I just found out a few days ago that Target Bookmarked has selected SARAH'S KEY as its latest Club Pick. I'm sure that many book clubs are going to be discussing this book in the next few months.
If you would like to be entered to win a copy of SARAH'S KEY, please leave me a comment with your e-mail address. As usual if you'd like to double your chances, blog about this contest with a link back to this post. The contest will be open until October 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST. I will announce the winners on November 1st. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. mailing addresses only. Good luck!
OH I Would LOVE to win Sarah's Key!! Please enter me :)
Wow, another chance to win this novel. I was disappointed not to have won last time. Hopeful for this giveaway. Thanks.
Enter me, please! milou2ster(at)gmail(dot)com.
I'd love to be entered, thanks!
3m.michelle at gmail.
You are a giveaway fool this month aren't you! :) That's awesome!
This is great! I've posted this at Win A Book.
I've heard great things about this book and apparently so have many others. I'd love to win a copy. Enter me please:
Ohh, please enter me.
nicolemarieblogs at gmail.com
Another great give-away! Please enter me!
another chance to win Sarah's Key! Yippee..count me in.
savvyverseandwit AT gmail Dot com
I'll put the contest in the sidebar on my blog!
I really want to read this book! Please enter me in the contest! Thanks.
I'm in!
skrishna [at] skrishnasbooks [dot] com
I have heard great things about this book--please enter me in the contest!
Deb in NJ
That's so exciting that they sent you even more copies! Please count me in.
Oh, this is one is high on my list. I almost bought it last night at b&n.
Maybe I will have more luck the second time around. LOL.
thereedfamily at sbcglogal dot net
Well, I'll try again! Thanks for entering me. jeanenevarez (at)gmail (dot)com.
Yes please!
fizzybeverage at gmail dot com
Target always does a good job of picking book for their club. I'd love the chance to win a copy of this one and read it.
I would love to win a copy of this book!
I'm in; I'm in.
Please enter me. Thanks!
Sararush at hotmail dot com
I'd love to win this one. Thanks!
Awesome Giveaway! I would love to get Sarah's Key! Please enter me.
+Evie S.
Please enter me to win a copy of Sarah's Key.
hawkes (at)citlink.net
Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway. A great novel which I would enjoy.
Looks interesting - I'd like to read it.
jashaw (at) coe.edu
I would love to be entered to win this book. Thanks!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Ooooh! Another chance at this title...I'd love to win!
shelly dot burns at cfisd dot net
I have blogged about it here:
cool! Count me in on this too! thanks!
Oh! Another chance to win...count me in! Thanks!
Goody! I'd love to read Sarah's Key! Thanks for the chance to win!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com
This great book would be a pleasure to read. thanks for this great giveaway.
I am captivated with this special and unique story. Wonderful!
This impressive and beautiful novel is to be treasured. It would be an honor to read this story. thanks.
I've been very much interested in this one and I'm glad your giving away more copies!! Please enter me for this contest - thanks!
This is a definite need to read book. Thanks for the chance!
Yes, I'm entering again .... and I'm so glad you are giving me another chance!!
Thank you
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this book. Thanks
after checking out your review, this sounds like a very good book that I would love a shot at reading... please count me in as well!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I just looked at this book today at Target. Looks great. Count me in.
I would love to wine Sarah's Key. My email is jnaomicline(at)yahoo(dot)com
Please enter me, I also put it on my blog-thanks!!!
Please enter me! I don't think I've posted already.
I'd love to win this. I blogged it too.
I blogged about it here:
This looks like an interesting read! I also blooged about it at my blog, which is where my email is. Do you need us to do two seperate entries for stating we blogged as well? Thanks!
I would love to be entered to win Sarah's Key! Thanks!
I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance!!
I would love to read this!
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks for another chance. Count me in! :0)
Looks like lots of readers think this is a great book, so I want to give it a try too. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks for the review and chance to win.
I would love to be entered to win Sarah's Key!
I would love to read this book!
faked_sugartone at hotmail.com
I would love to win a copy of this book. It's on my TBR and sounds so good!
My email address is: teddyr66(at)yahoo(dot)com Here's the link to my blog about the giveaway:
This looks really good! I don';t hink I could put the book down!!
I would love to read!
Sounds like a good read, please enter me..
I'm also a bookaholic! I like to read. I would love to win this book, Sarah's key. My name is Sara!
i'd love to win this book!!
No need to add my name, I just received a copy of the book and can't wait to read it!
I blogged about it here:
Sign me up!
I'd love to read this. Thanks!
Sarah's Key sound fasinating, I'd love to win it! Thanks
Enter me, please! missporkchopATyahooDOTcom.
I've also blogged about the giveaway here.
Yay for more copies! I would love to win this. I've blogged about the contest here: http://caramellunacy.blogspot.com/2008/10/great-contest-post.html
and I can be reached there or by email caramellunacy(at)gmail
Wow! How generous! I'd love to be entered, and I added the contest to my blog sidebar.
I would love to win a copy of Sarah's Key please!
I'm unfamiliar with this book but it sounds like everybody likes it, so count me in.
Would love to read this book ~ count me in on the contest. Thanks!
Hugs, Bebe :)
Please count my in on the contest. Thanks.
I would love to be entered in this contest to win this book!
I'd love to win! My email address is:
This looks like a great read!
I would like to be included in the draw as well. Sarah's Key sounds like it would be the perfect book for me to read. Thank you for the chance to win!
hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
A book I'd love to read. Please enter me. Thanks!
I'd love to be entered!
I would like to be considered for your give away.
Please enter me in this contest through my Tasses email link. I have blogged about this contest on Random Wonder.
Found via "Random Wonder"; it looks like a great book, and I'd love to be entered.
I need a new book to get lost in. This looks very good.
Please enter me in the contest for Sarah's Key!
I've heard such great things about this book and really look forward to reading it! I'm adding this and your other contests to my blog. Thank you for your offer!
I would love to read this book. Please enter me.
Enter me! ruthjoec at aol dot com
I blogged about this http://rannthisthat.blogspot.com/
This sounds so interesting! Please enter me in this contest.
Sounds like a good story. Would love to win.
Please enter me: legenderry[at]cox[dot]net
wow another chance to win. That's so great. I've heard such good reviews for this book. enter me! awalworth19(at)gmail(dot)com.
Also blogged about it here:
Wow, heaps of folks have entered this contest! Count me in too please.
I'd like to give it a go again. Thanks!
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