First off, I want to thank Booking Mama for having me guest blog. I am honored and delighted that she would ask me to do so! As an author, I think one of my favorite things about what I do is meeting readers. I suppose in some ways it’s an ego thing—unless a reader tells you that she hates your books, and then it’s like a wilting flower (I can actually see an image of myself sort of wilting, and sadly I am no flower). I have been fortunate enough to never have anyone tell me to my face that what I write is awful (thank Heavens). Most readers who pick up my books (my mysteries in particular) know that they are going to be reading something fun and light (albeit they do include murder in wine them), and they won’t have to think too hard. I write to entertain. You will never find me on a literary bestseller list, if you find me on any bestseller list at all (my fingers are crossed and I await the day that Oprah calls me—yeah I know, I can hear you all laughing along with me). However, where you may find me is in the home of one of my readers seated amongst a handful of chatty women, wine glasses in hand and a plate of tasty treats on the coffee table in front of us. Yes I am talking about book clubs and I love them!
On occasion I have had the pleasure to be invited to a book club who has read one of my books. Now, my books are perfect for those book clubs members who also like to open a bottle or two of vino and have some food available because let’s face it, I do write The Wine Lover’s Mystery Series and my new book Happy Hour includes some of those same topics (umm..wine and food. Oh jeez I sound like a wino and a constant eater. Hmmm…am pleading The Fifth). I had one book club who had read the first wine mystery—Murder Uncorked. The really cool thing was that each member made one of the recipes from the book, they bought the wines in the book, and then they invited their spouses for dinner. After a very tasty meal we all sat down and discussed the book and what a writer’s life is like. That was a fun club!
All of the book clubs I’ve attended have been great, hospitable, and generous with their compliments (give people enough wine and they will say wonderful things about your books). In all seriousness, the thing I love the most about book clubs is that there is an obvious camaraderie and friendships that were in place before tend to become tighter due to the commonality of the love of books and reading. And people who hadn’t known each other prior to joining the book club tend to become friends (again over the love of books). Friendships are vital for our livelihood especially for women. I think when women get together whether it’s with a book club or just out for coffee we lean on our friends in good times and bad times. We laugh together and we cry together and we support one another. And I think more than even reading the books themselves that the friendships that come out of being involved in a book club is an awesome, awesome gift!

She graduated from The University of Southern California with a degree in communications, where she studied journalism and hoped to be a reporter. But deep down inside, she'd never given up on being a fiction author, and continued to pursue her dreams while raising a family and working in the equestrian industry. In 2004, Michele received “the call” from her literary agent that Berkley Prime Crime wanted to sign her for the first three books in the Wine Mysteries. Today Michele has nine books out with more on the way.
Michele writes full time now and lives in San Diego with her very supportive husband, children and just a “few” animals.
I am so grateful to Michele for sharing her love of book clubs with us. If you are interested in participating in a future Book Club Exchange, please contact me at bookingmama(at)gmail(dot)com.

Giveaway Alert: Michele has graciously offered to giveaway five copies of her novel HAPPY HOUR! It really is a great book about the strength of female friendships. To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment telling me your favorite thing to drink during a happy hour. Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you in case you win. This contest will be open until Wednesday, March 24th at 11:59 p.m. ET, and I will notify the winners the following day. This contest is open to those of you in the US only. Good luck.
My favorite thing to drink during happy hour is a glass of pink Zinfandel wine :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I dont drink but have no problem with anyone else who does. My favourite would always be boring orange juice.
strawberry daiquiris or amaretto on the rocks.....depends on my mood
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
All of these posts are making me long for a real life book club! I'm not much of a drinker, but I do enjoy a margarita from time to time. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
Hmm... it's been so long :) I guess my favorites are a frozen margarita or a glass of merlot.
I love Asti! It would be my choice.
On occasion, I will have a glass of semi-sweet ROSÉ wine, called River Blush.
My favorite thing to drink during happy hour is a Texas Margarita.
