From the press release:
SEATTLE – (July 24, 2008) – Jean Reynolds Page, author of the recently published novel THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER (Avon A, an imprint of HarperCollins), has introduced the innovative concept of a Boundtrack®, a playlist of songs, much like a movie soundtrack, to complement her novel. Page believes that her readers will have the opportunity to gain an even better understanding of the characters through music that inspired her during the writing of the book. The idea of a Boundtrack® originated with the material included in the supplemental pages that followed THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER. The notion of providing a list of songs to accompany the narrative came to Page one afternoon while she was listening to music as a way of fleshing out the emotional lives of the characters.
“The songs helped me then and still help me to define the essential selves of the people who populate my imagination and, eventually, my books,” noted Page. “I thought it might be fun to share my own working soundtrack for the characters in THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER. In the Avon A+ section of the novel, I follow each song with a brief explanation of how the music brought me closer to each character.”
On Pages’ website, http://www.jeanreynoldspage.com/, readers are able to view the Boundtrack® and purchase individual songs or the entire mix by linking to iTunes. The inclusion of song suggestions not only offers a more in-depth level of reading but also a way to get in touch with the storyline from a variety of senses beyond the literary aspect of traditional reading. For example, in THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER, Page selected James Taylor’s “You Can Close Your Eyes” as the character Holli’s, theme song. When asked why she chose this song, she suggested that to her, the author, the song represents an ‘adult lullaby’ that holds within the lyrics -- and within Taylor’s soothing vocals -- all the comfort that a parent would want to offer when her nearly-grown child is in trouble. Hearing this explanation, the reader/listener is able to better understand the depth of the character and perhaps gain better insight into where Page is taking the narrative.
Critics are raving about both Page’s work and the music she is associating with her characters. Woman’s Day selected THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER as one of seven “juicy” beach reads in its Best-of-Summer issue, and The Seattle Post-Intelligencer found Page’s inclusion of music in the supplemental pages of the novel “intriguing”.
“The Boundtrack® opens up another way of listening to what you are reading,” added Page. “After all, it seems that in today’s world, when music accompanies everything from movies to baseball games, there is an opportunity here to enhance the reading experience, as well.”
Jean Reynolds Page is the author of two earlier novels, A BLESSED EVENT and ACCIDENTAL HAPPINESS. Her next book, which is scheduled for publication with Avon A/HarperCollins next year, will also include a Boundtrack® in the supplemental pages.
I am so excited about the Boundtrack® concept and how it enhances THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER. I think many of you will agree with me and think this is a terrific book, especially when you can "listen" to the songs that inspired it. If you'd like to get a sneak preview of THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER, you can read up to 20% of the book here (including the list of songs and the explanation behind them.)
The wonderful people at Harper Collins have graciously offered to giveaway up to ten -- yes, ten -- copies of THE SPACE BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER. All you have to do is leave a comment with your e-mail address. If you'd like to receive two entries, just blog about Boundtrack® and this contest with a link back to this post. To make things a little more interesting, I will be giving away a book for every ten entries that I receive. For example, if I get 40 entries, there will be four books given out; 80 entries - 80 books, and so on. The contest will be open until Sunday, October 26th at 11:59 p.m. I will announce the winner on the following Monday. Unfortunately, this giveaway is open to U.S. mailing addresses only.
I've listed this at Win A Book. No need to enter the contest.
This is such a great concept! Who knew that music inspired writers? I would love to get a copy of this book!
What an awesome idea, how cool to link a soundtrack to your book!!! I love that idea!! I am really swamped with books and have had a winning streak lately. You're tempting me...so please add my name. I am really going to limit myself from now on...I'm trying!!
I'll post back when I blog about this. Thanks for the contest!
Please enter me ... I've been really hoping to get a chance to read this book soon!
I'm amazed at how books are promoted these days. Such a unique concept.
I'd love a chance to win the book.
Please enter me! milou2ster(at)gmail(dot)com
Love this book and such a unique and great giveaway. Thanks.
Boundtrack® sounds like such a cool idea, I love it! Music really inspires me when I write! Please enter me into this contest, this book sounds interesting. Thanks!
