As many of you already know, I'm a sucker for books that delve into mother/daughter relationships. I am both a mother and a daughter, and I always seem to relate just a little to the stories. BECAUSE I LOVE HER: 34 WOMEN WRITERS REFLECT ON THE MOTHER-DAUGHTER BOND edited by Andrea N. Richesin is a book that brings a whole new dimension to the mother/daughter bond. This book is a collection of 34 essays by famous women writers about their personal experiences with their mothers and/or daughters.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It goes without saying that many of these women who wrote essays for this book are extremely gifted writers so the prose is beautiful. In addition, these women know how to tell a story and it seems like they each have a very special one to share. Their essays will make you laugh, cry, and even shake your head; but they all tell a story worth reading.
Not all the mother/daughter relationship stories were happy -- quite a few caused me to tear up and thank God that I do have good relationships with my grandmothers, mother, and daughter. The stories in this book seemed very real and honest to me. I was amazed by how many of the women in this book had less than optimal mothers and managed to overcome it and find success and happiness in their lives. While the stories weren't always happy, the ultimate messages were generally upbeat and very life affirming. You can't help but be touched by the love that is shared between mothers and daughters.
I enjoyed all of the stories in one way or another, but there were a few that affected me quite a bit. Sometimes it was because I adore the author (like Katherine Center) but other times it was because I could really relate to the story. I am fortunate enough to still have both of my grandmothers alive (as I approach 40!) I absolutely love reminiscing how they played with me when I was younger. But I treasure even more that my daughter has had the chance to know and love them. I get choked up when I think about the traditions that we carry down from one woman to another in my family. Whether it's something big like our holiday celebrations or something small like a little prayer, it means so much to me that we have those things in common. For example, there is a ten word prayer that my grandmother taught my mother when she was a toddler. My mother taught it to me and I have since taught it to my daughter. Everytime I think of that little prayer, I think of how incredibly special it is that we all have prayed it together through the years.
I think BECAUSE I LOVE HER would make the perfect Mother's Day gift either for a special woman in your life. Check out the book trailer and I think you'll see why.
Are you interested in winning a copy of BECAUSE I LOVE HERE for your mother or daughter (or even for yourself?) I have two to giveaway! For one entry, please leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me something special about your mother. For an additional comment or two, you can blog about this contest and/or tweet about it with a link back to this post. The contest is open until Thursday, April 30th at 11:59 p.m. EST. I will announce the lucky winners the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. or Canada mailing addresses only. Good luck!
Thanks to Ms. Richesin for sending me an ARC of this wonderful book.
My mom is incredible! She raised three biological children and countless foster children, 7 of whom have become permanent members of our family.
My mother is a very giving person. When I was a child, she would go without so that my sister and I could have things. She would help anyone in need. Today, she spends her days caring for my father.
My mom is pretty much the smartest person I ever met. We're extremely close and talk to each other daily (and sometimes several times a day!). She's fun, smart, energetic, loving, and embraces new things. Although she is in her 80s, she does email, knows how to text message on her cell phone, and works out twice a week with a personal trainer. I could talk about her forever!
I'll add this contest to my weekly link round-up on Sunday.
My mom stayed at home with us when we were growing up. Just a few yrs ago she starting working again nearly 30 yrs after she left the work force. She was in her late 50s at the time. I swear she looks younger now than she did 10 yrs ago!
My mom is an amazing woman. She's always put others before herself; she's so selfless. And she's an amazing grandmother. Although she doesn't get to spend nearly as much time with my boys as she'd like, she makes sure that the time she spends with them is precious and memorable.
My mom is a wonderful, strong woman. However, because I'm the oldest daughter and I struggled for independence so long, I still feel like it would be "weak" to rely on her. I feel like I need to be strong and do things on my own without any help. Needless to say, that puts a strain on our relationship (especially since my sister is completely different than I am).
I'd love to win this book - it would be a wonderful thing to read then pass on to my mom. I know she's be very touched by the gift.
It is interesting to read what everyone feels about their mom.. for me, my mom was my best friend through my school and undergrad days. I could talk to her about anything under the sun and she would understand! I still talk to her often but distance does play a part:(
do enter me for the giveaway!
My mother was the most optimistic person I've ever known. She always saw the best in other people; and the best in any situation. I've tried to impart that philosophy to my children and grandchildren.
