For some people, losing weight means restrictive dieting, obsessive calorie counting, and constant hunger. Not Tina Haupert! She learned that it didn't have to be that way. Tina shows how to drop the pounds and keep them off by adopting eating habits that are healthy, balanced, and above all, livable. She serves up easy-to-follow fitness routines, food tips, and her most popular feature: cookie Friday.
Hang with your friends on a Friday night without packing on the alcohol pounds
Navigate buffet tables at parties
Handle the holidays painlessly.
And more! -- Sterling
When I agreed to review CARROTS 'N' CAKE: HEALTHY LIVING ONE CARROT AND CUPCAKE AT A TIME by Tina Haupert, I admit that I was expecting a cookbook with lots of healthy recipes. And there were some recipes in this book, but for the most part, it was Ms. Haupert's story about her journey to healthy eating.
Each chapter in the book began with Ms. Haupert's personal story as well as her advice for a healthier lifestyle; and then at the end of the chapter, there are a few recipes that she referenced in the text. This book has lots of information about Ms. Haupert's personal life, and I'm not sure it added much to my appreciation of the book. I realize that she is trying to inspire others through her experiences, and I commend her for that. However, I just don't think all of the personal information about her husband and dog was pertinent to me.
I don't want to say that I was disappointed in CARROTS 'N' CAKE, but I was hoping for more of a cookbook with healthy recipes. Even though there were 50 recipes in this book, I definitely wouldn't classify it as a cookbook. There was lots of text and no pictures and it was more of Ms. Haupert's personal approach to healthy living. The book definitely has its merits, but I think it would be most appreciated by those people who are already familiar with Ms. Haupert and her blog Carrots 'N' Cake
Prior to picking up CARROTS 'N' CAKE, I had never heard of the blog Carrots 'N' Cake (although that's not surprising since most of my blog reading is book related!) I can certainly see why her blog has become so popular and how her story has inspired many people to lose weight and exercise. She's accomplished a great deal and she's only 30 years old! Carrots 'N' Cake is beautifully designed and her photographs of food are gorgeous. And I love how she gives her readers the details of her dieting journey -- both the ups and the downs.
And that was one thing I really did appreciate about this book -- that Ms. Haupert admitted she has good days and bad days. She teaches readers not to beat themselves up when they "fail." Rather, they should just start again with healthy eating and exercising. She also has some fantastic messages about learning to make the right eating choices (especially when eating out) as well as plans for effective strength training and cardio workouts.
There was one huge benefit to me of CARROTS 'N' CAKE that I wasn't expecting. Many of the recipes for "treats" like muffins, cookies, etc. were allergy friendly for Booking Son. That means there are quite a few egg-free, dairy-free, and peanut and tree nut-free recipes! The recipes aren't being sold as allergy friendly, but I have a feeling that moms like me will truly appreciate these goodies!
I think fans of the blog Carrots 'N' Cake will enjoy this book as well as individuals who are looking for an inspirational healthy eating book.
Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book.

Thanks to FSB Associates for providing a review copy of this book.
I bet a lot of people will be inspired by this book. Did the author take the pictures herself?
I can understand why you might have expected something different from this book. I had not heard of this blog before, and will check it out as you have made the author seem like a very interesting person.
I would appreciate the dairy-free recipes in the book :)
I always love posts about cook books because I tend to use them as door stops. My husband is the chef in our house which is lovely for me. Maybe I should pass this along. ;O)
I get where you're coming from. Instead of a cookbook with inspirational messages and tips, it was the other way around. Which is cool if those are your expectations. I've never heard of this blog either...going to go check it out.
Sounds like an interesting book to have around. I'll have to check this one out. Have a great day!
Just Books
Very well-written review. I like carrots IN cake. :<)
Sounds like an interesting book. Great review of it, I think off the bat I'd have assumed it was a healthy cookbook rather than a life story with recipes. Going over to check out the blog.
I've been curious about the book because I've visited the blog a few times. How great that you can use so many of the recipes for your son.
This is really interesting because that cupcake in the picture sure doesn't *look* like it is a "healthy" cupcake so I'm curious - I'm going to look for this at my B&N!
I am working at improving my eating and my weight. The other day when i first thought I wanted a cookie, I looked at the pear on the counter and decided that was what I was really wanting. I enjoyed your review and agree with the author's approach, you have to learn how to eat properly, a holistic approach. Thanks.
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