I posted about your giveaway on my blog:
I also forgot to leave my email address with my comment, so here it is:
shelly dot burns at cfisd dot net
What an incredibly unique concept!
I would love to read this. I hadn't heard of it before your review!
I love the idea of "Boundtrack"...what a great addition to a book club's discussion!
Pls, enter me for a copy of this book.
Thank you
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I love the Boundtrack idea! Count me in!
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
This looks like a great read!
daq_17 at hotmail dot com
The cover of the book is so lovely!
The story line sounds great and so do the characters. Please enter me in your fabulous book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I love creating Playlists and soundtracks for my life so this book sounds interesting.
PlanetBooksWorldWide at gmail dot com
I'd love to be entered! And since I love music, the concept of a soundtrack for a book really appeals to me.
skrishna [at] skrishnasbooks [dot] com
interesting idea! I'd love to read the book. :)
I can't remember where, but I just read a post on another blog where the blog author mentioned music they associated with certain books. How cool to find an author doing the same thing- and promoting it. It sounds very interesting.
Please enter me...Thanks!
Sararush at hotmail dot com
This sounds like a great idea! I would love to be entered to win this book.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
What a neat concept! please enter me in your contest. I've also put it on my blog.
Forgot my email!
Whoohooo!! Please enter me for this contest, I've been wanting to read this one!
Wow, Boundtrack is such a great idea!
Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
I like the sound of the book AND the music -- BoundTrack is a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
I've got my fingers cross that I might win something with so many copies! I'll also be blogging about this one, too. Thanks!
This sounds like a great book. Please enter me. :0)
Wow. Wonderful idea. I love that the music gives you a chance to get to know the characters better as well as the author. Count me in!
How cool. I'd love to read the book. And now everytime I read a book I'll be thinking of what music should go with it.
Sounds interesting...especially about the music!
I blogged about it here:
This book caught my eye a while ago....I would love the chance to read it!
Please enter me.
Hmm Boundtrack sound very inovative. I would love to read this. Thanks so much for the chance!
I would love to read this!
faked_sugartone at hotmail.com
what an interesting concept, i've never really though of music to go with a book, but its neat and i like it! Thanks for entering me.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com
Sounds good!
interesting idea there..hmm mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
enter me please,i'd love to read this!Sounds great,music can be so inspiring...
adding your contest to my blog as well..thanks for the extra entry!
Sounds like a great book.
Please enter me
I'd love a shot at winning! Please enter me in the giveaway
dawn [dot] rennert [at] verizon [dot] net
Pick me, pick me!
What an interesting idea - to match book characters up with the music they would listen to. It is certainly an interesting concept and one which would enhance the reader's understanding of the characters! I would love to win this book - thank you for the opportunity!
allibrary [at] aol [dot] com
I just blogged about this!
This intriguing concept certainly is appealing and lovely. Thanks for this delightful and unique giveaway.
An excellent idea to have a soundtrack connected to this book. Loved that idea. Thanks.
Please count me in.
Enter me to WIN please!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
Thanks so much!
How fabulous! Count me in~
I'd love to win a copy! It sounds like it'd be a great read.
Two of my favorite things, books and music. Enter me in the contest too!
I would love to win!
Please enter me.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win this! Thank you so much!
judybrittle at aol dot com
Thanks for the fab contest..I looove to read!!
The Boundtrack is an awesome idea!
urchiken at gmail dot com
wow! this sounds like a very interesting read
great prize - please enter me :)
hi please enter me, thanks :)
What a novel (no pun intended) idea to list the songs in the back of the book. I think boundtrack is a great idea!
I am looking forward to reading this book. Cheers!
I would love to win. Please enter me.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
Boundtrack idea sounds good Count me in
I love to read and this looks like a good read.
I'd really like to read the book, but I'm not quite sure about the Boundtrack Concept.
I would love to read this!!
Please enter me to win-thanks!
Good luck to all
I would love to win a copy of this! Thanks!
the idea of "Boundtrack
Sounds like this would be a good read.
I would love to read this book
i would love to be counted in.
Well, that is an interesting idea!
