Fast forward ten years -- beloved identical twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield are back and all grown up, dealing with the complicated adult world of love, careers, betrayal, and sisterhood in SWEET VALLEY CONFIDENTIAL (St. Martin’s Press), due out in March 2011. This new women’s fiction book, written by the original author and creator Francine Pascal, will allow millions of fans to return to the idyllic town of Sweet Valley (or even visit it for the first time!)
I'm sure you can imagine the excitement surrounding this novel from Sweet Valley Twins fans everywhere. Due to overwhelming demand, St. Martin’s Press is giving a sneak peek into the lives of Jess and Liz ten years later, releasing Chapter One of 2011’s most anticipated book online at SweetValleyTenYearsLater.com. If you can't get enough about the Sweet Valley Twins, you can also follow Sweet Valley Confidential on Twitter and on Facebook.
As part of the celebration for SWEET VALLEY CONFIDENTIAL, I have a fantastic giveaway to share with you -- a basket of 10 best-selling books from St. Martin’s Press including books by authors Emily Giffin and Jackie Collins. To enter, just post a comment (with your email address) about the book or books you read as a child that made you fall in love with reading and influenced what you read today. The contest will be open until August 8th at 11:59 p.m. ET, and I will notify the winner the following day. U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only. Good luck!
Thanks to Get Red PR and St. Martin's for this fantastic giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I had many friends who read the Sweet Valley series, but I didn't. My favorite was Nancy Drew...I just couldn't get enough of her! I still like a good mystery read!
shelcows AT gmail DOT com
yay!!! a new Sweet Valley book!!! for all of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s..with the new BSC book as well...it's like childhood happening all over again! anywho i grew up reading Baby Sitters Club, Sweet Valley (Kids, Twins, High, University), Nancy Drew, Girl Talk, Little House on the Prairie..too many to name. Heh..lots of chick lit back in the day too
As a kid, I loved the Great Brain and Encyclopedia Brown books. Please enter me. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I loved the Sweet Valley High series. I would spend my allowance money on nothing but books. I also loved reading Judy Blume (loved Forever even though I was probably too young to totally understand it). And I loved VC Andrews' Flowers in the Attic. Again, a book that wasn't age appropriate but I loved it anyway.
I loved Sweet Valley High! And Nancy Drew.. And The Boxcar Children.. And The Babysitter's Club.. ;)
pinkflipflops44 at gmail dot com
when I was younger I LOVED the babysitter's club and all the R.L.Stine books....awww...I miss those days
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I grew up with Nancy Drew, then became enamoured with books by Rosamund du Jardin (anybody remember her?) As far as influencing what I read today (historical fiction mostly) I read lots of a biography series for young people, old blue covers, about Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, Patsy Jefferson, etc. A fun trip down memory lane. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I read the Sweet Valley books, oh yeah! My favorite book was "Island of the Blue Dolphins" though. I haven't read it in so many years, perhaps I'll give it another try as an adult. :)
tcccsy @ gmail . com
I love the SVH books. I started reading with the Little House on the Prairie books, then moved on to Nancy Drew and SVH and Christopher Pike. And havent stopped since.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Awesome giveaway!!!! Love SVH!!
lovestoread0708 AT yahoo.com
Lovely giveaway. Thanks. I read Anne of Green Gables entire series in hardcover when I was young and loved them so much. My ultimate favorite. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Oh gosh, I don't know what influenced what I read today. I think most of the books I loved made me into a life-long reader like the Harry Potter series, the Baby Sitter Club series, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, Orphan of Ellis Island, some Roald Dahl books, etc.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I LOVED the Sweet Valley High series!! I'm so excited for the new book to come out!!
Before Sweet Valley I was a Babysitters Club girl! I loved all the special break off series and how they even made board games and a movie!
aleareads@gmail . com
I am a Sweet Valley girl through and through. Started with SV Twins #4, Choosing Sides when I was in 4th grade and it was a rare day to find me without one of the books. It truly was the beginning of my love affair with reading and all thinks girly/chick related!