My favorite happy hour drink is a strawberry margarita. thanks!
kc7snowflake (at) AOL (dot) com
I love wine with dinner, but for Happy Hour I usually go for a margarita!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Thank You for having me! After reading these, I think I may have to write a margarita lover's mystery series. :) I could set it in Texas on a dude ranch! Mhhmm--sexy cowboy, murder mystery and margarita drinking heroine. Oh brother...
Anyway--I wish I could check in with everyone all day and read everyone's comments, but my youngest has a major horse show this weekend and we are heading out around noon, but I will be back to check comments before I leave. We are going to the middle of nowhere. It's going to be weird not to have Internet or even cell coverage. I'm thinking that maybe I'll be able to come up with a new storyline out there.
OKay for you margarita lovers (which I happen to be one of them, too) my husband John makes the best! He squeezes fresh orange and lime juice, and makes his own mix, then he uses a good tequila and tops it off with Granbd Marnier. I don't have the specifics but I will see if he will share his secrets and I'll let you know. They are tasty but be careful--potent. All you need is one, lots of chips, salsa and guacamole.
Have a great Thursday!!!
Man, I wonder if she would like to come to a Book Club in Florida???? We do love our wine and food at our meetings, so this book would be a perfect match. My favorite drink of all time is a nice tall glass of Pinot Noir. I would bathe in it if I could. rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com.
I'd love to win this book! My favorite drink is an amaretto sour!
js1997 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Hmm my favorite HH drink is a good glass of red wine :)
Gin and tonic is my drink of choice, but a good top shelf margarita is nice as well.
My choice would be a strawberry marguerita! tWarner419@aol.com
I actually have an autographed copy of her book A VINTAGE MURDER and I loved it. My happy hour beverage used to be margaritas until I realized Tequila was my migraine trigger, so I now have a glass or two of moscato or riesling. Staciele(at)netins(dot)net
I would love to come to Florida for a book club! By the way, I will do online chats via Skype with any book clubs that are interested. Could be fun.
So, I am almost ready for the big trip out to the middle of nowhere. Food is packed, sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. I am not sure how I fill fit small child into the cramped car on the way out to RV rental, but someway we will manage. If our kids only knew all we do for them. :) By the way, I packed a nice red, a Reisling for our horse trainer because it's her fave, and with all this talk of maragaritas, I was forced to get out the tequila. Am hoping my husband won't discover it missing. hehe. So, tonight after we arrive, bed the horses stalls and get small children squared away, I will be toasting all of you for your nice comments and for being readers!
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you very much for checking out the guest blog Booking Mama posted for me.
I've got this posted at Win a Book for you Julie :)
My favorite happy hour drink is a margarita! Great giveaway!
Depending on what kind of mood I'm in, either a Kahlua and Cream or a Bloody Mary. Polar opposites, but good!
I really like a good maragarita, on the rocks, during Happy Hour. What a wonderful author post. Thanks.
hmmm my favorite happy hour drink is typically what's on sale ha.. lately it's been amber bock or bud light wheat.. :)
pinkflipflops44 at gmail dot com
I am not a fancy drink drinker so at happy hour I would order a bud light. But that would make it a great happy hour:) My email is bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
My boyfriend makes this delicious drink called a Pink Lemonade - yummo!
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
Anything with vodka ;-)
librarianapril at gmail dot com
A margarita is always nice! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love vodka cranberry, but I also love a good margarita now and then! Awesome giveaway!!
I LOVE a BIG frosted glass of beer!
My favorite drink is the white russian! Please enter me - vvperesk@gmail.com
My favorite thing to drink during a happy hour would be a wonderful glass of Asti=)
This book looks like a fun read!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
If I'm being a good girl and having a drink and not shots... a screwdriver. If shots are in the equation, definitely cherry bombs. ;)
My favorite is a glass of white wine!
My favorite drink during happy hour is a slow gin fizz. Please enter me. Thanks!
I enjoy a glass of blush Zinfandel. Thanks for the giveaway!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
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