This is a wonderful idea. I would love the chance to read the book.
cool idea, would love to win
very innovative
love to win this
this looks good.
I would love to read this book!
dcadmar at gmail dot com
I love the concept of music to go along with reading a book -- would love to win and get the chance to read it!
I love soundtracks to movies-so I am sure I would love a soundtrack to this book. Maybe it will catch on and all authors will do it! Fun idea!
I hope this becomes an audio book. It sounds interesting.
I'd love to win!
That is a great idea I love it.
Thank you for having this. I would love to win this to have a great read. THank you
Wow, sounds great! Throw me in the pot.
great giveaway. hope i win.
What a wonderful idea of pairing music and books! Please count me in on the contest ~ thanks!
Hugs, Bebe :)
The book sounds fascinating....and the soundtrack is wonderful.......James Taylor, Van Morrison, Fleetwood Mac......how can you lose?
Sounds wonderful, please include me. Thanks.
Wonderful idea! Please include me!
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
What a fabulous concept! Count me in.
Great idea!
This sounds great!
I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
What a great idea for a book with songs - I am intrigued!
I can never have too many books! Would love to read. Thanks!
I read alot. TY for this great opportunity.
I travel a lot and am always on the hunt for something good to read. The music aspect is very interesting.
Enter me please!
Please enter me. Thanks.
Boundtrack. What a good idea. Glad someone finally put it into action. I have never read Jean Reynolds Page but will be reading this book!
This looks like a great book.
Sounds like a good read!
Music is always an inspiration to me and I love to hear stories about how it inspires others. This giveaway is awesome!
What a great concept! There are a lot of authors lately who mention playlists for their books, but this takes it one step further.
Margay1122 (at) gmail (dot) come
I'd love to be entered. Thanks!
Boundtrack is a great idea. I'm writing a novel, and I've created a playlist that helps me get inside my characters and into the story.
Diary of an Eccentric
hi! my mom is a 60-year-old student who is getting bored with her schoolbook reading. this would be a nice change for her.
I love the Boundtrack idea! Count me in!
I am so jealous! I had this idea years ago and failed to act upon it.
Please use the email from my Tasses tag and I have blogged for an extra entry on Random Wonder.
This is the coolest idea! Thanks for the giveaway.
please enter me to win this book thank you
I'd love a chance to win the book.
Please enter me! Thanks!!
What a unique marketing idea. Although I am not a writer music inspires me daily.
I would love to get a copy of this book
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
This sounds like a fine book and I think the related music concept is an excellent idea.
I would love to win a copy!
I would love this!
I would love to read this--thanks!
Wow this is cool and different! Thanks for introducing me to this!!
Please enter me for a chance to win this book. Thanks,Bonnie
I would love to read this without racking up library fines. :-)
Fantastic giveaway! Please sign me up for your contest.
Please enter me in this one- book and Boundtrack sound so interesting...
Love the concept of music and characters. Thanks for sharing
Please throw my name in!
Enter me Please
This sounds like a very interesting concept.
Please change previous email to AztecFeller@aol.com
I love the idea. Hope I win. garrettsambo@aol.com
What an interesting idea. Lends a depth to the characters from the author's perspective that the reader can use to understand the character better.
I love the Boundtrack idea. I love reading and music so this idea really appeals to me.
Thanks so much!
dbkagrayson2002 [at] gmail [dot] com
There are many many different songs that inspire me to do all the things in my life. Glad to see that someone has gone one step further with it!
I think this is great, a lot of times I want to further think upon a book, and music to help me out to do that would be neat.
I can totally see how music can inspire someone's imagination to write! Please enter me!
Please count me in! Thank you!!
Music is so important in my life and I am a very "lyrical" listener...this is a really neat thing! Thanks for the entry and the chance to win!
I love the idea of music associated with writing. Music adds another dimension to the experience if done well.
Your review made me interested. I would like to win a copy of this book.
I am a big music lover and avid reader~what a great idea! I'd love to win this book.
Please count me in!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
How cool is a boundtrack, I wish I thought of that! Thanks for the contest! acirucci(at)gmail.com
It sounds good.
Nice prize! I would love to win! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
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