You name it, I read it! I devoured every Sweet Valley High (I especially loved the Thriller Super Editions!), as well as Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden. And of course, Judy Blume. I think those are all must-reads for young girls. The protagonists were a mixture of headstrong and smart women, as well as some insecure and ordinary ones. We could imagine what we could be and at the same time, feel a connection that there really is someone out there who understands us.
(Sorry, forgot to add my email address! ourangelbabies (at) gmail dot com
Thanks for this giveaway. Wonderful. An unforgettable and great book that resounded with me when I was young was a British book by Enid Blyton. Enjoyed all British novels and still do. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com
I read Nancy Drew and Judy Blume books as a teenager.
books are like crack - I have always loved to read and still work at a bookstore part-time. My favorites growing up included all things sweet valley, including the unicorn club, encyclopedia brown, babysitters club, as well as all of the v. c. andrews books (which are still creepy, weird and fantastic to this day)
I've been reading constantly for as long as I can remember. I think it was, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume that got me hooked.
would have to say Nancy Drew started me on my journey, thanks
I loved the Boxcar Children series, The Little House series, and Judy Blume's books. I still love books about families and family situations and that is because almost all of the books that I read when I was a kid centered around them.
Alicia Webster
When I was really small, it was any book I got from the library. But I have to say that the book that really made me fall in love with the joys and sorrows of reading was Little Women.
In 1st grade I started reading the Nancy Drew series, and have been in love with reading ever since!
I was a Little House on the Prarie girl. I did read the SV series later on -- they were fun reads.
Maryinhb at gmail.
I posted this at win a book for you!
I have been reading since I was 3-my mother taught me early and I loved the Bobbsey Twins series-showing my age! Anyway i still love to read and manage to get through 4-5 books a month.
I started with the Nancy Drew books - I read them all. When I was done with them I moved on to The Hardy Boys (yeah they were boys - but I was hooked!)
Now I collect the original Nancy Drew books :)
Definitely Nancy Drew and the Little House on the Prairie series
msboatgal at aol.com
I LOVED the Sweet Valley series! I also read lots of Nancy Drew. :)
shhhimreading at hotmail dot com
Well, when I was growing up.....I love to read 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn'.
I loved Anne of Green Gables, my eldest reads Dear Canada, Nancy Drew and 39 Clues
love reading and the first set of books I remember reading was little house but reading boooks like anne frank got me into wanting to learn all I could mrs.mommyyatgmail
We had a book collection that included various stories in several, thick books: Aesop's Fables, Brother's Grimm, classic fairy tales, and cultural tales. My favorites back then were the cultural ones, particularly the Asian stories because I'm half Korean and lived in Korea at the time. Shortly after, I stopped reading as a hobby until a few years ago, and my favorite books are that of Asian culture. Full circle, basically. Haha~
First of all, what a great giveaway! I'm so glad Sweet Valley will be back with the original author to boot!
One of my favorite series as a kid, that I read and re-read, was the Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace. I was enchanted by Deep Valley and like many girls everywhere, wanted to be Betsy! Thanks for the chance to win!
LOL...I see a lot of Sweet Valley Highs! Makes me feel old! I loved Charlotte's Web, Bridge to Terabithia, Judy Blume books, and biographies--I always seemed to lean toward biographies of presidents! Read some Nancy Drew and the Black Stallion books too!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
i love reading Sweet Valley when i was a kid. i also tore through the nancy drew and hardy boys series.
I loved the Little House books and Nancy Drew when I was a kid.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail.com
I started off by compulsively reading "The Babysitters Club", and then moved on to "Sweet Valley High". Oh, SVH taught me so much!!!! *insert nostalgic sigh here* I was going through my old books a while back and refused to give away a couple of my old SVH books. I'd love to be entered for this fantastic giveaway!!
I loved the Ramona Quimby books. I still like books with spunky, offbeat heroines!
cookiert at yahoo
Oh I was such a Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins girl, then moved on to Sweet Valley High and then Sweet Valley University. I can't wait to read this new one!
I was a HUGE Babysitter's Club fan. Started reading those when I was 7, and I absolutely loved them. I think they're what really got me into reading.
stephaniedekeyser AT gmail dot com
Wow--does this ever bring back memories!! Yes, I read these, and loved them!
