CONGRATULATIONS! You're going to be a big brother or sister!
I want to teach you about me, the baby-to-be, and make this pregnancy as fun as possible for you. Every day, from the time I'm just a single cell to the day I'm born, I will let you know what's happening with me. I'll also have something fun for you to do each day, whether it's coloring, counting, measuring, jumping, journaling, or something else. Wow! Learning *and* having fun. What a concept.
You have probably noticed that most big brother/big sister books are written for toddlers - but this one is designed just for the 5-10 year old.
You'll be able to see how big I am with the Mighty Measuring Tape and can track the days to my due date with the cool Countdown Car on every page.
Bonus features!
- Includes 4 colored pencils to help you write, color, and draw.
- Includes the 24" Mighty Measuring Tape to track my growth.
- Hard cover, 286 pages -- Motherly Way Enterprises
Oh how I wish MAKING ME: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother or Sister! by Julie B. Carr was available when I was pregnant with my little guy. My daughter was almost 5 years old (just a few days shy) when I delivered him, and she would have loved this activity book. Actually, I would have loved it too and I am not sure who would have had more fun with it!
The idea behind this book is terrific. This book is actually a hardcover binder filled with tons of activities for the future big brother or sister to complete. It even comes with a ruler and colored pencils in its own plastic pocket (gotta love that it's all self-contained.) Ms. Carr does a wonderful job explaining how to use this book for both the mother and the big brother/sister. Based on the mother's due date (or conception date), you fill in the date on each page and there is a fun activity a day (for nine months) to get your child excited about the new baby.
I think it's absolutely adorable that this book is written in first person from the unborn baby's point of view. The first page of the book is actually a little note from the unborn baby to the big brother/sister asking for your child to explain a little bit about him/herself. From that point on, there is a countdown until the baby's birth and loads of fun (and easy) activities. I personally think the "Measure Me!" pages are adorable. On these days, the child is supposed to take the ruler provided and see how big the baby is. There are also jokes, search-a-words, coloring, measuring, weighing, etc. I think it's terrific that these activities are fun while not being time-consuming!
This book is geared towards children who are around five years old and up, but I think my four year old could do most of the activities. Some of the activities actually relate directly to the stage of the pregnancy. For example, there are some weighing activities that show the child approximately what size the baby is. There are also pages that have the child color an object that is about the size of the baby, or an activity to color a body part that is developing.
My favorite part of the book is the part on each page where a little baby is holding a sign with the age of the baby. There is also a little description from the baby's point of view saying something about its development -- like comparing the size to ordinary household objects, telling when the baby's body parts grow (fingernails, ears, etc.), and what the baby can do (move eyes, taste, etc.) I think most mothers-to-be would enjoy reading these daily status reports too.
I can't recommend this book enough for a future big brother or sister. I think this book is wonderful because it includes the sibling in the entire pregnancy process. MAKING ME makes the perfect gift for a child from the unborn baby, but remember it should be bought early in the pregnancy! Check out the author's website Unique Pregnancy Gifts for other terrific baby gift ideas for babies, parents, grandparents, siblings, etc.
A big thanks goes out to Julie B. Carr for sending me a copy of MAKING ME!
Great review, but thankfully, I won't be needing this one. I'll keep it in mind for a gift, though.
I wish I would have had this when I was pregnant. Sounds great!
What a great idea! My brother and I are 6 years apart.
This would make a great gift; super way to get the older sibling (to be!) involved with the baby-to-be :)
The pregnancy calendar looks like a nice gift for the expectant mom ... I wonder what this creative author will come up with next?!
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