Please don't enter me as I have this one to review for Mother's Day. Great post!
my mom does it all--maintains our home, our family, her job, volunteer work, while still taking care of herself and her social life while looking fabulous! i'm 22 and my hope is that at age 43 i'll be just like her!
My mom and I didn't get along very well while I was growing up, but she must have done something right as I now look after her, most of the time as she is crippled by alzheimers at the age of 68! Its my turn to love her as I never was.
Hi! Just posted about this on Win A Book. Sounds like a wonderful collection!
greeeneyedwhwomhttp://tinyurl.com/cudnzl Win a book about MOMS!
greeeneyedwhwom (twitter name)
I was actually raised by my grandmother since my mom passed away when I was three, she was my "mom" and she was wonderful. It must have been hard taking on an active three year old at her age but she did and she taught me a great deal. I really miss her!
My mom put up with a miserable marriage just for the sake of us kids. Some people say, NO don't do that, that causes more harm; but not int his case. I am glad for the efforts she put forth. She sacrificed her personal happiness for 20 years until she felt that the kids were old enough to understand. She proved that being and independent woman is possible and meaningful.
Please enter me, marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com
My mom stayed at home to take care of us girls and I appreciate her for always being there for me even today.
My mom is a very strong woman - she lost her first husband at 44 and her second one at 60. At 70 she lives alone and is very independent. I hope to be as strong as she is!
I would love to be entered for this book.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
My mom is greatest woman in the world. She is the most loving person I've ever met in my whole life. She is the definition of the word mom. I love her so much.
posting on my sidebar:
something special hummm well she can be the biggest pain in the butt, very nagging, and very pushy, extremely embarrasing when you go out with her, and i love all of this about her because it makes her who she is which is the most wonderful self sacrificing mother any one could hope for thanks for the giveaway
My mom is very strong she lost her only son my brother in December 08and has come out the other side a better person. Please include me in your giveaway.
My mother is indescribable. She will say anything that pops into her head, which always drove me crazy but is starting to seem kind of endearing as she (and I) grow older.
My mom has always been my best friend. She always told me that I could go to her for anything and she would never judge me. And she is so awesome, that many of my friends often text her for advice (and we're almost 30!) She is also a survivor! She fought cancer in 2005 and is now in remission!
I blogged about the contest here
My mom always took time to do the little things like having a cup of tea with me or packing healthy lunches that I now try to do for my kids.
Thanks for the giveaway!
:) My mom is awesome. We just spent the entire day together shopping and just hanging out! I would love to read this one! (rachie2004 AT YAHOO.com)
This sounds like a fantastic book. I could use a book like this as I muddle through the challenges of parenting two teenage daughters.
My mother was an incredibly strong woman. At 49 years of age she was diagnosed with colon cancer. I was 13 at the time. Throughout my teen years she had numeerous surgeries and chemo treatments but she kept going because she said she had to see me graduate from high school. She made it. Then she was there for my wedding 65 lbs lighter and doped to the hilt just to get through the day but she made it. Six months later I told her I just found out I was pregnant. She was thrilled and said now I would have my own family, she could go and she was dead in 2 weeks. That's the strength of a mother's love to me. florida982002[at]yahoo[dot]com
Sounds like a great book. My mom had a lot of personal problems when I was growing up, and when I was in high school, she almost died. Despite those setbacks, she took good care of me and my sister, and I can't imagine my life without her. She's one of my best friends.
Diary of an Eccentric
My mom is remarkable. She's one of my best friends. With my dad, she raised 4, very individual and independent daughters. All of whom graduated from college and are happily married with children themselves. She's a very young 71 and not only travels around the country visiting all of us, but she just returned from a lengthy visit to Australia!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
My mother is great at keeping us(4 sisters) together as a family a making sure we are always there for one another:)
Her patience is what amazes me most...She's just fantastic all around!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
I'd love to win this! I have twin daughters. :)
I'd love to win this book!! I honestly don't know what I would do without my mom. She is one of the most amazing people I know - loving, generous, caring, and FUN!!! She is one of the most fun people to hang out with!!
I tweeted this! @gweiswasser: here's a contest for a cool book about moms and daughters: http://tinyurl.com/cudnzl
My mom is one of my best friends. We talk about everything. She is also so giving. She takes more time to take care of others than herself.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My mom is amazing because she remembers to always put others before herself.