I loved the Little House series.
I read SVH but I also liked Christopher Pike
I loved to read the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries. My favorite genre to read today is still mysteries.
I started reading when I was four or five years old. Books like Dick and Jane (LOL), Curious George, and Madeleine started my voracious love of reading :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I don't remember what started me reading, just that I've been reading forever. I don't ever remember not reading.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I never read Sweet Valley Series unfortunately, but I was loyal to the Baby Sitters Club and R.L.Stine's Fear Street. I'm tempted to actually start reading some of the SV Series though, because a few of my friends have been telling me about some of the story lines and the series sounds entertaining.
starting reading in high school
I am a follower. Great giveaway. I enjoyed reading books such as Romeo and Juliet, Scarlet Letter and Little House on the Prairie. I have always love reading. It is my favorite and most enjoyable thing to do. Tore923@aol.com
One book I read several times and I recall loving is Island of The Blue Dolphins.
I lived and breathed books as a child and still do to this day. I can recall reading all the Nancy Drew books, Trixie Belden, Sweet Valley High, Babysitter's Club, Sleepover Club, Ramona books, and later all the VC Andrews and some Jackie Collins (I had to sneak those ones LOL!!)
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
And yes it was the 80s!
I loved reading "Little Women", Nancy Drew books, the Narnia series and the "Little House on the Prarie" books. I still enjoy going back and rereading these books.
The books that really made me love reading as a child was the Little House series, but I loved Sweet Valley, too. These were my favorite books as I got older, and I had them all LOL!! I have to say, I'm very excited about this book LOL!!!!
I loved Sweet Valley High! Plus the Baby-sitters Club, of course, and all the Madeleine L'Engle books, particularly the ones with the Murry family. I read the first chapter of Sweet Valley Confidential and wow...I really can't wait to read it!
I started with little house on the prairie, moved on to the chronicles of narnia and the lord of the rings. I taught myself to read when I was barely 3, and haven't stopped.
I grew up on Nancy Drew and the Box Car Children books. Oh, the simple days!
I loved Dr. Seuss and I still love quirky poetry today.
I grew up on Nancy Drew. Still love the books.
I loved reading all the classics growing up.
Oh my gosh...Nancy Drew, Boxcar Children, Babysitters Club, Choose Your Own Path Books...I loved to read, still do!
Wow! I'm so excited! The Sweet Valley series was the first series that I read as a girl. I cannot wait to read this one!
As a child I read all the Little House in the Prairie books and all The Little books.I still enjoy series books.cardshark42(at)hotmaildot)com
Nancy Drew and Little House Books.......still love mysteries.
I used to love the books about the tiny people that lived in the walls of houses...The Littles. Had the whole series of books.
I didn't fall in love with books until I read Pet Sematary by Stephen King. I know not the most appropriate book but I haven't stopped reading since.
watleygrrl at yahoo dot com
As a child, I read Dr. Seuss. And then I read Little House on the Prairie series and the Chronicles of Narnia. By far, still my favorites.
Of course, I loved Nancy Drew, and the Hardy Boys too! Thanks!
The librarian gave me Exodus from the adult section to read - opened up whole new worlds.
I loved the Babysitters Club books! Those were the earliest books I can remember reading and truely enjoying for hours! Thanks for entering me into this great giveaway!
As a kid, I think one of the first books that really made me love reading was "The Velveteen Rabbit." I could read it every year for the rest of my life and still be touched by the message. Same with "The Giving Tree." Thanks for the chance to win the generous prize pack! (krstrpp at hotmail dot com)
I think what really got me into reading was this series Sweet Valley. I can remember my cousin telling me you have to read this is amazing. I ended up reading it and loving it.
Thankfully her parents bought her a few of the books so when we got through them we took turns buying them and would pass them on to each other.
Thanks Julie for this contest. Can you add me to the draw:
Thanks for the awesome giveaway. The book I remember that made me love reading was A Wrinkle in Time.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
As a child I loved Charlottee's Web and Three Billy Goat Gruffs.
