Thursday, March 3, 2011

Giveaway: Skipping a Beat

Yesterday, I received some very exciting news! I found out that I won First Prize in the Skipping a Beat Sweepstakes. It's a $100 Visa Gift Card which I will be saving for some extra spending money while I'm in New York for BEA!

I qualified for the Skipping a Beat Sweepstakes because I wrote a review (and tweeted about it) for Sarah Pekkanen's new novel SKIPPING A BEAT. Winning first place in this contest is extra-special to me because I absolutely loved this book and it deeply touched my heart!

Anyway, enough about  me...

Since I adored this book so much and think everyone should read it, I wanted to share a copy of SKIPPING A BEAT to share with one of you. To enter, just fill out the form below before March 16, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. ET. I will randomly select and notify the winner the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only. Good luck!


bermudaonion said...

Congratulations on your win!!

SparkleFarkel said...

First and foremost: CONGRATULATIONS! 100 buckaroo$ for Booking Mama!!! This will definitely make your good-tme trip to NY ever better!

Yep, books are treasures, especially when it's a giveaway that just happens to be your favourite "read"! (<-- What a novel idea, thank you for this opportunity, as I just entered your wonderful contest!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your win, well deserved-I know how much you loved this book. You make me really want to read it. Thanks for the chance.

Nise' said...

Congratulations on your win!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your win. And going to BEA! Both are awesome and thank you for your generosity in sharing the love of books and reading.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Julie! It's fantastic that you won for writing your review of Sarah's new book. Skipping a Beat sounds interesting and terrific. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I cannot wait to read it!
~ Amy

Margie said...

Congrats on your win!

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks said...

Congratulations, Julie! Looking forward to spending time with you at BEA!!

Gloria Walshver said...

It sounds like a interesting book.I never heard about this writer.