Each set of books will contain the following:
ODD MOM OUT By Jane Porter
MOMMY GRACE By Sheila Schuller Coleman
THE ROAD HOME By Rose Tremain
For your chance to win, just leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me who is your favorite fictional mother. To double or triple your chances, you can blog and/or tweet about this contest with a link back to this post. The giveaway will be open until May 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST; and I will announce all three winners the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. or Canada mailing addresses only -- no p.o. boxes please. Good Luck!
Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite fictional mother would have to be in a book that I am reading right now. It is called The Gift by Eileen Goudge. I think the reason I like her so much is because her daughters find out things about her in her Diaries that they thought their mother never could have done. Her name is Elizabeth Marshall.
I twittered about it at http://twitter.com/trishalynn0708 also.. Thanks again for the chance to win. :)
What a great giveaway!
One of my favorite fictional moms would be Agnes Browne from The Mammy by Brendan O'Carroll.
I will blog in my sidebar : )
meah56 AT gmail Dot com
Wow! What an amazing giveway!
I tweeted about it: http://twitter.com/jennsbookshelf/status/1668743307
My favorite fictional mom is Barbara Forbes from Things I Want My Daughters To Know. She had terminal cancer, and wrote each of her four daughters letters that they receive after her death. Each letter is a bit of wisdom, tailored to that daughter, that helps each of them get through their grieving proceess, and to become stronger women. It's an amazing book. One of my favorites!
Great giveaway! My favorite mother is from a recent book I read because it's the one I can think of and that is Kerri Sullivan in Accidentally Yours by Susan Mallery.
Favorite fictional mother... Hmm. Good question. I guess I'd have to say Rachel Morgan's mom from the Hollows series by Kim Harrison.
I'm going to say Margaret "Marmee" March from Alcott's Little Women - one of my favorite novels of all time! It took a strong women to juggle all of those girls.
Ella from The News from Paraguay.
Here is a link to my tweet about this giveaway:
Ha. You HAD e-mailed this to me this morning!
Thanks for doing that; it makes life much easier. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
Awesome give-away! My favorite would be Stephanie Plum's Grandmother Mazur :) So full of life and vitality and orneriness!!
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
This prize pack looks great. THanks for the giveaway!
Anne Blythe (née Shirley) - Anne of Green Gables after she marries Gilbert and has kids in the rest of the Anne books!
What a great contest!
My favorite fictional Mom is Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter.
Please enter me!
This looks great! Please enter me!
My favorite fictional mother is Lorelei Gilmore from Gilmore Girls.
What a great giveaway! My favorite would be Mrs. March from Little Women.
erodda (at) yahoo (dot) com
These books would be lovely to win!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I Tweeted
greeeneyedwhwomhttp://tinyurl.com/dlb8ku Win Mother's Day Package of Books!
(I still have yet to figure out where the status link is for Twitter)
What a wonderful idea and giveaway. My favorite fictional mother would have to be Meenal, the mother from the novel, The Hindi-Bindi Club. She is memorable and amazing.
My favorite fictional Mom would be Sophie Petrillo from "The Golden Girls" TV show.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
My favorite "mom" is Heidi Elliot (Balancing Act & Bottom Line by Kimberly Stuart) I really like how real she is, shes a mom trying to balance work, motherhood and a husband, and she even makes mistakes. She's also really funny and entertaining. Thanks for entering me for this great book giveaway.
I <3 my Mom :) Would love to read these!
My fav. fictional mom is Marge Simpson...she loves her kids and manages to get everything done week after week. :D
Please count me in! I would l♥ve to read these books! Thanks for the chance! My fav. fict mom is Amy in a good book I am read in high school. tryingtostaycalm@gmail.com
I teach kindergarten. I'll go with Peter's Mom in The Tale of Pter Rabbit!!!
My favourite fictional mom has to be Lorelai Gilmore!!
I see my choice has already been taken :-) I would choose Mrs. March from Little Women because I loved that book and her character when I was growing up.
Great giveaway! I have always adored Marmee from Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, I even called my own marmee Marmee for awhile due to the book.
Thanks for the giveaway,
marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com
The mother in Robert Munsch's book "Love You Forever."
My favorite fictional mom is June Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver. Please include me in your giveaway.
I think Mrs. Weasley from the Harry Potter books is a hoot!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
There are a lot to choose from! Marmee and Mrs. Weasley, definitely. Caroline Ingalls, although she's not fictional.
Awesome giveaway. I'd love to be entered!
Thanks for the contest!! My new favorite mom is Barbara from Things I Want My Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble.
Florence Flowers from the book One Day At A Time.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter. Thanks for the contest!
My fav. fictional mother is Clare Huxtable from the Cosby Show, but Cheryl S. is right, Sophie Petrillo comes a close second.
My favourite fictional mother has always been the old woman who lived in the shoe and had so many children she didn't know what to do.
Wow, what a great giveaway. My favorite fictional mom, another vote for Mrs. Weasley.
Thank you
Dutchlvr1 (at aol.com)
I love Katie Nolan from "a tree grows in brooklyn" - she could have been so many of the grandmas in our neighborhood when I was growing up.
my favorite fictional mother would be Ms. Weasley from Harry Potter hands down...she is amazing!
My favoriet fictional Mother was Richie Cinningham's mom on Happy Days. My favorite fictional grandmother is Grandma Mazur in Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books. She's great.