Cool giveaway. I could write an essay here. :) I loved the Ramona books by Beverly Cleary, along with Ellen Tebbits. I also loved Judy Blume's books. Later I was addicted to Babysitter's Club and Sweet Valley High. And then I found out about V.C. Andrews and she got me through junior high, high school and college.
mbamster0720 (at) gmail (dot) com
I loved the Trixie Belden series.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
I absolutely loved The Babysitters Club as well as R.L. Stine's scary stories! I have been a huge book fan ever since!
WoW! I loved the Sweet Valley High books growing up. I also read all of the Babysitters Club books. Thanks for a great giveaway!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I loved the Boxcar Children series when I was little.
headlessfowl at jteers dot net
Oh where to start, I loved Judy Blume, Babysitters Club, Sweet Vallye High, Beverely Cleary, Roald Dahl, just to name a few.
hofmeis14 @ yahoo dot com
i remember reading judy blume...and nancy drew...loved books as a child...just as i do today :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I read a lot of Goosebumps, Babysitters Club, Young Indiana Jones, and Harriet the Spy as a kid.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
What an awesome giveaway. I have been an avid reader all my life. Some of my early favorites were Ramona, Little House and Nancy Drew.
I used to read all the Sweet Valley books, high and the jr ones, Archie comics and I would sneak some Jackie Collins!!
I loved the Ramona by Beverly Clearly books!!
Those first ones were Little Women, Molly Pitcher, Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D. and on and on.
the madeline books thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
What a wonderful giveaway!
My first love affair with reading was with Trixie Belden. I even have 2 copies that Kathryn Kenny signed and sent to me!
I started with all the Beverly Cleary books from Beezus and Ramona to her more teenage books and all the Anne of Green Gables books. That started me on the road to becoming a Jane Austen fan, anything Tudors and Twilight and good historical fiction! Just finished The Invisible Bridge and loved it.
I always loved the Babysitter's Club books. So cute! But, I especially loved the books with animals like Wind in the Willows and such. And, of course, Agatha Christie as I got a bit older.
bethsbookreviewblog2 AT gmail DOT com
The Anne of Green Gables books made me so happy when I was a child!
smchester at gmail dot com
I enjoyed reading the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew. I still love reading.
I don't know that there was a particular book or group of books that made me into a reader, I just always did. Do remember enjoying the Bobsey Twins though.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I was always a reader but I especially loved Harriet the Spy.
I loved The baby-Sitter's Club and Sweet Valley High series when i was younger. i loved going to the library and finding one I hadn't read yet.
I read every series I could get my hands on as a child, starting with an OLD series called All of a Kind Family, going on to Nancy Drew, ending with Sweet Valley High! I'm so grateful I developed a love of reading, because it's one of my greatest joys and forms of relaxation as an adult!
Nancy Drew and The Anne of Green Gables series really got me excited about reading.
I actually loved the sweet valley high books! I also really enjoyed the babysitters club, and the babysitters club mysteries, AND THE BOXCAR CHILDREN as well as Nancy Drew. Today I read a lot of mysteries and general fiction :)
The Hardy Boys - I know but it got me started!
ky2here at msn dot com
I loved 'Little Women.'
I grew up reading my grandparents old Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Bobbsey Twins, and Cherry Ames (nurse series) books. I also loved the Babysitter's Club and of course Sweet Valley High series, I am so looking forward to the new book coming out. What a great give away!
tkdarcy at hotmail dot com
While I had read books prior to this one, the one that I couldn't put down and then started reading everything I could get my hands on was a book assigned in school; The Yearling.
The first set of books that I really remember not wanting to put down were the Boxcar Children.
After that I read (and still do) everything that I can get my hands on. With some of my favorites being James Patterson, Anne Rice Jackie Collins and Stephen King.
I have tried to teach my children that you can go anywhere you want by opeing a book.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
I loved the Nancy Drew series.
I didn't read Sweet Valley books but I wanted to. I read Nanyc Drew, This is a fantastic giveaway.
clenna at aol dot com
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (Dot) com
Oh my gosh, what an awesome prize!