My mom got really sick and for some reason we are really getting to know eachother. I would love to give her this book.
My mother has the ability to make every one in the room burst out laughing with her sense of humor.
madamerkf at aol dot com
This is easy as there are so many things special about my mom but the thing I found most impressive came at the end of her life when she fought THE most valiant battle with terminal cancer convinced she would beat it. She wanted to see my son grow up and was determined to do it so tried everything they offered her to prolong her life. She suffered in silence and it wasn't until after she died that I found she had kept a journal and the parts about looking forward to days when my son, her little grandson, would be coming by touched my heart and the parts about how much pain she was in amazed me as she never let on. She only saw him turn 4 but he is 31 now and I know she is very proud of him. So that is my mom! Please enter me!
I blogged this here:
My mom was my best friend and she passed away too young.
I was adopted when I was 3 wks old and grew up as an only child. My mom was great. She was not only my mom but also my bestfriend. She passed in 1990 and I miss her so much. But since that time, I've had the opportunity to meet my biological mother. I've had the best of both worlds.
My mom is my best friend and I love spending time with her. She is always there for me when I need her, no matter what is going on in her life she will always drop everything to help me out.
There were so many things about my Mum that were extra special it is hard to just pick out one. But I guess it must be the extra hard work, holding down a full time job and being a great mother to three close in age children. We moved from England when I was 7 so my parents could give us a better life in Canada. I took ballet, gymnastics and swimming while my sister took piano, track and swimming and my brother participated in boy scouts, swimming and other activities. It amazed me that my parents could manage all these things as they came from England with just about only the shirts on their backs. I always considered myself a pretty lucky youngster. I still consider myself pretty lucky although I miss my Mum every single day.
I twittered at:
I didn't mean to but I actually blogged this giveaway twice on my site. Must like it a great deal.
My mom made each of us children feel special and absolutely loved. Now with my own brood, I look back and think what was it? How did she make that magic happen? Because I want to replicate it for my own kids.
What I love about my mother and what I really didn't realize or appreciate until later in life was the way she let me test my wings and gave me a freedom to develop myself. She never stood in the way of dreams and allowed me to fly...even if it scared her to death!
I've got Superwoman for a mom! She's the type that everyone wishes was their own. She owns and runs a business with my father, leads two girl scout troops (even though her daughters are adults), and is truely a giving person. She loves to cook, read, and spend time with family and friends. I'd love to give her this book for Mother's Day!
My mom is so full of life and vivacious and is well into her 70's. She's an inspiration to me on aging gracefully.
I tweeted! quelleheure4[at]gmail{dot}com
My mom just turned 70 and she spends every single day doing something for someone else. If she isn't watching her 3 yr old Great Grandson, she is volunteering at local nursing home, at our church, visiting a neighbor, making a quilt for someone, planting flowers, teaching a class about planting flowers, etc, etc. I love her and can't imagine our lives without her.
Awww I <3 my Mom! She's my rock! Even when we fight, I know we'll be fine...and I can't say that about too many people! I'd love to read this and give to my mum!
rachie2004 AT yahoo.com
Would love to read this book..My mom and my daughter enrich my life so much.
lyoness2009@ hotmail.com
I would have to say that my mom is incredible because she raised 3 kids. She had my oldest brother when she was 14, my other brother when she was 16, and me when she was in her 20's. Her and my dad have been together this whole time and make the perfect couple. Not many parents have been together that long, had kids, and stayed together like they have. My mom is my best friend. I remember in school when things got to tough with my girlfriends and I would come home crying, my mom always told me that it would pass. I of course didn't believe her at the time but it eventually did and now that I am older I see how pity the fights were and how understanding my mom was about everything. She always cooked us dinner, went out side with us, came and picked me up at my friends house at 11 at night because I decided I didn't want to stay because I was home sick. My mom is just my best friend and always will be. Even if we don't get along sometimes we are always there for each other..
I also twittered about the giveaway.. Here is my link:
and the link is with the post "Check out this giveaway for an amazing book"
forgot my e-mail in the post before this one.. sorry!! It is
toddntrisha @verizon.net (With no spaces)
These tributes to Mom's are wonderful, heartfelt and beautiful. My mother was a devoted mother and selfless and self sufficient. She was frugal and lived a tough life but I miss her terribly each and everyday. She was loving, giving and generous with her help and advice.
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