high school business teacher stands out as my favorite. She wasn't much older than most of her students, yet her elegant manner and her kindness and respect for all of us in her classes endeared her to us. In turn, we admired and greatly respected her.
sandic AT hotmail DOT com
I would love to enter.
My favorite teacher was in fifth grade. She always motivated the class and she made learning fun.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
my favorite teacher was a great woman by the name of ms. Dorsey. She was by english teacher in grade school. She was so sweet and kind.she made learning fun and us the main reason english was my favorite subject. I see her every few years
Brilliant website with lots of interesting info.
My favourite teacher was Mr. Brandon, my English teacher. He was a bit gruff and strict but alwsy had the best insights into how to move a student along the path that would give the best results. He was there to hear sob stories or we we crackled with good news.
Having inspired me to be a teacher, it would be nice if some students of mind made a comment!...
My favorite teacher was my first grade teacher...I used to draw pictures of her all the time
my favorite teacher was my 7th grade english teacher...I loved reading the books that she assigned.
My favorite teacher was my general psych professor in college. She had the most interesting stories to share. Her love for teaching the course led me to pursue psychology as a minor.
My favorite teacher was the one who taught my speech class in college because she didn't make you feel stupid just because you had a fear of speaking in front of groups but instead gave you the guidance you needed to make it through the class which fostered some self-esteem growth in me.
My favorite teacher was my high school english teacher. She was the first one that told me that life would be much better in college if I could just tough it out through High School. If it weren't for her, I don't know what I would have done. She was always there for me no matter what.
Here's my tweet
I am a follower on google reader
My favorite teacher was my high school math teacher, Mrs. Miller. I became a secondary math teacher and have tried to be like her. It is tougher these days as we did not act like the students of today do in class.
Thank you,
I tweeted http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/3648772961 as I would really like to win this giveaway.
Thank you,
My favorite teacher was my high school math teacher, Mrs. Miller. I became a secondary math teacher and used her as a role model in how to be a good teacher.
Thank you,
I tweeted http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/3649208291 as I would really love to win this awesome giveaway.
Thank you,
My favorite teacher was my 9th and 11th grade English Teacher. She was a driving force in my becoming an English Teacher.
My favourite teacher was my grade 1 teacher. When I got glasses in first grade, she made sure that I didn't feel uncomfortable and that the other kids didn't make a big deal out of it. And they didn't.
vindicated [at] gmail.com
My favorite teacher was my high school history teacher, he absolutely loved his job and it made learning so much fun.
Favorite was Miss Njaa -- very pretty.
With 2 kids I sure could use these books, count me in.
Grade 1 was the best.
jsrogers at shaw dot ca
My favorite teacher other than in college was my first grade teacher. She was awesome, and years later...18 to be exact she was my patient and she remembered me! Hellen Sibley you rock!
Email: DMBuffy (at) aol (dot) com
My favorite teacher was my mother who gave me the love for books and read to us every night. It was a daily ritual that I loved and I carried on this tradition with my own children.
phredp at gmail dot com
My firt grade teacher was a Catholic Nun. She was the smallest little thing that I had ever seen. Her face was angelic. The firt time I saw her I beleived in Angels
My favorite teacher was in middle school. He taught english and all us girls had crushes on him. I remembering him haveing a great sense of humor and you always wanted to go to his class. Please enter me.
My favorite teacher was my eighth grade English teacher, because he believed in me! We stayed in touch until I graduated from high school.
My 6t grade teacher told us about President Kennedy getting shot in the most gentle & caring manner!
I've never really thought about "my favorite teacher". There were many I liked & few that I disliked.
For argument's sake, I'll choose Mrs. Austin who taught me ninth grade & eleventh grade English. She began the process in me of challenging, questioning, understanding words. She introduced me to plays, opera, Shakespeare, and more. I'm very thankful for her role.
My favorite teacher was a teacher I had in college. Had been going for Psych but then switched to Tourism. Had to take Psych 101, and he was an English teacher just following the book. When he found out I knew a bit he gave me an active roll in class discussions and never took offence. He even gave me a letter of recommendation after pointing out how pleased he was to have me in the class and was supportive in many other ways.
Sorry, I just posted and forgot you wanted my email address since you can just click my name to get my email info.
remarkers at hotmail dot com
I had this biology teacher who was really strange. He always wore these shirts that looked like a pharmacist should be wearing. I really like him and the class.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot om
I had a teacher in grade 3 named Miss Zettel. Miss Zettel knew that my family situation wasn't that great and always made me feel special. She even had a birthday party for me at school, with cake and presents. She moved away to Ottawa to get married but I still think of her often.
I had many good teachers, but my favorite was my High School English and Literature teacher. She taught us so much about grammer, and introduced her classes to poetry. Miss Smith was barely five feet tall in heels, but she could quell the biggest boy in the class with a look.
I have many favorite teachers, but the one that stands out was Biology because our class went on nature walks through the woods. The girls stayed close to the teach, but most of the boys wandered off even though a quiz about the genus and species of the plants he pointed out was imminent. This class complimented my love of health and sciences.
One of my favorite teachers was my 9th grade Pre-Algebra teacher. Not only was he super nice, but he taught me math in way that I actually understood for the first time in my life! Amazing! I have never forgotten Mr. Fox!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Mr. Fox was one of my fav.teachers. He taught me math in such a way that I actually understood for the first time in my life!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
while in the school year, my favorite teachers were probably the easy ones who let kids slide a bit and were fun. By the time I finished college there was no doubt that certain teachers were more adept teachers. One high school science teacher in particular had a real knack for presenting the same subject matter in a different perspective without losing any of the class. The good teachers had a love for teaching.
One of my favorite teachers was Sister Jacqueline in 7th grade- she praised my writing and suggested I submit to magazines....It was a vote of confidence I have never forgotten.
One of my favorite teachers was a religion teacher who always had a good joke.
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
My favorite teacher was my 9th grade History teacher. He was hilarious, and actually cared about weather we got the grade. I liked him a lot!
As soon as I read "favorite teacher" in your post and started to reflect, Mr. G from sixth grade shot to my mind. I was particularly hard-working that year and he was one of those fresh-faced newbie teachers with lots of enthusiasm and lots of encouragement to give a strong student.
My favorite teacher was my second grade teacher. Her daughter went to a different school and somehow I ended up being her penpal. Then we got to meet up and I went over to her house a few times. I just remember her being a very sweet teacher who obviously cared about all of her students.
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