I've always lived for books LOL, and my early fav reads that inspired my love for books was the book 'The Borrowers'!!! I was fascinated by the idea of tiny people living in the spoon drawer :D
I loved the Nancy Drew books and still love good mystery stories.
I have always loved books and reading. I grew up reading Sweet Valley High, Nancy Drew, Little House On The Prairie, Beverly Clearly and Judy Blume. Thank you for the chance to win.
Dr. Seuss are the first books I can remember reading as a child. What a wonderful introduction to the wonderful world of reading!
The Nancy Drew Series made me fall in love with reading. I would use my allowance to buy a new one every week
rhondastruthers atyahoo.ca
Oh wow! I used to love the Sweet Valley books, the Babysitters Club, and Boxcar Children in addition to the classics like A Little Princess and Heidi. :)
The Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High books were definitely on the top of my list. I think it's great that they are back ten years after(it's been much longer than that for me!)
I also liked Judy Blume books..classics!
cyclona66(at) aol dot com
I loved the Little House on the Prairie books.
Great giveaway. The books I grew up with were The Bobbsey Twins and The Boxcar Children.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I loved the Sweet Valley High books and Encyclopedia Brown.
I was a huge fan of the Nancy Drew series and I read them all - over and over again. This was the start of my life long love of reading - and I'm an English teacher now!
I was a huge fan of the Babysitters Club books. I wanted to be just like those girls!! LOL! THANKS!
I loved the Babysitters Club, still have them all!
I read a series of books that were called Betsy/Tacey book and then were expanded to Betsy/Tacey and Tib books. A great series that I read when I was very young. To this day, when I like a character I like to continue reading about him or her.
I loved the Sweet Valley High books, in fact my mom just found a box of them in my old bedroom. I also loved the Sweet Dreams books, Beverly Cleary books and Judy Blume books.
mama2rob at yahoo dot com
I remember a series about a girl an her palomino.. Trixi Beldan I think.. I mowed through them all!
I didn't read the Sweet Valley books but probably read all the Nancy Drew books. I hope kids are still reading them now, they were great. Thanks for the giveaway.
I absolutely loved the Bobsey Twins and the Boxcar Children! They are still some of my favorite books, though you can't really find the Bobsey Twin series anymore.
sweepyhead at gmail dot com
cheesy me read "Anne Of Green Gables" over and over
Danny and the Dinosaur, The Berenstein Bears, Henry Huggins, and countless others influenced my lifelong love for writing.
I loved the Sweet Vally twins book and The babysitters club and Judy Blume's Fudge books.
I loved reading Judy blume books they were my fav I also loved reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys
In elementary school, I likde to read Dr. Seuss books. Starting around 11 years old, I loved reading The Little House on the Prairie books and Judy Blume books.
Yes, I have to admit that I've read some of the Sweet Valley High books. I remember I came home from school and found a box of books on my bed. My mom bought them at a garage sale. The books were of SVH and The Baby-sitters Club. She knew I loved to read and got them for me. I did read them. At the time I also read R.L. Stine, Christopher Pike and Judy Blume. Several years ago, I started collecting kids books that I use to read at thrift stores. Thanks for my love of reading, I found an interest in writing.
billyburgess20 AT hotmail Dot com
I loved anything by Judy Blume ---she really made me feel better about who I was--I wasn't perfect and I felt like everyone else was.
I read all kinds of books and my favorite authors were Norma Klein, E.B. White, S.E. Hinton and Peggy Parish. Some of these kind of led into the kind of books I like as an adult.
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I loved the Sweet Valley High series when I was young, but my all time favorite would have to be The Babysitter's Club. They really opened the world of reading to me and I'm looking forward to introducing my daughter to the series when she is older.
This is a super giveaway!! I loved the Sweet Valley High Series and am looking forward to reading about the paths that all the characters took.
I've always loved reading, but I really loved the Trixie Belden series.
Little House on the Prairie. I even tell my kids those are so great you should read them, all the time. I love how they had so little and how just going to town was a very special treat. Christmas was not much but it was wonderful. One also learns how to live simply when you read those books.
spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.