I would have to say Claire Huxtable from the Cosby Show. I also agree about Grandma Mazur from Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series.
This is a great collection of books.
My favorite fictional mother is Rose Hathaway's mother in the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead.
jaam121388 at yahoo dot com
My favorite fictional mom would had to be Miss Clavel from the book Madeline.
Roseanne Conner--she reminds me of my aunt.
Halfpint's Mom on Little House on the Prarie.
My favorite fictional mom would have to be the mother of The Things I want My Daughter to know. I dont recall her name, sorry, but she was the best. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
My favorite fictional mother would be Carol Ingalls (from Laura Ingall's Little House series). Thanks for a nice giveaway!
My favorite fictional mom would have to be peg bundy from married with children. She is so funny and the opposite of how you would ever imagine a mother to be
"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:
My favorite TV mom would be Claire Huxtable and my favorite book mom would be like many others....Mrs. Weasley.
This is a tough one!
My favorite fictional mother would either be be Charlotte in Charlotte's Web or Tavi's mother in the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher.
Please count me in!
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I've posted a link to your contest on my blog's sideroll.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I've just become a follower - very much like your blog!
I love Kitty from That 70's Show. Her laugh is infectious and she is one sharp cookie!
My favorite fictional mother is Marge Simpson. She's usually so calm and collected when everything around her is chaos.
My favorite fictional mother is Molly Weasley. I love the way she talks and manages her household.
Because I loved and still love the Harry Potter Series so much, I must say that Mrs Weasley is my favorite fictional mother. Doing all she did for her family and also caring for Harry made her almost real in a witcherly way.
I tweeted about it! My favorite fictional mother would have to be Nova from Goodnight Beautiful. Such a beautiful story.
Thanks for the opportunity!
The momma racoon in The Kissing Hand is my favorite mother!
Mrs. Weasley from the Harry Potter books is an awesome fictional mom. She tries hard to be domestic (knitting horrible sweaters) and is so supportive of all her children.
melacan at hotmail dto com
I would have to say my favorie fictional mother is Mrs. March from Little Women.
Love your blog, just found it!
My favorite fictional mother is Sarah Connor from the “Terminator” film series :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I blogged about the giveaway :
I Tweeted the giveaway :
oops forgot to leave my email address:
Thanks for the opportunity!
One of the favorite Mom's in a series is Edna (she actually grandmother is this series) in Marta Acosta's Casa Dracula Series.
Please enter me.
Dottie :)
Please enter me for a chance to win!
I think one of my favorite mothers is one who had motherhood thrust upon her, Marilla Cuthbert. First, with Anne, then Davy and Dora, Marilla eventually melted my heart as a mom.
My favorite fictional mother is Sarah Connor from the Terminator series. She is such a strong figure and extremely protective of her son. I love her. She's the embodiment of a mother who would do anything for her child.
Thanks for the giveaway.
polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail Dot com
Enter me please!
My favorite fictional mother would have to be Mrs.Giordano from Dead is the New Black by Marlene Perez. I like her because she is a strong woman who uses her powers for good.
My favorite fictional mother is Carol Ingles from the "Little House on the Prairie" series.
This is a fantastic giveaway. It would be so great to win.
Thank you,
Christine Womack
Oh man. That's hard.
I guess Molly Weasely from the Harry Potter books. :)
My favorite fictional mom would be Carol Brady from the Brady Bunch
Michael Learned who portrayed Olivia Walton on The Waltons TV series is my favorite fictional mom.
I read mostly historical romance stories. That genre is my favorite, so there is no particular person that comes to mind. So I started thinking about fictional mothers on tv. Mrs. C on Happy Days comes to mind. She always seemed like a fun mother. Sometimes a little spacey but fun. :-D Thanks for the contest - the prize is fantastic.
My favorite fictional Mom is Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter.
My favorite fictional mother would have to be Lorelei from Gilmore Girls.
hmm, how about mrs doubtfire (robin williams) - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
This is great and fun. I like Carol Ingalls, Laura Ingalls mom. I remember how she did so much cooking and I see myself doing the same today. Just not as hard. :')
Marge simpson is the modern version of mrs cleaver - clueless, loving, and always suportive. Mrs Weasley is another great fictional mom.
Marmee from Louisa Alcott's Little Women!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
Lorelei Gilmore! Thanks!
delilah0180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Erma Bombeck is my favorite fictional mother.
Hannah in Hannah's Daughters. She had more strength than any mother ever.
thanks for the giveaway.
the mother of Norman Bates
nazatraz (at) yahoo (dot) com
Please include my name in your giveaway. My favorite fictional Mother is Molly Weasley from J K Rowling's Harry Potter. She has a huge family with many problems and activities. She has enough room in her heart for Harry Potter. She loves everyone and tries to include all in her life.
I'm not sure if she's officially a mother as I'm not sure whether Marilla or her brother adopted Anne.
But Marilla Cuthbert, practical, and non emotional, but who learns how to truly love Anne during the course of Anne of Green Gables.
I've always loved her character.
I don't have a particular favourite fictional mom because I've got the best real Mom ever!
One of my favorite fictional moms is Samantha Stephens of Bewitched. You never knew what would happen in that household.
i like Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Harder to think of one than I thought it should be - but I too vote for Lorelai Gilmore - rip Gilmore Girls :)
Also I blogged about this here:
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