My favorites as a kid were the Chronicles of Narnia books. I will never forget reading those out loud in class in the 4th grade. I also liked the Judy Blume books.
The book that really got me interested in reading was Charlotte's Web. Touching, funny and heartwarming, plus, it had talking animals. You can't do better than that!
lahlstedt (at) gmail (dot) com
I can't really say that what I read as a child influenced what I read today because English class TOTALLY turned me off to reading (as long as I live, I will NEVER forget the quiz question of what Mr. Pumblechook had for breakfast!! He wasn't even a major character in Great Expectations, NOR did what he have for breakfast have ANYTHING to do with the story. In fact, when my son had to read it, he went looking for it - and it wasn't there!! But then we figured out that he was reading the abridged version, so I went to the library to get out the real version. It turns out that his breakfast was ONLY mentioned as something like he was going to do something after he finished his breakfast of.... whatever it was).
But I digress. I loved Baby Island, 5 Children and It, and Understood Betsy when I was growing up. After I had kids, I started reading again because I was supposed to set a good example for them. I really like serial killers and other thrillers. They let me escape from my real life, so I can fall asleep without my mind racing all night.
I read Nancy Drew when I was young and now as an adult I still love reading mysteries to try to guess the mystery.
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I always loved the Sweet Valley books, Fear Street mystery books, and The Babysitter's Club books!
beckyspoolstra at gmail.com
I loved all the Fairy tale books like Little Red Riding Hood,Goldilocks, The Three Bears... when I was young.
I loved all the Dr Seuss books, and the Mrs Piggle-Wiggle series!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love science ficton novels
Like many girls I loved Nancy Drew stories. Even to this day my favorite type of book is a good mystery.
I started reading the Little House on the Prairie books when I was 9. I was instantly hooked and could not put them down. I have them today and try to get my children interested in them. However, with Twilight and Percy Jackson, Little house on the prarie is not the first series of choice.
Thank you for the entry,
nikkidavissells at gmail dot com
Growing up I liked to read Nancy Drew and the Babysitters Club. I still love reading as much now as I did then.
Nancy Drew helped me fall in love with reading
As a child I read books like "The Chronicles of Narnia" and "The Boxcar Children". They inspired me to have more imagination and adventure in the books that I read today.
chrystaljns @ gmail dot com
Agatha Christies' "And Then There None" was a great early read!
when i was a kid i loved the little house on the praire books i use to read them all the time :)
When I was a kid I read the Mary Kate and Ashley Series, and the Two of A kind Series!
What a terrific giveaway! No wonder there are so many entries!
My aunt started me on Louisa May Alcott series of books, Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea etc. Although the series is good, I found the books that much better!
Thank you for hosting this wonderful giveaway. I would love to read the updated Valley girls, and anything by Jackie Collins!
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
I'd have to say Watership Down influenced me greatly.
My two favorite books as a child remain my all time favorite books- "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" as well as "The Secret Garden."
brdgcombs at aol dot com
I loved To Kill A Mockingbird and Mice and Men when I was younger, those two books really started my reading obsession, thanks!
I've always loved to read and the first books I can remember reading are the Little House On The Prairie books, when I was a little girl. I loved reading all of them. Thanks for having the contest!
My favorites were the Little House on the Prairie series and Christopher Pike books. I've always had an eclectic taste in reading! :)
safoga at gmail dot com
As a kid I collected the Sweet Valley and Babysitters Club series.
haha .. what a blast from the past .. Sweet Valley High .. I had tons of them!
I read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Treasure Island. garrettsambo@aol.com
WOW! I have always been a reader and I have read SOOO many books over my lifetime. The books that pop into my head are by Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, The Little House series, Anne of Green Gables, and the list goes on and on..... It seems like forever ago that I read Sweet Valley High! I would LOVE to be the winner! Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I loved The Lion, the Witch, the Wardrobe.
I loved all of the Laura Inglass Wilder books. They are fantastic!
I liked the Nancy Drew books growing up but my first grown-up book was Valley of the Dolls. Wow!
ncschools at yahoo dot com
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